Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 41 [Party Invitation]

Adamson was reprimanded by Johnny, officially resigned, and went to the property department to settle the settlement.

Adamson found that the money was wrong, and asked why it was five thousand dollars missing? The person in charge of the property department called Johnny to ask about it, and then looked at Adamson like he was looking at SB...

As a result, Adamson didn't even dare to say a harsh word, and left the school in despair.

The school said it suspected him of racial discrimination, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why he targeted such a powerful player like Wang Jun. If he dared to say one more word, the school would sue him for it.

That night, the video of the game was circulated on the Internet.

The basketball team is poor, unable to make it to the NCAA tournament for many years, and can only dawdle in the Big Ten. Now that the Wolverines are famous, the Chinese players with good shooting skills, the head coach is the father of Jazz star Hornacek, and the center Kaman who is concerned by NBA scouts. They make the Wolverines full of highlights in the new season.

Wang Jun became the idol of overseas Chinese and Chinese students in the school. He used his actions to give a shot of stimulant to basketball fans with average physical fitness, proving that he can play basketball well if he can shoot.

The University of Michigan tried hard to suppress the scandal, but it would not let Adamson and his basketball director Dennis Jordy support him, and he would also pursue Johnny's employment mistakes.

Unfortunately, Jody was also shot while lying down.

As for Adamson, it must be difficult to get along in the basketball circle. Who would use such a crony who was kicked out of school?

The coaching staff of the Wolverines needs to be adjusted, and the players have two days off.

This morning, Abby was a little absent-minded in class. In the evening, her media major students held a party, and she wanted to invite Wang Jun to join them.

Every time she goes to a party, she does not have a male partner, and many people will strike up a conversation, and it is very troublesome to refuse one by one. But if you don't go, you don't give your girlfriends face. Besides, you can't have friends. She also enjoys being praised for her beautiful clothes and hot body.

Is the guy up to the occasion?

Can he have a conversation with others?

What if no one pays attention to him? I keep talking to him? How can you only pay attention to him when you go to a party.

Abby was so cranky that she couldn't pay attention to the class at all.

In American schools, students spontaneously form small groups. These groups are classified in different ways, some by age, race;

Abby thinks that the most suitable for Wang Jun is the athlete circle, a group of muscular men gather together in the gym and do bench presses shirtless. If he went to a party where he talked about movies and music, he would be out of place.

Forget it, let him go just to serve as a shield for me, not enough friends.

get out of class has ended. Abby packed her books and was about to go home when someone stopped her.

"Hey Abby, can I have a second of your time?"

Abby was stopped by a Latino beauty named Cecilia, of Mexican descent, who was a basketball cheerleader. She is second only to Abby in the cheerleading squad, and is also a famous sexy school girl in Michigan.

"What's up?"

"Um... are you and Wang Jun dating?" Cecilia asked.

Abby shook her head and said with a smile, "No, we're just good friends. Why does everyone think I'm dating a fat man? Well, I'm wrong, he's not a fat man anymore."

"Then can you ask Wang Jun to the party tonight?" Cecilia whispered, "Xiao wants to know him.


"That Chinese student in our team?"

Cecilia nodded. "Well, it's her. You can call Wang to the party to get to know her."

Hey, Fatty actually has a female fan? This is also normal, he is now regarded as the savior of the basketball team.

Abby asked casually: "Does Xiao like Wang? You want to introduce them as a couple?"

"Why don't you want to? You're still interested in him." Cecilia covered her mouth with her hands, as if she had discovered a new continent. Her voice was so loud that everyone around heard it, and a few people who were about to leave the classroom all retreated, and the blood of gossip began to boil.

"No." In Abby's impression, the international student was pretty, with a baby face, but her figure was a little childish.

She originally wanted to invite Wang Jun to play, but now she has a reason.

Cecilia said with great interest: "She is very honest and has no experience in love, but she always pays attention to Wang Jun's affairs. They are all from China, can you help me?"

Abby remembered that she was doing yoga in sportswear, lowered her body and showed some cleavage, and Wang Jun blushed.

19 years old, he will be 20 years old at the end of this semester, and he looks like he has never been in a relationship. Xiao has never been in a relationship, maybe the two of them are a good match? We can also communicate in Chinese together, which is very convenient.

Abby remembered that he and Wang Jun could only talk about basketball. Talking about film and television, music, entertainment, Wang Jun knows too little. She doesn't know anything about China.

Maybe it's good that he has a girlfriend and our affair is cleared up. Our relationship should go in the direction of Joey and Phoebe. (The purest two friends in Friends, the only one who didn't become a couple)

Abby made up her mind. "Okay, I'll ask him out."

"Thank you, Abby." Cecilia clapped her hands happily: "I can do business when I go back."

Abby felt that there was a bit of bitterness in Cecilia's smile. Was it because she was asked to lead the red line and felt that it was too troublesome?

In fact, Cecilia is bitter about her own affairs. Many people think that her tanned skin, black hair, and dark eyes are not as sexy as Abby's blond hair and blue eyes.

She was the cheerleader and would have been the most popular. After Abby came, in just half a year, her figure, appearance, and family background were all compared to her.

She was originally called the school flower. When Abby came, few people called her a school girl. Abby's nicknames are endless, the most beautiful school belle, sweetheart, angel, goddess...

This time, Abby invited Wang Jun. Cecilia had the purpose of probing. If she found out that the two were really in a relationship, or that Abby was interested in Wang Jun, she would immediately publicize it on the school forum and let everyone know I know, especially those men who love Abby, let them die.

Abby's popularity will definitely decline when she has a boyfriend, and then everyone's attention will be focused on her.

Her thoughts are a bit naive, but many women are born comparison animals, they compare everything and climb up to everything. Even close friends in the boudoir sometimes secretly compete. A woman is jealous, and there is nothing she can't do. That's why there is a Chinese saying that "a needle on the tail of a hornet is the most poisonous to a woman's heart".

Abby didn't think too much about it, so she called Wang Jun and asked him to have dinner, and the two met at the Tulip Restaurant.

"Wang, go to a party with me tonight." Abby paused and asked, "Do you have any clothes other than sportswear?"

"No." Wang Jun answered frankly.

"Didn't you just make five thousand from a bet? Go and buy a decent casual outfit?"

"In addition to working part-time, I train. There is no need to wear good clothes." Wang Jun is very happy to receive money in his account, but he doesn't want to spend it on dressing up.

Only then did Abby realize how terrible his life was. She slammed the table twice with her fist and said in a commanding tone: "You can't do nothing but exercise? Go out shopping with me in the afternoon to buy clothes, and your hairstyle also needs to be done." Whole! You are the star of the basketball team now, you have to pay attention to your image, and you can’t be so slovenly anymore.”

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