super lord

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Erin’s Shock.

With the materials needed for sailing to sea, they were transported to the warship in the port of Wanghai City by a group of black iron warriors who were preparing to go to sea, and the preparations for sailing this time had been thoroughly prepared.

Next, what to do is to board the ship, go to sea, and explore the sea near the Black Iron Collar.

After all the materials needed to go to sea were transported to the warship, Raymond, who had gathered a group of black iron warriors who had sailed at sea, came to Arthur, Irene and others, and reported to Arthur: “Lord Lord, a group of black iron warriors who went to sea have been assembled. ”

“Since it has been assembled, then let’s board the ship!”

Hearing Raymond’s report, Arthur ordered.

“Yes, my lord.”

Raymond then turned away to convey Arthur’s order.

After Raymond turned to leave to convey his order, Arthur opened his mouth and said to Erin: “Sister Erin, let’s go too, and then directly lead towards a large silver-class warship that stayed at the port of Wanghai City. ”

And Erin, Lilith and the others saw Arthur move, and when they followed Arthur, they walked towards the large silver-class warship. And just when Arthur, Irene and others boarded the ship, the black iron warriors who went to sea together this time also boarded the warship that was about to sail under the command of Raymond, Karol and others.

By the way, it is worth mentioning here that although more than a hundred silver-class warships were stopped at the port of Wanghai City, the number of warships used to sail this time was not much, only more than fifty silver-class warships.

Of course, although only more than fifty silver-class warships were used to sail this time, the number of people they carried was quite large, more than a thousand people.

Among these more than a thousand people, most of them are black iron collar warriors, and these black iron collar fighters are specially trained and able to fight in the ocean.


After seeing that all the personnel who went to sea this time had already boarded the warship, Arthur gave the order to set off.

With Arthur’s order, this time, the fleet composed of seven large silver-class warships, thirteen medium-sized silver-class warships, and more than thirty small silver-class warships slowly sailed away from the port of Wanghai City under the drive of a group of black iron-led soldiers.

After leaving the port of Wanghai City, Arthur did not immediately order the fleet to sail towards the unknown sea near the Black Iron Domain, but commanded the fleet and came to the sky above the sea area where the fishman tribe was located.

After all, how can you go to sea without bringing the aborigines of the sea, the fish people?

It’s just that this instruction makes the three daughters of Erin, Lilith, and Alice who do not know the existence of the fishman full of incomprehension.

After all, unlike Emilia, Shirley and other maids and maids who accompanied Arthur, the three daughters of Erin, Lilith, and Alice had just come to the Black Iron Leader.

Therefore, not to mention that only Emilia, Shirley, Raymond and other Arthur’s cronies know, just the strength of the Black Iron Leader now, Erin, Lilith, Alice The three daughters are not very clear.

Therefore, after hearing this puzzling order from Arthur, Erin, Lilith, and Alice came to Arthur’s side and asked Arthur in bewilderment: “Arthur, didn’t you say that you want to go to sea?” Why don’t you continue sailing? ”

“Sister Erin, don’t be in a hurry, wait a minute, you’ll know!”

Hearing Erin’s question, Arthur spoke, but did not answer Erin’s question.

And just as Arthur was answering Erin’s question, the big fishmen in the fishman tribe below the fleet who had signed a contract with Arthur immediately gathered a group of big fishmen who had cultivated the breathing method taught by Arthur and transformed into a group.

Soon, a group of big fishmen who had signed a contract with Arthur gathered a team of fishmen with two thousand fishmen.

Then, the gathered fishman team, led by the contract big fishman, came to the sea where the black iron collar fleet stayed.

The large fishmen who suddenly surfaced directly startled the black iron collar warriors on the warship, but fortunately, before boarding the ship, Arthur arranged black iron led warriors who knew about the fishman tribe on the traveling warship.

Therefore, apart from the exclamation caused by a group of big fish people when they surfaced, nothing else was done…

Looking at the group of big fish people that surfaced, Erin opened her mouth with a shocked look and asked Arthur: “Arthur, these are the big fish people?” ”

As a student of the Royal Capital Magic Academy, Erin naturally knew the big fish people, and it was precisely because of the knowledge that Erin was shocked.

Because, compared to fish people without any extraordinary strength, the number of big fish people with extraordinary strength is too small, basically, among a thousand or more fish people, a big fish man with extraordinary strength will be born.

And now, the number of big fish people who appeared in front of Erin is too much.

Although I don’t know how many big fish people there are, at the very least, it is more than a thousand. And a thousand big fish people, but it takes at least a million fish people to be born.

That’s why Erin was so shocked.

In addition, Lilith and Alice, who also know the existence of the big fish people, were also shocked by the group of big fish people that appeared on the sea.

“Yes, it’s all big fish people.”

Hearing Erin’s inquiry, Arthur affirmed.

Hearing Arthur’s affirmative answer, Erin guessed: “They are all big fish people, could it be that there are millions of fish people living below this sea.” ”

“That’s not it, there is only one fish-man tribe of tens of thousands of fish-people below, and 5.4, as for why this fish-man tribe has so many large fish-people, it is a secret.”

However, Sister Erin, you just need to know that this fish-man tribe has been subdued by me.

And these big fish people gathered on the surface of the sea are another hole card I prepared for this exploration.

“After all, in terms of understanding of the ocean, who can compare to the fish-people who are originally marine creatures!”

Hearing Erin’s speculation, Arthur shook his head and spoke.

Then, ignoring Erin, Lilith, and Alice, who were still shocked by the big fishman, Arthur gave the order to continue sailing to the fleet.

It’s just that compared to the previous fleet of only fifty silver-class warships, this time, there are more than two thousand big fishmen.

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