Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 424: Slow before!

"Impossible! How could it be like this? Sun has never played center before. He changed to center today. He should have a lot of discomfort and make a lot of mistakes. However, he played so smoothly, moving and defending. , movements are all so precise, why is this?"

Spurs assistant coach Chad looked at Sun Zhuo's personal data and still didn't want to believe it was true. He could accept that Sun Zhuo had unexpected power and the Magic's surprise victory, but he couldn't accept that Sun Zhuo basically made no mistakes throughout the game. This is Sun Zhuo's first time playing center.

"Coach, it seems that the information we got is inaccurate. He has definitely played center before!" Chad stepped forward and said to Popovich.

Popovich no longer wanted to think about these things. He also saw that Sun Zhuo didn't look like he was serving as a center for the first time. On the basketball court, different positions have different responsibilities, so it's not just about his ability.

Sun Zhuo himself also knew that although the Magic won this game by surprise and the performance of his teammates, Sun Zhuo had a lot of credit for playing O'Neal's peak game. By becoming O'Neal and experiencing the center's style of play again and again, Sun Zhuo Completely understand what the center should do on the court, every action is what the center should do.

There were only the last thirty seconds left in the game. The Spurs players on the court had gradually lost the strength to move and defend, while the Magic players could not wait to jump up and celebrate.

At this time, Popovich looked at the Magic dugout expressionlessly again. He glanced at Howard, who was smiling a little reluctantly, and secretly said in his heart: "You have won the championship, but in this series, we are not completely It didn’t work out, but I want to see if the combination of the two of you can continue after what happened this year.”

O'Neal once said that if he had not had conflicts with Kobe, the two of them could have won six championships with the Lakers. Since he said this, it is obvious that he does not take the Spurs seriously. With his past record, he also Definitely entitled to despise the Spurs.

It was precisely because of the decline of the Lakers dynasty that the Spurs had the opportunity to win the Western Conference championship. Now, they are looking forward to the decline of the newly emerged "Magic Dynasty".

Game 7 of the Finals, the last ten seconds.

The ball is in Sun Zhuo's hands, the Spurs are no longer on guard, and Sun Zhuo is not planning to attack anymore.

"Yeah!" The audience stood up and cheered!

Soon, Sun Zhuo also put the ball down and hugged his teammate Monta Ellis, who scored the most points today, in advance.

"We won again, we won again!" Monta Ellis was extremely excited at the moment. With only 191, he wanted to lie in Sun Zhuo's arms and cry for a while. He was only a sophomore and a second-round pick. If not In the Magic, if Sun Zhuo hadn't taken a fancy to him, it would have been impossible for him to stand in the finals at this time and score 33 points!

Sun Zhuo hugged Ellis tightly and touched his head. He was not as excited as he was because this was his third championship. Sun Zhuo said lightly: "This is still just the beginning, we have to Build a dynasty here, do you understand?”

"Yeah!" Monta Ellis nodded vigorously.

The game is over!

The Orlando Magic became the NBA championship in the 2006-2007 season!

The whole audience cheered loudly in celebration. Sun Zhuo brought them another championship, and that was without Howard!

On the sidelines, when Kobe, Wade, and James saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little jealous, especially James.

"If I had known he would win the championship today, I wouldn't have come..." James shook his head helplessly. He originally thought that the Magic team without Howard would definitely lose to the Spurs. Who knew that the Magic would win by a surprise move.

Wade also lamented: "Sun is in the same class as us, but he has won three championships in four years."

Three championships in four years, two regular season MVPs, and two FMVPs soon. For these honors, let alone Wade James, even Kobe Bryant would not dare to say he is better than him.

On the court, Sun Zhuo had already taken the initiative to walk up to Popovich, shake hands with him and pay tribute.

Popovich's face was still stiff, and he did not deliberately squeeze out a smile to congratulate Sun Zhuo. Popovich held Sun Zhuo's hand and said: "It's an amazing game. I never thought you could play center. And you did such a great job, congratulations.”

Sun Zhuo also had a dull expression. In this match with the Spurs, he could not be considered a complete victory. Although he won the championship, he lost his relationship with Howard. Sun Zhuo could not predict what would happen after the championship.

"No matter what happens next, in the next few years, the one who meets you in the finals will be the Magic." Sun Zhuo looked at Popovich with a determined expression.

Afterwards, Sun Zhuo shook hands with Duncan and said goodbye. In his previous life, in the locker room of the Finals, Duncan said the classic "The future is yours" to James. In this life, Duncan has no chance to do the same to Sun Zhuo.

Soon, the championship award ceremony began. Kobe, Wade, and James did not stay to watch. Naturally, they wished Sun Zhuo good luck, but as competitors, they could not watch Sun Zhuo win the award in peace. Trophy, that taste is very uncomfortable.

Sun Zhuo and his teammates had already put on championship T-shirts. He also wore one for Kerry, and brought Kerry onto the stage. NBA President David Stern and Bill Russell, as well as Magic's All the bosses are on stage.

Feeling the same enthusiasm as last year, David Stern said with a smile: "First of all, I would like to thank the San Antonio Spurs. They are a respectable opponent and played a wonderful high-level confrontation with the Orlando Magic. But at this moment, the victory belongs to the Orlando Magic. , this is your second championship, congratulations!"

David Stern quickly awarded the golden championship trophy to the owner of the Magic, and then passed it to Sun Zhuo, Howard, and Monta Ellis.

After that, it was time to award the Most Valuable Player of the Finals. Five games ago, Sun Zhuo was not sure of getting this award. But after Howard was injured, in this most important game, Sun Zhuo replaced Howard as the center and scored wildly. With 28 points, 16 rebounds and 13 assists, Howard had no chance at all.

David Stern: "2007 NBA Finals MVP, Eric Sun!"


The whole audience shouted MVP.

Sun Zhuo once again got the FMVP trophy in his hands. This was the second one he got. He was not as excited as last year, but he was still very excited because he almost didn't win this award.

Sun Zhuo held the trophy, faced the microphone, and said: "Although this award was awarded to me, I want to share this award equally with Dwight Howard."

"OH~~~" Hearing Sun Zhuo take the initiative to mention Howard's name, the audience cheered. Of course they also knew what Howard did in this series, and saw that Sun Zhuo and Howard almost had a fight, but they all hoped that the two would People can put aside their past feud and continue to work together to win another championship.

At this time, the camera also focused on Howard, who was injured and present. Howard was holding the championship trophy and had a bright big boy smile on his face.

Sun Zhuo continued: "Dwight also performed amazingly in this series. Without his performance in the first few games, we would not have won the championship. Thank you, Dwight."

Sun Zhuo looked at Howard, and Howard smiled and clapped his hands with Sun Zhuo. On the surface, they seemed to have completely reconciled, but this was just because Howard had to do this under the attention of the whole world.

In fact, Howard didn't accept Sun Zhuo's favor at all.

"If you really want me to win this award, you won't compete with me. Do you think I will be moved if you say this afterwards?"

The rift between Sun Zhuo and Howard has already occurred, and it cannot be repaired easily. Sun Zhuo also knows this, but he still needs to say these words.

"Congratulations on winning the championship, you get a special training card!"

"Congratulations on winning the Finals MVP, you get a special training card!"

Hearing the rewards from the system, Sun Zhuo smiled with joy again. Every year he wins the championship, the championship trophy is not as real as these rewards from the system.

He just used two special training cards to upgrade his power to SS, and now he has obtained two more. Sun Zhuo needs to think carefully about where to use them.

However, Sun Zhuo did not dare to be too happy, because he just received two special training cards last year, and then the system said that he entered the top 20 in NBA history, and reduced him to one game repeat challenge card. Sun Zhuo was afraid that he would win again this year and win again. To reduce one.

Fortunately, I didn’t hear it this year. Sun Zhuo feels that the next reduction should be when he enters the top ten in NBA history. Obviously, based on Sun Zhuo’s current achievements, he is still not in the top ten.

From the award ceremony, he ran all the way to the locker room with the trophy. Although there was no Howard to take the lead in the fun this year, the Magic were all young players and the atmosphere was still very exciting. Sun Zhuo and Kerry were all wet again, from their hair to their clothes. Everything smelled of champagne. Sun Zhuo and Kerry looked at each other with happy smiles on their faces. They both remembered that they officially had a relationship on the night of last year's championship.

Perhaps recalling the wonderful first time, both of them couldn't wait to go back.

At night, Kerry snuggled into Sun Zhuo's arms. At this moment, the room had become very quiet. If compared with the noisy sound before, the silence would be even more obvious.

"Hahaha." Kerry's sudden laughter broke the atmosphere where Sun Zhuo thought he had some sense of film art.

This made Sun Zhuo couldn't help but chuckle. He touched Kerry's hair and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Kerry did not look up at Sun Zhuo and said softly: "Remembering the night you won the championship last year, I kicked the championship trophy and the Finals MVP trophy you brought back under the bed. I asked you at that time, Do you want to go down and pick it up? You..."

"I said don't worry about it. There will be a lot of FMVP trophies in the future." Sun Zhuo said with a smile, and turned to look at the FMVP trophy on the bedside table again.

This season, Sun Zhuo experienced the "new Madison Garden brawl", staged the most exciting pre-celebration pretense battle in history with Arenas, had a commercial battle with Kobe and James, and even participated in the All-Star Game. The last time he became the first person to dunk in NBA history...

This is Sun Zhuo's fourth season in the league. He is still bringing surprises to fans around the world, and such surprises will continue.

Kerry patted Sun Zhuo and asked: "I heard you say that the Magic will renew the contract with Dwight Howard in advance this summer, but something like this happened to you in the finals, and the relationship has not been reconciled yet. You Do you think he will be willing to stay here? What are your real thoughts? Will you ask the management to trade him because he competes with you for FMVP?"

Naturally, Sun Zhuo would not hide anything from the person next to him: "No one is willing to let go of a powerful guy like Dwight Howard. I think I can still suppress him at the moment, and without him, I want to It’s really difficult to win three consecutive championships because…”

Sun Zhuo wanted to say that Garnett would join the Celtics immediately, but it hadn’t happened yet, so he hesitated for a moment and said, “Because I heard that Kevin Garnett wants to go to the Boston Celtics. Celtic and Paul Pierce are paired together. Without the help of Dwight Howard next season, let alone the strong teams in the West, it will be difficult to survive in the East alone."

Kerry didn't want Sun Zhuo to be the only leader in the team. It would be too tiring. He nodded and said, "Yeah, I hope you guys can continue to cooperate. Dwight seems to be a very innocent big boy. You can coax him." Let him continue to help you."

Sun Zhuo smiled and said: "From my point of view, of course I hope he stays and helps me, but he may not be willing. The Magic will give Howard a four-year contract extension in the next two days. Let's see. How will he reply then?"

Kerry was not very clear about these matters in the NBA, so he did not continue to ask further, and suddenly changed the subject and said: "You said before that you would leave Orlando for a few days after winning the championship. When do you plan to leave?"

"We'll leave after the championship parade is over." Sun Zhuo said calmly, a look of great expectation began to appear in his eyes. If not for Kerry's reminder, he almost forgot that he had very important and special things to do this offseason. .

"Are you particularly interested in knowing where I'm going?" Sun Zhuo ruffled Kai Rui's long hair. This time, even Kai Rui didn't know where Sun Zhuo was going and what he was going to do.

Kerry said calmly: "If you don't tell me, I won't keep asking you. I can feel that I am your only one now."

Sun Zhuo kissed Kerry's forehead, with a happy smile on his face: "I find that you are becoming more and more good at talking about love, Kerry."

Kerry sat up and suddenly said: "You also want to say a love story to me. No, write it down. I want it in Chinese."


"Yes, you can say anything."

Sun Zhuo thought for a while, got out of bed, picked up a pen, and wrote a paragraph on the paper.

“The carriages and horses in the past were very slow…

The letter is far away...

There is only enough time to love one person in a lifetime..."

Three days later, on a double-sided bus with the words "2007 Championship" and "Finals Most Valuable Player ERIC SUN1" printed in blue and white, Sun Zhuo wore Ray-Ban sunglasses and waved his T-shirt to the crowds on both sides. , blue and white confetti fell from the sky.

A photographer pressed the shutter button in the crowd, freezing the moment forever.

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