Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 313 Dilemma and pressure!

Things that people remember will always become more and more blurred over time. Sun Zhuo felt that it was quite meaningful to do this.

Kerry did not stay in Orlando for a long time. Sun Zhuo also had to play away games and had no time to accompany her. She also knew that Sun Zhuo was now in the critical final stage of the regular season. She only stayed for one day and then left. Kerry said that she would wait until the Magic When the team plays in the playoffs, she will come over to watch.

It’s already March, and the competition this month is particularly fierce. If there are teams that want to sprint for the playoffs, it will be too late to wait until April. March is also a crucial month for the Magic. As long as Sun Zhuo can maintain the same performance as the previous two months in this month and keep the Magic in the top two positions in the Eastern Conference, then Sun Zhuo will basically be locked in as the regular season MVP.

However, considering the issues in the playoffs, Sun Zhuo had to make some choices. He needed to give up some ball rights and let Howard and the others train.

Several animations produced by Sun Zhuo were completed quickly. After completion, Sun Zhuo specially showed it to Howard and others after everyone watched the game tape.

Sun Zhuo took out his notebook in the locker room and waved to Howard: "Dwight, you almost fell asleep watching the tape. Come over here and show you something good."

Howard yawned. He really had no interest in watching game tapes, especially the game he had just played. He felt there was nothing interesting to watch. After hearing Sun Zhuo's words, Howard immediately became interested and stepped forward and said, "Good stuff. ? Is it Victoria Cruz’s new movie? You surprised me, haha!”

"Ahem...Boss, this is the team's locker room. It doesn't seem good to watch it here, right?" Turkoglu also thought it was Victoria's movie and warned him, his face also a little embarrassed, because Victoria and He had a one-night stand and always felt that it was not good for his woman to be stared at by everyone.

Sun Zhuo said helplessly: "You guys think too much, it's animation."

"Haha, it's really tasteful. I don't like watching real people, but the animation is actually quite good." Nielsen laughed and came over.

"..." Sun Zhuo was even more speechless. It turned out that Nielsen was also interested in watching CR animations.

When Sun Zhuo opened the FLASH animation on his computer and everyone saw a few stick figures standing on the basketball court, they realized whether it was a real animation or a basketball animation.

Nelson scratched his head and walked back without interest. Howard still found it interesting and asked: "I think you heard that RB has a classic basketball cartoon called "Slam Dunk". This is it." A cartoon, right? With all due respect, this picture is quite shabby, haha.”

"This is not a cartoon, but a tactical move specially designed and produced by me. There are several classic passing combinations here. See how others pass it, and learn from it." Sun Zhuo said.

Howard smiled and said: "Isn't it? You want me to learn the movements of an anime character? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you designed the movements. Well, it's rare that you made these movements into animations, so I'll appreciate them. Bar."

Howard took the notebook, put it on his lap, and started reading while drinking water.

Afraid that Howard wouldn't understand, Sun Zhuo also explained it from the side: "The one wearing jersey No. 1 can be regarded as me, and the one wearing jersey No. 33 can be regarded as you."

"Boss, the animator got my number wrong. I am No. 12, and this No. 33 is too fat. How can I be that fat?" Howard thought that the prototype of No. 33 was himself, and was a little dissatisfied. road.

"Don't pay attention to these details. I meant to let you think it's you. I didn't say it was you." Sun Zhuo explained, replayed the animation and said: "Look, the one in blue is our team. Wearing The one with the white jersey is our opponent, now we are attacking, Nelson is holding the ball at the top of the key."

"Oh? Is there still me?" Upon hearing this, Nelson immediately came forward.

"No. 1 is me. I am at a 45-degree angle on the right side. There is a defender next to me who is keeping close to me. I am trying to get rid of his defense. Suppose this No. 15 is Turkoglu or Granger. He stands You set a screen for me at the free throw line, and I used the screen to get away from the defender for a second, and at this time, Nelson passed the ball into your hands."


There was a clear sound of a basketball hitting the floor from the computer. This sound was the assist pass from No. 33 to No. 1.

"Did you see that? If you can pass a ball like this to me at the moment I get rid of the defensive player, and let me attack the basket directly, this offense will be solved easily!"

Sun Zhuo said excitedly that he expected Howard to become a big man like Diaw who dared to pass the ball and could pass the ball. If so, the game would become much simpler. Like the situation demonstrated in the animation, the Magic this season is not It has never happened before. Sun Zhuo ran without the ball to get rid of the defensive player, but he succeeded, and Howard failed to pass the ball. The purpose of his passing was too obvious, and it was very slow. When it was passed to Sun Zhuo, , the defensive players also caught up.

"Oh, boss, your animation looks like a science fiction movie. It's so cool." Howard showed his big white teeth and smiled. He didn't think this pass was bad, but thought it was too good and too cool. It's too unrealistic.

In the animation, when No. 1 receives the ball, there is a player in a white jersey standing next to No. 1, who may intercept the pass at any time, and No. 33 passes the ball with his back to the basket and hits the ground backwards. Passing the ball, this action itself is a difficult pass.

Howard did not say what was in his heart, but continued to watch the animation produced by Sun Zhuo.

The animations produced by Sun Zhuo were all classic passing movements without exception. Howard was naturally amazed, but they all thought that these were fictional and imagined by Sun Zhuo, but Howard, a big boy, also enjoyed them.

Next, Howard watched another very classic passing action of Marc Gasol in his previous life.

"Oh, this animation is obviously not designed by the same designer as the one just now. Look, this No. 33 is not as fat as the No. 33 just now, hahaha." Howard laughed. Since Marc Gasol is also No. 33, Howard thought these two The number 33 is actually one person, or in other words, Howard thinks that Sun Zhuo has set the inside center to be the number 33, and there will be no other number.

"Oh, this action is cool!" Howard was shocked when he saw Marc Gasol's passing action.

Marc Gasol's action was that he first received a pass from his teammate in the low post. After receiving the ball, he immediately attacked the basket. It seemed that he was about to become stronger in singles, but after dribbling the ball, he took two steps, but it was not A layup or floater was a no-look pass. A basketball teammate slipped in from the right corner. Marc Gasol made a light throw and threw it to his inside teammate to complete the assist.

"Haha, boss, you are so imaginative. These actions are all very cool." Howard really watched it like a cartoon and was very excited, but Sun Zhuo doubted whether Howard would really learn anything. , whether you will really practice in private.

Howard didn't give a definite reply. He just kept praising Sun Zhuo for doing these animations very well, which impressed him very much. If Sun Zhuo just found a few people to demonstrate it in front of him, then maybe in a few days Howard will forget it, but these animated images are very interesting and he will not forget it in a few months.

At the end of the day's training, Nelson and Howard left the arena in the same car. In the car, Nelson asked Howard: "Will you practice as Sun said? Will you use these actions on the game field?"

Howard smiled and said: "Spare me, I don't dare to pass the ball like that. One or two of these animations are quite normal. Magicians or others have done similar actions before, but some are too bold. The key issue is It’s just that these actions are fictitious, and these defenders and attackers are all imagined by Sun Zhuo, and they are not real game scenes. It is indeed very cool to watch, but I don’t think it really adapts to our real game.”

Nelson was puzzled: "However, judging from Sun's explanation, it seems as if he has really experienced these competitions. Besides, whether he is creating novels or animations, the author will combine some things that have happened in reality. You said these actions are Isn’t it what he experienced before entering the NBA?”

"Have you ever experienced it in real life?" Howard just tilted his head back and immediately leaned forward and said: "Don't be ridiculous, man, he didn't even play in CBA before he entered the NBA. Besides, even in CBA, he can't be so tall. The level of play, the passes we see in these animations are rare in the NBA, and if this is a game he has experienced personally, there is only one possibility."

"What's possible?" Nelson touched the steering wheel and looked at Howard.

"There is a league in the world that is more powerful than the NBA, and it is also a very secret underground league that no one knows about. Haha, do you think this is possible?" Howard smiled and tilted his head back again.

Nelson also smiled. Indeed, the level of those animation displays is very high, but how can there be a league with a higher level than the NBA in the world?

After defeating the Cavaliers, the Magic began to systematically give young people like Howard opportunities to practice. Sun Zhuo also reduced his shots, and the Magic's record began to fluctuate. They basically lost one game and won another, and sometimes lost consecutive games, but No more winning streak.

March is already halfway through, and there is only one month left before the end of the regular season. At this time, the Magic's record has dropped to fourth in the Eastern Conference, and is only one win away from fifth.

Can Sun Zhuo still win the regular season MVP?

In the eyes of many people, this is a bit of a hopeless hope.

When Westbrook won the regular season MVP in 2017, he led the team to sixth place in the Western Conference in the regular season, but he got a triple-double in the season, and the selection criteria ten years later are still somewhat different from what is valued now. .

From 2006, moving forward, last season, when Nash won the regular season MVP trophy, the Suns were first in record. In the 2003-04 season, Garnett won the MVP, and the Timberwolves were first in the Western Conference in 01-02. Duncan, the MVP of the 2002-03 season, has the same record with the Spurs. Iverson, the MVP of the 2000-01 season, and the Philadelphia 76ers are also first in the Eastern Conference.

If the Magic are only ranked fourth or fifth in the Eastern Conference, then he will indeed be very uncompetitive against Steve Nash. People will say that Sun Zhuo is a player with better personal ability, but he is not the best player for MVP. Candidate.

"Sun has no hope of winning the MVP this season. Not only that, they can't go far in the playoffs this season." James has always been paying attention to the situation of Sun Zhuo and the Magic. He knows that the Magic's record is declining and Sun Zhuo's personal data is not so explosive. , and judging from the performance of young players like Magic Howard during this period, it is impossible for them to do much in the playoffs.

James is very happy. As long as Sun Zhuo doesn't win the MVP and championship, then they will still be in the same position, and James can surpass him at any time.

At this moment, facing the current situation, Sun Zhuo also felt very uncomfortable.

After the team lost four games in a row, Coach Hill specifically stayed with Sun Zhuo after everyone left the gym.

When Sun Zhuo wanted to help young players like Howard grow up, Coach Hill said something to Sun Zhuo, telling him to be patient, because he knew that with Sun Zhuo's age and his personality, he would think a lot about everything. We'll see the results soon, but this is obviously unrealistic. Sun Zhuo can impress people in the short time he enters the league, but others can't. Some people only know how to use their talents after playing for several years.

Hill and Sun Zhuo were sitting side by side in the locker room. Seeing Sun Zhuo's expression of frustration, he comforted him: "I told you before, this is not something that is easy to see results. If you are too anxious, it will only affect your health." My own sentiments are the same as yours. Dwight Howard is a talented center who needs to be used well in a specific system, but he is still very immature right now. Even if each of them is comfortable and plays in their favorite way, They still can't win the game."

"Bryan, do you think with our strength this year, we can compete for the championship? Can we beat the Miami Heat and the Dallas Mavericks?" Sun Zhuo is indeed in a bad mood, not because he is getting further and further away from the regular season MVP. Rather, during this period of time, he discovered that his extremely talented teammates were now too immature.

Howard, Ariza, and Danny Granger are indeed very strong and can be called giants, but that will be a few years later.

Sun Zhuo began to wonder whether this Magic team could still compete for the championship?

Brian Hill said: "Who knows what hasn't happened yet? I believe you are ready to have a big fight in the playoffs. I also believe no one can stop you. You also feel the help around you now." It may not be enough, but I also want to ask you a question, if Dwight and the others improve very quickly and fully meet your expectations, then do you think our team can win the championship?"

Sun Zhuo did not answer. There have been too many accidents in NBA history, and nothing is certain at all.

The frustration in Sun Zhuo's heart disappeared a lot, "You are right, no matter how strong we are, the playoffs are an adventure full of uncertainties. The only thing we can grasp is now!"

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