Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 246 We can show off together again!

Sun Zhuo is not a Spurs player, so he doesn't need to pay attention to Popovich's request. The All-Star Weekend is originally a time for players to relax and have fun. Every player selected for the All-Star Game is a leader in the team and has great responsibilities. As the playoffs approach, everyone definitely wants to preserve their physical strength to prepare for the next sprint stage of the regular season, especially for a team like the Lakers that is on the edge of the playoffs.

But Sun Zhuo will still do what Popovich said. On the one hand, it is out of respect for him. On the other hand, Sun Zhuo is the All-Star vote winner. He has received so many votes and there are so many fans around the world. Wanting to see him play in the All-Star Game, he felt obligated to save this year's All-Star Game.

After Yao Ming got up, as soon as he walked onto the court, he smiled at Sun Zhuo and said in Chinese: "Popovich seems to be deliberately trying to tire us."

Sun Zhuo shrugged and said: "Serving the audience, Yao Ming, look for opportunities to pass the ball, hit the boards and assist me later. I want to alley-oop."

"No problem." Yao Ming could see that Sun Zhuo had already thought of what moves to show in such a short time. Yao Ming himself was also looking forward to partnering with Sun Zhuo. He wanted to be on the same team with Sun Zhuo. The Rockets boss also expressed his interest in Sun Zhuo. Zhuo Ji is very interested.

After Yao Ming and Sun Zhuo reappeared, the atmosphere was still very dull. For the entire game, the fans watched this game without defense and without exciting dunks, as if they were watching a training match between the two teams.

Sun Zhuo quickly broke the dullness of the scene with a dunk.

The Western Stars attacked, Sun Zhuo dribbled across the center line, and Yao Ming came up to screen for Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo did not play the ball himself, but gave the ball to Yao Ming, letting Yao Ming play first.

Yao Ming had communicated with Sun Zhuo before and knew what Sun Zhuo wanted, so he took the lead in launching an attack. Because now the Eastern Stars had a larger lead and the defense was still so loose. O'Neal was even more lazy. Yao Ming passed O'Neal in one step.

"This big tall guy..." O'Neal discovered that Yao Ming wanted to play singles and immediately chased him. He didn't want Yao Ming to succeed.

Others in the Eastern Star Team also thought that Yao Ming wanted to go it alone. In the All-Star Game, it is normal for a center to dribble from the top of the arc to the basket for a dunk.

Just when everyone was focusing on Yao Ming, Sun Zhuo was completely left alone.

When Yao Ming noticed that Sun Zhuo had an opportunity, he did not pass it directly to him. Instead, he did what he told him to do and hit the backboard for him to hit the alley-oop.

He became teammates with Tracy McGrady, who was used to hitting rebounds. Yao Ming's level of smashing rebounds and assists was not bad, and the intensity and angle of throwing the rebounds were very good.

So, after Yao Ming broke through from the left, he suddenly threw it on the backboard, and Sun Zhuo went directly to the basket from the right!

The ball hit the backboard and quickly rebounded. Sun Zhuo jumped up and flew in the air. After receiving the ball, he turned 360 degrees clockwise and dunked with both hands!


"Another dunk after catching a rebound! This time it was not a self-throw and a dunk, but an assist from a teammate, but this time he actually did a 360 turn!"

Even the members of the Western and Eastern Star teams in the dugout were all amazed. The players of the Western Star team stood up and applauded the dunk, while Arenas of the Eastern Star team opened his mouth as if he was dumbfounded. mouth, and then asked Paul Pierce and Ben Wallace beside him: "Who has ever done a 360-degree turn for an alley-oop dunk?"

Paul Pierce and Ben Wallace were both shocked and silent. Vince Carter, who was also on the court, said: "No one has ever played like this. Sun was the first. His teammates assisted with rebounds. I also tried to do a 360-degree turn." It is better to have no one to defend the fast break. The ball just now was a positional attack. Sun completed the dunk through the crowd. For such a dunk, he must also ask his teammates to help him. If If you throw yourself into a trap, it will be difficult to complete.”

Sun Zhuo's dunk instantly ignited the dull atmosphere at the scene. Many people woke up from their "slumber" and shouted that it was a worthwhile trip to see such a dunk in this year's All-Star Game.

Popovich also laughed, "This guy is really a born performer. If every player opens a special ticket sale like Magic, Sun will definitely be the most popular one. He stole the show again, and will be an All-Star in the future. In the game, everyone will become more and more inseparable from him, and if you use up more energy in the All-Star Game, maybe you won't go to the playoffs to disrupt the situation."

Popovich has already seen that the Lakers team of Sun Zhuo and Kobe Bryant must be the biggest spoiler in this year's playoffs. They will definitely not be able to win the championship, but no matter which team encounters them, don't expect it to be easy.

Sun Zhuo's dunk will definitely become the best dunk in this year's All-Star Game. James is a little jealous of Sun Zhuo's influence. He lost to Sun Zhuo yesterday. This year, he can't just shoot without dunking, so James quickly completed an empty space with Wade. After receiving a dunk, this dull game was finally saved.

"Finally I can show off with my brother again!" O'Neal, who was originally listless, saw that Sun Zhuo suddenly exerted his strength and wanted to play a wonderful game. How could he not participate?

Although O'Neal and Sun Zhuo are not on the same team now, the two can play their own roles and even PK.

"Give me the ball!" O'Neal walked to the backcourt and took the basketball from James. Then, O'Neal began to dribble from the backcourt and actively provoked Sun Zhuo, hooking Sun Zhuo and asking Sun Zhuo to come and guard him. .

The audience also laughed and shouted Sun Zhuo's name. Sun Zhuo smiled and took the initiative to step forward to defend O'Neal.

After Sun Zhuo came over, O'Neal began to transform into a point guard, dribbling with his hips and behind his back. His movements were all very exaggerated and funny, and everyone who watched them laughed. Sun Zhuo could easily cut off O'Neal's fancy moves. The ball, but Sun Zhuo wanted O'Neal to make a mistake.

O'Neal was showing off and he accidentally hit the ball on his leg. Sun Zhuo immediately rushed over to grab the ball and then dunked in a big windmill.

"Thank you for your assist." Sun Zhuo came back and said to O'Neal.

O'Neal also laughed: "My dribbling has regressed."

Immediately afterwards, O'Neal once again stopped being a point guard, but reappeared the inside dominance of the inside shark.

The Western Stars were on a fast break. O'Neal was the only one defending under the basket because he was too lazy to walk slowly. Sun Zhuo originally planned to attack O'Neal on his own fast break, but when he saw Yao Ming coming over, he wanted to help Yao Ming and O'Neal. In the duel, he gave the ball to Yao Ming. After receiving the ball, Yao Ming went to the basket for a layup. O'Neal slapped him out, and Yao Ming fell down.

The ball hit Ray Allen who was following behind. Ray Allen made a layup and was blocked by O'Neal.

After blocking two shots in a row, there was a slight exclamation from the scene.

At this time, the ball fell into Sun Zhuo's hands. O'Neal jumped twice in a row. His physical energy had been consumed a lot, and he probably couldn't jump very high. If Sun Zhuo was serious, he could complete a dunk, but Sun Zhuo also went up when he got the ball. A layup, and this layup was light and had no strength or height. It was just thrown at O'Neal's face. O'Neal understood what it meant and blocked another overbearing shot, three times in a row.

McGrady was also on the court. He and O'Neal are good friends. Seeing O'Neal block three times in a row, how could he not make O'Neal's fourth?

So, McGrady also assisted O'Neal to block a shot.

"Oh, Shaq blocked it four times!"

Only Nowitzki was left on the court. O'Neal blocked the shot for the fourth time. The ball hit a position closer to the Eastern Stars, but Iverson of the Eastern Stars deliberately gave the ball to Nowitzki.

After Nowitzki got the ball, he was not in the spirit of entertainment. He wanted to shoot directly from the outside and did not want to give O'Neal a chance to five kills. However, Iverson pushed Nowitzki from behind, forcing Nowitzki to Witsky walked to the basket.

Nowitzki staggered to the basket, threw it casually, and was blocked by O'Neal five times!

This will definitely be the most hilarious scene in this year's All-Star Game. O'Neal got what he wanted and once again demonstrated his "dominance", completed the pretense, and blocked five shots in a row in a single defense, which can be called an ancient masterpiece. It’s time to shine!

"This is all thanks to Sun. Finally, we are showing off together with Sun! Haha!" O'Neal was excited.

At this moment, Sun Zhuo actually took the initiative to grab the basketball that was slapped out by O'Neal for the fifth time, and then ran towards O'Neal again!

"Do you want to come here for the sixth time? I'm going to cover 10 in a row today! This is what brothers are like!"

One second later.

"OH, SH1T!"

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