Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 282 Make an appointment with WWE!

The scene was completely in chaos!

NBA fights happen every season, but it is rare for them to turn into such fierce fights. Last year there was the Auburn Hills Palace incident, and this year there was the "Amway Arena brawl." This kind of fight has happened in the NBA for two consecutive years. For those who like to watch fights rather than watch competitions, these two years have indeed been a blessing.

Sometimes as a fan, watching dozens of minutes of games every time is too boring. The conflicts between players can actually make people excited. After Sun Zhuo knocked down Artest, there were many Fans on and off the scene cheered loudly, as if they were watching WWE.

Artest completely fainted and had no energy left to resist. After O'Neal was thrown over his shoulder, he did not dare to trouble Sun Zhuo anymore. Both of them were defeated by Sun Zhuo.

The audience at the scene was also shocked by Sun Zhuo's personal fighting ability.

"It's so strong. A tough guy like Ron Artest can't beat Sun. Sun is probably the fiercest fighter in the NBA, right?"

"I think he is the fiercest fighter in the world! Sun Ke defeated Ron Artest and Jermaine O'Neal by himself. Who in the world can do such a thing?"

Sun Zhuo's strength is too exaggerated, and more importantly, because Sun Zhuo does not have as strong muscles as Karl Malone, they are all curious about where Sun Zhuo's strength comes from?

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Sun Zhuo also felt a little worried. He had shown a strength that did not match his body. If anyone suspected him, Sun Zhuo would be in trouble.

There were a lot of security guards at the scene. Originally, these people were prepared for Artest. Unexpectedly, they were going to stop Sun Zhuo in the end. Everyone rushed onto the court and surrounded Sun Zhuo to prevent Sun Zhuo from making any further moves. , two people each took one of Sun Zhuo's arms and took Sun Zhuo out of the arena.

"Oh my God, Sun Yat-sen is too impulsive. He staged such a fierce fight today. I don't know how many games he will be suspended. Without him, how can the Magic make it to the playoffs this season?"

"The gain is not worth the loss! For a small role like Ron Artest, Sun has risked his future this season! He could have competed for the scoring title this season. If he leads the team well, he will also have a chance to win the regular season MVP. of."

Magic coach Hill lowered his head. He was already in despair for this season. Sun Zhuo's brawl was very serious and he would be suspended for at least dozens of games. The Magic would probably not even make the playoffs, let alone compete for the championship. Woolen cloth?

At this time, Lakers boss Jerry Buss was also paying attention to this game. Seeing Sun Zhuo beating Artest and O'Neal on the court without any scruples, Jerry Buss smiled and shook his head: " This guy is indeed a time bomb. As a superstar, how can he do whatever he wants? Now it seems that the Lakers trading him is not a bad thing. He is very strong, but he often messes up some things."

Back in the locker room, Sun Zhuo looked calm and in a comfortable mood, and was not worried about the upcoming suspension.

"I felt so good after beating Artest. Now I have completely vented my hatred towards him. If I do it again later, I won't have to beat him."

Sun Zhuo holds the game repeat challenge card, which can overwrite what happened just now. This season is very important for Sun Zhuo. This is the first time for him to lead the team as the boss. He wants to prove his leadership ability to everyone. , we can't be suspended for so many games because of Artest, it's not worth it.

But Artest offended Sun Zhuo many times, and he felt bad if he didn't teach this guy a lesson. Now it's perfect, he has taught him a lesson once, and he is psychologically satisfied. Next, he can beat him again and stop fighting. .

"Now everyone should think that I am impulsive and irresponsible to the team, right? It's a pity that your ideas can only exist for so long. Soon, I will make these stupid ideas of yours disappear, as if they never existed. Live the same life.”

Sun Zhuo quickly used a game repeat challenge card and immediately restarted the challenge.

Just like the previous game, they played quietly for a few minutes. Then, Artest became more and more angry as he thought about it. He decided to retaliate against Sun Zhuo this time and started to make provocative fouls.

"It's about to start, it's about to start! Ron Artest may have a fight with Sun Dafa this time!"

"Haha, I'm actually looking forward to it. I wonder who is better, Ron Artest or Sun Yat-sen?"

Sun Zhuo has already given the audience a feast of fighting before. This time Sun Zhuo will not give it again. If he can't help but fight again this time, then Sun Zhuo will consume another game repeat challenge card. Otherwise, you can't really endure being suspended for so many games, right?

"No, I can't waste any more games and repeat challenge cards. I just beat Artest and Jermaine O'Neal violently, and now I feel very happy. This time, I can't allow myself to be suspended, but I can't suffer a loss, and I can't be cowardly. "

If Sun Zhuo blindly pursues not to be suspended and turns a blind eye to Artest's provocation, then it is estimated that many fans will feel that Sun Zhuo is timid and will not dare to confront Artest.

In his previous life, when Artest was with the Rockets, he had a conflict with Kobe Bryant during a game with the Lakers. Artest put his face directly on Kobe's neck and provoked Kobe, while Kobe held it high in the air. He used his hands to prove to the referee that he didn't make any moves. As a result, he was criticized by many people.

In fact, Kobe's approach is correct. As the core of a team and a superstar with countless fans around the world, there is really no need to be as knowledgeable as Artest, a guy who can make highlights in fights, but psychologically and in terms of face. It is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. If Kobe also has a game repeat challenge card, I believe Kobe will do exactly the same as Sun Zhuo. He will first play a game with Artest, then use the game repeat challenge card, and then honestly fight for a peace. of.

However, how can we prevent fans from thinking that Sun Zhuo is cowardly?

The best way is to solve the root problem and prevent Artest from continuing to commit such malicious fouls and provoke Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo still has a lot of ideas, especially when facing familiar people.

During a timeout, Sun Zhuo suddenly said to Artest: "Hey, did you notice that there are a lot of security guards today?"

This is the home court of the Magic, and Artest is also more cautious. He glanced at every corner of the arena and found that there were indeed many people wearing uniforms at the venue.

"Are you afraid that I would hit you, so you deliberately invited so many people to protect you? Haha, you are so timid." Artest sarcastically said.

Sun Zhuodao: "If I didn't have the guts, I wouldn't have provoked you again and again. To tell you the truth, this was arranged by the league president David Stern. I have never seen these people. Not only are these people in uniform Security guards, some are even placed in the auditorium, didn’t you realize that today’s referee is the same referee you were on duty when you were playing against the Pistons at this time last year?”

Artest immediately became nervous. After careful observation, he found that there were indeed a few people in the audience with suspiciously strong figures. They were all staring at him. They felt that they could enter combat mode at any time. They did not look like they were watching the game to relax. , glanced at the referee, and thought about it carefully, it was indeed as Sun Zhuo said, that was the referee in the fight with Ben Wallace.

Artest knew that this was not arranged by Sun Zhuoneng. Maybe it was really specially designated by David Stern.

Seeing Artest's fearful look, Sun Zhuo continued: "I know you want to take revenge on me and fight with me, but I have to remind you, David Stern said, if you dare to do this again, If you get into a fight, as long as you take action, you will be suspended for a whole season. Are you having a hard time with the Pacers now? If you are suspended for two consecutive seasons, do you think the team will still want you? Can you still be a leader? "

"Damn..." Artest was indeed a little timid, especially what David Stern said. As long as he makes a move, he will be suspended for a whole season. This is really unbearable. It is not just that he can't play for a season. , this season's salary is gone. Last season he lost 5 million US dollars due to suspension. If this happens again this season, he will become a pauper.

In fact, Sun Zhuo made up this sentence, and David Stern never said it at all. Even if he did, Sun Zhuo would not know it.

"Hmph, did you think I would let you go like this? Who have I been afraid of?" Artest was already afraid in his heart, but he was still trying to show off.

Sun Zhuodao: "Don't you just want to fight with me? Can't we just make an appointment? Why do we need to be in the NBA? I want to win the scoring title this season, and you also have to prove your strength to the new club. Why should we? Has this little thing affected your career future?"

Artest suddenly felt that Sun Zhuo was a bit scary. Sun Zhuo actually knew that Artest wanted to change to a new team. In fact, he already had the idea of ​​leaving the Pacers, but he had not yet started to apply for a trade for himself. O'Neal didn't even know Artest had any thoughts of leaving.

"A fight? Do you really dare? Where?" Artest laughed.

"How about we go to WWE for a fight?" Sun Zhuo suggested.

"WWE?" Artest was deeply surprised, never expecting that Sun Zhuo would dare to make such a suggestion.

WWE is an American professional wrestling competition. In fact, many NBA superstars are fans of WWE. Strong men like O'Neal, Karl Malone, and Rodman have also "played" there.

"What, don't you dare?" Sun Zhuo knew that people like Malone had been to WWE, but he had never heard of Artest going to WWE in his previous life.

"It's funny, will I be scared? Is it wrestling? You will regret choosing this stage." Artest was completely excited.

WWE is the abbreviation of World Wrestling Entertainment. It is an entertainment and performance. In fact, it is more suitable for celebrities like Sun Zhuo and Artest. If the two people really want to have a deep hatred, they can directly use guns to solve it in private. Artest wants to It's just a face.

After making an agreement with Artest, Sun Zhuo began to perform individual performances without any scruples. He had already played this game once, and scoring was too easy for him. Sun Zhuo's score soon exceeded 30 points. , it seems that scoring 40 points in this game is easily achieved.

"Damn it, does this guy want to get 50+ again?" Artest was the one who defended Sun Zhuo. He felt that he was very embarrassed, so in desperation, he couldn't help but use some fierce foul moves. .

Sun Zhuo was pulled down and was very angry. He had obviously made an agreement with Artest, but this guy was still so unrestrained.

"Do you still want to play with me?" Sun Zhuo asked Artest.

Artest shrugged, "I didn't want to fight with you. It was you who kept scoring on my head, causing me to lose face."

Faced with such a scoundrel, Sun Zhuo was also speechless. You can't prevent me, right?

"Artest has already committed three fouls, and the Pacers' coach doesn't care at all and keeps him on the court. In this game, the referee will also pay special attention to Artest. I'd better let him leave the game early for his six fouls. "

However, I don’t know how long it will take before he leaves the game after committing six fouls. Sun Zhuo now wants to teach Artest a lesson. He had taught him a lesson by fighting before, but this time he wanted to use basketball.

Sun Zhuo had already thought of a plan. He first found his teammate Dwight Howard, "Dwight, do you want to dunk someone else?"

"Like you dunking me? Of course I thought about it, but such opportunities are rare." Ever since Howard was dunked by Sun Zhuo, he has always wanted to dunk others, and the target does not necessarily have to be Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo whispered: "I will create opportunities for you later, I will..."

Sun Zhuo briefly explained his strategy to Howard, which is to attack the opponent alone under the basket, lure the target person deep into the basket, and then pretend to be defeated and pass the ball to the man standing a little further away. Howard, then, let Howard rush to the basket and give his opponent a hard dunk.

This target person is naturally none other than Artest.

Since Artest didn't want Sun Zhuo to score more than 40 points, he used all his strength every time he defended Sun Zhuo. When Sun Zhuo didn't have the ball, he stayed very close to him. Once there was a move to catch the ball, He will immediately use his body to wrap around him. Sometimes this kind of hard defense directly leads to teammates not daring to pass to Sun Zhuo rashly for fear of being intercepted by the fierce Artest.

"Do you want to win the best defensive player this season? It's good to have a good defensive attitude, but sometimes it's not a good thing to defend too seriously. You may get dunked." Sun Zhuo reminded.

This is not alarmist. Everything has two sides. Guarding very seriously has advantages, but it also has disadvantages. For example, Brandon Knight, the famous background player in the NBA, was once defeated by the Clippers because he defended too seriously and too aggressively. The beast inside Jordan was dunked to the ground.

"You want to ride and dunk me? I'm afraid you don't have the ability." Artest has been defending Sun Zhuo closely. No matter how strong Sun Zhuo is, how can he be able to dunk him?

Artest obviously didn't understand Sun Zhuo's reminder. Sun Zhuo was not talking about his buckle.

After a few minutes, Sun Zhuo got a chance to fast break the basket. Artest stayed close to Sun Zhuo and did not give Sun Zhuo a chance to dunk. Sun Zhuo forced a dunk, but was blocked!

"Haha, I actually successfully blocked Sun's dunk!" Artest was excited. Who else would be the best defensive player this season!

"That's not right. I've seen Sun dunk before. He can't jump that low." Jermaine O'Neal, who was still in the backcourt, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

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