Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 703 [Furious! 】

Blessings never come, but misfortunes never come singly. ◎, people can not always be lucky.

Wang Jun deeply realized this after the Olympic Games. After losing the Olympic champion, his life suddenly became difficult.

In September, Wang Jun continuously hit the headlines and received the most attention among all the players, but there was no good news.

"Wang Jun is dissatisfied with the team's abandonment of contract extension for point guard Chris Duhon, trading center Tyson Chandler, and intervening in management operations."

"Chandler finally stays on the team, how much possession will Oden get in the new season? Will the No. 1 pick just sink?"

"Wang Leying suffered a heart attack while vacationing in Los Angeles and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. She is in serious condition."

"Wang Jun announced his abandonment of the training camp and all preseason games without the team's permission, which caused dissatisfaction among the management."

In October, the news about Wang Jun became worse. His life was deviating from the right track.

"Wang Jun gave up the pre-season China game. Some fans were very disappointed and asked for a refund."

"Can't find a suitable heart donor, Wang Jun has no interest in basketball, and is likely to miss the opening game."

"Wang Jun's sister and brother's love is public, and actress Charlize Theron gave up filming and stayed with her all night in the Los Angeles hospital."

"Wang Jun beat a prisoner in the Salt Lake City Prison in Utah just because the prisoner refused to donate his heart. Where are the human rights?"

"Wang Jun announced his absence from the Bulls opener."

In November, voices of opposition grew.

"The Bulls started with 2 wins and 6. Wang Jun was in a sluggish state. He traveled between Chicago and Los Angeles. His mind seemed to be no longer on basketball. Bulls owner Reinsdorf publicly criticized Wang Jun's actions."

"Wang Jun missed two games again because of his sister, fans questioned his professional attitude."

"Director Zhang XX of the Chinese Basketball Association criticized Wang Jun for lack of professional ethics, being too free and undisciplined, disregarding collective interests, and refusing to return to the team on the eve of the Olympics, resulting in too short a joint training time, which was the main reason for the Chinese men's basketball team's failure in the Olympics."

"Wang Jun held a press conference and announced his permanent withdrawal from the Chinese national team. He was so emotional that he burst into foul language: Fuck your mother's reason for losing, Zhang XX, you go to hell! SB who can only yell! Can you play basketball? In basketball A dog on the field is more useful than you."

December 16,

Harrison, the male anchor of ESPN Radio, talked about the latest news excitedly.

"There are variables in this round of focus matchups. The Bulls challenged the Lakers away. The worst violence in the history of the NBA happened. Wang Junfei kicked the bald referee Joe Crawford."

The hostess Snow said: "There were many disputes and penalties in the game. The Lakers got a lot of free throws and their defensive actions were rough. Wang Jun had disputes with Vujacic and Bynum. He said something that caused him to go into a rage, kicked him and fell to the ground, and the game was interrupted for 20 minutes."

Harrison sighed: "I don't know what kind of fine the league will issue to Wang Jun. This is the first time in the history of the NBA. If Wang Jun is suspended for the entire season and the Bulls fail to defend their title, it will be a dramatic ending."

December 17.

"Wang Jun refused to apologize, angrily called Crawford a black whistle, and made it clear that he would not win the game and go back to China."

"After the doctor's examination, Crawford suffered from renal hemorrhage and was hospitalized for observation. In severe cases, part or even all of it would need to be removed. Crawford reserves the right to sue Wang Jun, and he is unwilling to talk about the specific circumstances of that night."

The media from all over the world are paying attention to what happened in the NBA recently. This time the trouble was too big, and the president David Stern was also caught off guard.

At the beginning of the season, Stern thought it was a good opportunity to support local stars, and he could overwhelm the Bulls and Wang Jun. If Wang Jun wins the MVP for the fourth time, everyone will admit that foreign players dominate the NBA.

As a result, Wang Jun encountered a lot of troubles, and his temper became more and more serious. Crawford went to touch the tiger's whiskers. He was so stupid that he was hopelessly stupid.

The league has indeed made a plan to support the Lakers and Kobe, but it can't choose this occasion!

Crawford is used to arrogance, and likes to show off his power as a referee. He has been in the job for 20 years, and no player has ever dared to attack the referee. Offending the referee will not end well. He never dreamed that Wang Jun would be so ruthless.

When the vicious violence happened, Wang Jun also publicly scolded Crawford as a black whistle, leaving no room for himself. It is impossible for the league to punish him lightly.

It happened to be a game in Los Angeles, Wang Jun refused to fly away with the team, did not return to Chicago, stayed in Los Angeles with his sister, and refused all interviews.

On December 18, at the press conference at the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan, Stern walked into the press conference with a serious face and announced the punishment decision.

"First of all, our investigation into Wang Jun's assault on the referee has been completed."

Stern paused, frowned, and said sadly: "Wang Jun's behavior is unacceptable. This is not something a player should do. He has hurt many people. So I decided to give him the following punishment: Prohibited Participate in any NBA-related activities this season, including not being allowed to enter NBA arenas and training facilities, and not being allowed to attend any NBA-related contracts. In addition, there is a fine of 500,000 US dollars."

This is the heaviest fine ever received by a player in the NBA. The amount Wang Jun was fined can be compared with Mavericks owner Cuban.

Joe Crawford will not be alone, and this season he will definitely not come back to whistle the game, even if his kidney is fine.

In the past, he made mistakes in judgments, which were all within the league's tolerance. There were even a few times when Crawford boasted that he was taking the blame for the league, and the president acquiesced.

This time is different, the impact is too bad. Wang Jun’s suspension lost tens of millions of salary and advertising endorsement fees. It seems miserable. The league will only lose more. What they lose is credibility, fans, and the Chinese market.

There is simply no winner in this conflict.

Before the Bulls management did not stand up to speak for Wang Jun when he was questioned by the media. Boss Reinsdorf also followed suit to express his dissatisfaction.

Now the management wants to come forward to help Wang Jun solve the trouble, but there is no way out, and the team is also affected.

Wang Jun averaged only 21.5 points per game in the new season, shooting 40%. Fans were dissatisfied with his sluggish state, dissatisfied with him only caring about his family and not playing well, sleepwalking on the court... But there is no love, where is the hate?

As long as he can get his rhythm back, as long as he can recover, he will be the MVP in the hearts of fans.

Now that Wang Jun is suspended, the fans immediately pointed their guns at the Bulls management, bombarding the manager Paxson and the owner for their inaction. If Wang Jun is absent-minded, let him have a good rest. Forcing him to play and questioning him will arouse his inner anger. What should we do now?

The Chicago media began to speak for Wang Jun, saying that he cared about family affection as a manifestation of human nature, that his slump was understandable, and that the conflict with the management was also Paxson's fault, and he pushed the manager out as a scapegoat.

This year Paxson has done a lot of things to annoy fans. The Blazers poached Calderon for 47 million in five years, and the Knicks poached Duhon for 12 million in two years.

In addition to Lowry and Watson this season, another point guard for the Bulls is Pistons veteran Lynch Hunter.

Although the one-year 4 million contract renewal for Hill, the mid-level contract renewal for Barnes, and the two-year 5 million contract renewal for Posey are all worthy of the salary, the small forward position is only considered ordinary. It's not very useful for the veteran insider to find Crozier. There are no strongmen in the free market this time.

The inability of the center and the point guard to open space is also the reason why the Bulls played poorly this year.

PS(to be continued.)

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