Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 94 “Demon Sword” Ginobili

Manu Ginobili joined the Spurs and entered the NBA in 2002, only one year earlier than Sun Zhuo, but he is five years older than Sun Zhuo. His style of play and skills are already very mature, and his performance this season has also been very good. Stable, but at this time he is not the "giant" in everyone's mind, and he is not yet an All-Star player.

Ginobili already has the ability, he just needs a suitable opportunity to show it to everyone. He feels that today is a good opportunity.

Popovich took a look at Ginobili, who volunteered. This Argentine has long flowing hair, a handsome face, and a gorgeous and unrestrained style of play. Popovich doesn't like Ginobili. It's too risky to do something on the court. In fact, the two have worked together for so many years in their previous lives. There were countless times when Ginobili made Popovich furious. But he knew that Ginobili was a player that the Spurs needed, a player they needed very much. .

Popovich didn't speak, just nodded. Soon, Ginobili came on the stage, and he would focus on guarding Sun Zhuo.

Now the Lakers' offense is playing so smoothly, and the reason is still due to Sun Zhuo. The Spurs seem to have no way to deal with Sun Zhuo's three-pointers, and they have become too afraid. Will Ginobili come on the court to change this situation? Not many people have high hopes.

After Ginobili came on the court, he glanced at Sun Zhuo and thought to himself: "His passing and ball handling have not been trained to the top. There is no reason why the three-point shooting at each position is so strong. The Chinese men's basketball team does not train like this." A player’s.”

Ginobili is very powerful. He feels that Sun Zhuo's three-pointers from other positions cannot be as accurate, so he is going to let Sun Zhuo shoot!

This is a very bold move. What the coach now clearly requires is to guard against Sun Zhuo's three-point shots at various points and not let him set the rhythm. Moreover, he predicted it before the game started, but Ginobili was on the court. Dare to stick to yourself.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he guesses wrong, Ginobili still has a way to deal with Sun Zhuo.

Ginobili caused trouble for Sun Zhuo in the first minute he came on the court.

When the Lakers attack, Ginobili does not stick closely to Sun Zhuo like Turkoglu. Instead, when O'Neal and Kobe appear in threatening positions, they will immediately double-team, and their teammates will naturally distribute the ball to the hot players. Sun Zhuo caught the ball. Sun Zhuo received the ball at the 45-degree three-point line. Ginobili rushed over quickly and blocked Sun Zhuo's shot immediately.

Originally, the initiative now belonged to Sun Zhuo, because Ginobili was a defender who came in a hurry. Sun Zhuo could make a fake shot and then break through, beating Ginobili before he could gain a firm foothold. Unexpectedly, , Ginobili is so cunning!

As soon as Ginobili came to Sun Zhuo, he pretended that he had not really stopped his feet. His whole body and face were pressed against Sun Zhuo's face, and then he suddenly lost his balance and leaned back.

Sun Zhuo was immediately shocked, was this a fake fall?

Sun Zhuo knew that Ginobili was a good flop player in the league, but for a moment, Sun Zhuo didn't know what to do? Are you following the show too?

Unexpectedly, Ginobili was not trying to commit a foul by diving. Instead, he took advantage of Sun Zhuo's panic. While his body was slowly descending, he smacked the basketball in Sun Zhuo's hand with his left arm and immediately threw it away. The ball dropped.

Ginobili was already sitting on the floor, but he caught the ball. He quickly threw it forward, and Tony Parker had already taken the ball straight to the frontcourt and made a layup.

"Well done!" Tim Duncan stepped forward and touched Ginobili's head as an encouragement.

Sun Zhuo also had to be lucky. Is there such an operation? Sun Zhuo had never seen it in his previous life, and it happened between lightning and flint, so it was impossible to prevent it.

In fact, Ginobili's idea is very simple. Since Sun Zhuo has a weakness, he can just find an opportunity to attack the weakness. It is not when Sun Zhuo gets crowded under the basket that he has the opportunity to steal the ball. Chaos can also be created artificially. of.

Ginobili didn't just come on the court to defend. After getting the permission from Coach Popovich, Ginobili is now a character like Kobe who can play however he wants. He hit two consecutive three-pointers, The momentum came back.

Ginobili chose to use three-pointers because he also wanted to tell his opponents that if you can make three-pointers, so can we. This is nothing to be proud of.

After consecutive decisive shots, Ginobili began to add deceptive moves. First, he used a fake shot to deceive Sun Zhuo into a foul. Then, he received the ball from outside the three-point line and faked again. This time, Sun Zhuo was not fooled. Ginobili launched a serpentine breakthrough, causing Sun Zhuo another foul and scoring 2+1.

In fact, the foul was called a bit reluctantly. It was the home whistle and Sun Zhuo was a rookie, which is understandable.

Sun Zhuo, who gave the Spurs a headache, committed two fouls in a single quarter and was replaced by Phil Jackson. When Sun Zhuo came off the court, the whole audience cheered.

"Finally got this guy down! Haha, I'm so relieved. Seeing him on the court makes my heart beat fast."

"Manu Ginobili still has a way. Yes, the Lakers picked a good rookie this season, but don't forget, we also got a strong rookie last season!"

No one expected that after so many years of feuding between the Spurs and Lakers, today it would be the turn of two newcomers to dominate the game.

Seeing Sun Zhuo being substituted, Popovich finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although sometimes he disagreed with Ginobili's approach, he had to admit that he especially needed players like Ginobili, especially , Fortunately, Ginobili is not a particularly high-spirited player who has to become a superstar or top player. Popovich can retain Ginobili while retaining Duncan and Parker.

Popovich looked at Turkoglu beside him and said: "Starting from the next game, Manu will be the starter."

Turkoglu did not complain at all, and then praised Ginobili: "Yes, coach, he has always been better than me, and I will learn from him."

Popovich shook his head, "Don't imitate him. It's enough for the team to have a guy who plays like this."

Just as he was talking, Ginobili, who had made great contributions on the field, immediately made a passing error.

In the Lakers dugout, Phil Jackson asked Sun Zhuo: "How was it? You were taken down by that guy, didn't you feel bad?"

Sun Zhuo is still in a calm mood, because he knows what kind of player Ginobili is, and the Ginobili he knows is stronger, more coquettish, and more difficult to deal with than the current Ginobili.

Sun Zhuo shook his head and said: "No, he has more experience than me and is bolder. Moreover, he seems to have seen my three-pointer at the top of the arc and at a 45-degree angle. He didn't even jump when I shot a shot just now."

Phil Jackson nodded, "He is also guessing, but his guess is quite accurate. This guy will become a big trouble for us in two years."

Without Sun Zhuo, the Lakers and Spurs truly turned into a showdown between giants like in the previous life. The Spurs, who had already lost one game at home, had no way out and took the opportunity to create a climax.

After Sun Zhuo returned, Ginobili continued to guard him throughout the game. Although Sun Zhuo occasionally scored goals, his containment power was no longer there. In addition, O'Neal and Kobe Bryant did not perform well in this game. In the end, this game was defeated by the Spurs. Winning, the series was evened.

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