Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 412 Howard explodes!

"Hahaha..." As the culprit, Sun Zhuo couldn't stop laughing when he heard O'Neal's words. He really wanted to tell O'Neal that you were not possessed by an evil spirit that day, but that you were possessed by your brother!

O'Neal was confused and shared the story of that day with Sun Zhuo in a rich voice: "I remember when I got to the court that day, I grabbed rebounds like crazy and blocked shots like crazy. I don't know why I was so excited that day. That's how the Coleman kiss happened, but damn, that bastard Coleman suspected me of being gay afterwards and spread rumors everywhere. You also know that I had just joined the league at that time, and everyone didn't know me very well. Unexpectedly, many people actually believed it, and I was so angry that it took me a few months to find an opportunity to have sex with his wife, and he finally shut up."

"What?" Sun Zhuo was stunned after hearing this. O'Neal actually cuckolded Coleman afterwards?

Oh my god...this has nothing to do with me!

Sun Zhuo coughed twice and said: "Forget it, Shaq, it's all in the past. Coleman is also a player with historical talent. Karl Malone said that if Coleman works as hard as he does, , then the number one player in the league is not Michael Jordan."

"Shit, if I wanted to work as hard as Michael Jordan and Kobe, then I would have six championships and six FMVPs now. How could there be so many ifs? Do you think hard work is easy?!" O'Neal argued.

O'Neal's words left Sun Zhuo unable to refute. Indeed, there are many times when everyone is saying that if so-and-so works as hard as so-and-so, he will achieve unimaginable things. When talking about hard work, it seems casual. Even one person can do the same.

Sun Zhuodao: "It's not difficult to work hard for a day or a season. What's difficult is to keep it up. There have been many talents in the league, many dazzling new stars, but most of them quickly disappeared from people's sight. Shaq, you You used to work very hard. I remember you scored 61 points in one game. It’s really hard to imagine how you could take so many shots in a game and work so hard to chase points? Can you tell me about it?”

O'Neal recalled the past, and his voice became much softer: "Haha, the day I scored 61 points and 23 rebounds happened to be my 28th birthday. This is just one of the reasons. The most important reason is that I paid tribute to The Clippers, oh, our opponent that day, I asked my relatives and friends from the Clippers for tickets, but they didn't give them to me. So, during the warm-up before the game, I asked Ron Harper, Today is my birthday, can I just do whatever I want? Harper said, whatever you want, do whatever you want. Then, I scored like crazy in the paint, you know, at that time No one can guard me, and my field goal percentage has ranked first in the league for three consecutive seasons. That was also the last season I won the scoring title. Alas, when I tell you this, I miss it very much. that time."

Sun Zhuo smiled and said, "Do you want to go back to that game again?"

O'Neill said: "Of course, even in my wildest dreams, I can reduce my life time by X for the next ten hours."

"Hahaha." Sun Zhuo was amused by O'Neal again.

"I'll go back for you, Shaq." After hanging up the phone, Sun Zhuo muttered to himself and immediately started the "O'Neal 60+20" challenge!

March 7, 2000.

"Happy birthday, Shaq." Kobe Bryant, who had an afro, patted Sun Zhuo on his belly and walked coolly in front of him.

"Thank you, man." Sun Zhuo glanced down at Kobe, and then returned his attention to his own body.

"Oh my God." Sun Zhuo looked at his current O'Neal's body and couldn't help but marvel. This is not the first time he has O'Neal's body. He has had it before, but that was O'Neal during his rookie period, and it was the same as when he was with the Lakers. Very different.

"Too strong! He's like a giant!" Sun Zhuo touched the fat and muscles on his body and clearly felt that O'Neal was heavier in this period than in the Magic period.

This is a very interesting experience. His speed must have dropped now, but his ability to make huge changes in the interior is probably unmatched!

The game started soon. The Lakers' first ball was passed to Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo used O'Neal's body to squeeze hard, easily repelled his opponent, and easily scored with a hook.

"It's so easy. No one can fight me!" Sun Zhuo felt that O'Neal's current power must be SS. This is probably the highest level of power. This made Sun Zhuo can't help but imagine that if his power could be upgraded to SS , can it achieve the effect of O'Neal?

Immediately afterwards, the opponent's point guard rushed in and wanted to lay up. Sun Zhuo immediately took off and rushed towards him. Want to lay up in front of my big shark? It’s simply looking for death!


An inhumane block was delivered, but at the same time, it also knocked the opponent directly to the ground. O'Neal's power was so strong that the opponent fell to the ground on the spot and screamed on the ground!

"What do you mean?! Why are you so harsh?" The Clippers players were angry and rushed towards Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo received a technical foul on the spot. He was also innocent. He had no idea that he would cause such great harm to the opponent. It was because he was not used to O'Neal's body and did not know how to measure it.

In fact, O'Neal's peak game was relatively simple compared to Kobe and Iverson, because the center's scoring, except for Olajuwon, did not have much skill at all. He just caught the ball, squeezed the opponent away, and threw or dunked inside.

It's just that Sun Zhuo is not used to such a huge body and domineering strength, and he always cannot control his strength enough, which can easily lead to fouls.

Soon, Sun Zhuo was attacking again and accidentally hit his opponent with an elbow, causing him to bleed and was sent off directly...

Challenge failed!

61+22 is O'Neal's most difficult peak challenge. Sun Zhuo never thought he could succeed in the challenge once, so he should take his time...

Flight from Orlando to San Antonio.

Howard took the initiative to sit with Sun Zhuo. As soon as he got on the plane, he put an MP3 player into Sun Zhuo's headset. Knowing that Sun Zhuo liked to listen to rap, he played him some of his favorite songs. The two kept chatting on the way.

While chatting, Howard took the initiative to talk about something that is now reported in the media: "Sun, why did you take so few shots in the first two games? As a result, my data now surpasses yours. Many media are saying, I’m going to win the FMVP in this finals, haha, why don’t you tear me apart then?”

Howard was all joking, how could Sun Zhuo be serious? In fact, this is a very sensitive topic, like the Spurs in the previous life in 2007, they did not discuss this issue in the finals, like Miami in the 11th finals The Heat and FMVP are even more forbidden words. Once anyone says it, James and Wade's expressions may immediately change.

Sun Zhuo felt that Howard's willingness to speak openly about this matter proved that there was no such conflict between the two. In other words, Howard had no ambition to rob him.

So, Sun Zhuo laughed and said: "Why do you call me like a devil? If I regarded you as a threat, I wouldn't pass the ball to you so many times. I wish you could perform like this every time. This way we will be more confident about winning the championship, and it doesn’t matter even if you win the FMVP.”

"Really? This is what you said." Howard grinned and pointed at Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo nodded and said with a bad smile: "The premise is that you can really perform better than me in the entire series."

In Sun Zhuo's view, it is easy for Howard to perform well in two games, but it is unrealistic to do this for the entire series. Howard is easily restricted and faces the best defensive team in the league. , and he has no outside shooting ability. Once Sun Zhuo collects two special training cards and improves a certain ability, Howard will have no chance to compete with Sun Zhuo for FMVP.

Even if Sun Zhuo couldn't pass O'Neal's peak game, with just one special training card, he could still average more than Howard under the strict protection of the Spurs. Don't forget, Sun Zhuo still has two useless repeated challenge cards. These two games are enough to guarantee Sun Zhuo's data.

"Okay, then let's try to solve them here! The series ends at 4:1. When we return to Orlando, there will be many fans picking up the plane to congratulate us, haha!" Howard became excited.

"This guy started dreaming again." Sun Zhuo shook his head helplessly and put on a blindfold. He was still used to sleeping on planes.

June 12, Spurs home game.

During the warm-up before the game, everyone was nervous because of the current 1:1 situation. The Spurs team vowed to get match points in three consecutive home games. Everyone was very serious. And the Magic were about to face three consecutive away games. Logically speaking, , they should have been like this...

"I know you see me lookin' at you and you already know..." When Howard was warming up before the game, he was still interested in rapping. While holding the ball, he sang the song "AKON and SNOOP DOGG". I wanna love you".

"Don't sing to me!" Sun Zhuo was also amused by Howard. In fact, he also liked this song and had been listening to it recently, but he didn't expect Howard to sing it at this time.

Sun Zhuo's cry did not stop Howard, who still sang as he pleased: "I wanna F you, you already know, I wanna F you, you already know~~"

The entire Magic team was amused by Howard, and the Spurs players were dumbfounded when they saw this situation. Now they are playing in the Finals, and they are still in the mood to sing?

Tony Parker looked at Howard dumbfounded and thought to himself: "Does this guy know that they will face three away games next? Is he not worried at all?"

Howard's nature is like this. Maybe many people don't understand it well. Sun Zhuo thinks it's nothing. Everyone is nervous and everyone knows the difficulties ahead. Magic players don't need anyone to remind or spur them. They will go all out. When Howard does this, it puts everyone at ease, which is good.

However, Howard didn't do this to relieve the pressure of his teammates. He just wanted to sing, and he just wanted to sing excitedly.

Because, in this scene, he is going to explode!

He wants the whole world to see his strongest side!

The Magic's first offense, Howard posted up Tim Duncan in the low post!

Duncan's defense is at a historical level, whether it is single defense or assisted defense. When it comes to single defense, especially his ability to defend against backs, it can be said that it is unparalleled throughout the ages. His foot plate is very stable, and his wingspan is long. It's hard to carry him with strength. Except for O'Neal at his peak, no one else has seen anyone who can force Duncan away.

Today, Howard is not very good at face-to-frame shooting and feinting skills, so he can only rely on strength to defeat one-on-one. Therefore, Sun Zhuo is very worried about Howard and worries that the ball will not be scored.

However, Howard was very determined. After forcibly carrying Duncan, Duncan's foot was very stable and was not shaken away by Howard. He only leaned slightly backward.

"If it's O'Neal, this might be able to knock Duncan away." Sun Zhuo thought of the Lakers O'Neal he had experienced. He was an invincible weapon in the paint and no one could stop him.

Howard made a big move with his left elbow. While squeezing Duncan and forcing him to retreat, he dribbled the ball with his right hand toward the basket and took off while facing the basket sideways!

"It's going to be a hook shot." Sun Zhuo looked on, predicting that Howard would make a hook shot this time. Because the distance was too far, he gave up grabbing the rebound and was ready to return to defense in advance.


The sound of a one-handed dunk shocked everyone present.

"Dunk? It's actually a dunk?" Even Sun Zhuo was stunned. Howard actually dunked the ball in front of Duncan? Without completely shaking off Duncan?

Duncan was confused, and his reaction was just a little slower. Howard dared to dunk...

Duncan has already shown a historical level of defense, and Howard can actually dunk in. His jumping, instant explosiveness, and wingspan talents have been fully demonstrated.

"Oh my god, Dwight Howard is so powerful. He can dunk off Tim Duncan alone like this. Before him, only Shaquille O'Neal was the only one. Could it be said that Dwight has reached the level of Shaquille O'Neal? "

Everyone looked at Howard. Howard was the least serious one before the game, but after the game started, he was the most amazing one. He still had a faint smile on his face, and everyone held his breath. On the finals court where he was playing with breath, his relaxed expression was scary.

Looking back, I don't know if it was the Spurs' established tactics, or if Tony Parker wanted Duncan to get back on the court. This offense handed the ball to Duncan and asked Duncan to single out Howard.

Duncan has many ways to beat Howard. He can shoot from the outside, or he can feint inside and rely on skill to hook or shoot the basket. With his strength, he can even try to beat Howard.

After Duncan got the ball, he waited until everyone around him walked away and only he and Howard were left. Then he lowered the basketball he held high, using his signature "top to top" style, and hit Howard several times in a very rhythmic manner. Turn over immediately...


Just as Duncan was about to take a shot, the ball was touched by Howard.

"What?" Duncan couldn't believe that this was true, so he took action quickly in a hurry.


Howard took a step forward, jumped up quickly, and blocked the ball with a slap!

Popovich on the sidelines was dumbfounded: "Tim was blown away on both offense and defense?"

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