super lord

Chapter 197

Chapter 197: The Heavy Casualties of the Blood Bronze Collar.

In the face of the sudden attack of a group of extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders hidden among a group of ordinary-level mutant demon spiders, the group of extraordinary-level blood bronze-collared warriors were naturally miserable.

Just imagine, a group of extraordinary-level blood bronze-collared warriors are killing a group of ordinary-level mutant demon spiders, and as a result, suddenly, they suddenly encounter several attacks from mutant demon spiders that are even stronger than them, and how many extraordinary-level blood copper-collared warriors can react.


“Despicable Warcraft, I fought with you.”

“Where did so many transcendent level monsters come from.”


Suddenly attacked by a group of Extraordinary Grade Mutant Demon Spiders, a group of Extraordinary Grade Blood Bronze Collar Warriors who were attacked constantly made screams, anger, and panic sounds.

The sudden attack of a group of extraordinary level mutant demon spiders is very effective, in this sudden attack of a group of extraordinary level mutant demon spiders, the blood copper collar of more than two thousand and nearly three thousand extraordinary level blood bronze collar warriors, the number of extraordinary level blood bronze collar warriors killed is hundreds.

Moreover, among the hundreds of transcendent-level blood bronze-collared warriors killed, there were many bronze-level and silver-level blood-bronze-collared warriors. Even the gold-level blood bronze collared warriors were killed by two under the attack of ten gold-level late-stage mutant demon spiders.

In addition to the hundreds of transcendent-level blood bronze-collared warriors who were killed, in this sudden attack by a group of transcendent-level mutant demon spiders, the transcendent-level blood bronze-collared warriors who were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness were also hundreds of them.

In general, this time, the sudden attack of a group of transcendent-level mutant demon spiders directly caused the Blood Bronze Leader to lose more than a thousand and nearly half of its transcendent-level combat power.

And this is not counting those extraordinary level blood bronze collar warriors who suffered a lot of injuries because of the sudden attack of a group of extraordinary level mutant demon spiders.

The sudden attack of a group of extraordinary level blood bronze collar warriors, as well as the heavy casualties paid by a group of extraordinary level blood bronze collar warriors, were naturally noticed by the blood copper lord who was killing a group of ordinary level mutant demon spiders.

In fact, as early as when a group of extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders were about to attack a group of extraordinary-level blood bronze collar warriors, the blood bronze lord noticed the abnormality of these extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders hidden in a group of common-level mutant demon spiders.

However, when the Blood Copper Lord was about to remind and support a group of Extraordinary Blood Bronze Collar Warriors, a small team of [Ten Heads] Silver Grade Mutant Demon Spiders directly led a group of Ordinary Grade Mutant Demon Spiders and launched a death attack on him, so that the Blood Copper Lord did not dare to be distracted at all, and after the Blood Copper Lord killed a small team of Silver Grade Mutant Demon Spiders, the attack of a group of Extraordinary Grade Mutant Demon Spiders on the Extraordinary Blood Copper Collar Warriors had ended, and the Blood Copper Leader’s group of Extraordinary Grade Warriors had already paid a heavy price.

Looking at the extraordinary level blood bronze collar warriors who paid a large number of casualties because of the sudden attack of a group of transcendent-level mutant demon spiders, the blood bronze lord couldn’t help but secretly curse: “Damn! ”

Then, looking at the group of transcendent Blood Bronze Collar warriors who had not completely lost their combat effectiveness, the Blood Copper Lords knew that next, they would not be able to deal with the mutant demon spider like before.

After all, those mutant demon spiders who suddenly launched a sudden attack, after launching a sudden attack, re-hid in a group of ordinary mutant demon spiders, waiting for the next attack.

Thinking of this, the Blood Bronze Lord opened his mouth and ordered to the group of surviving Extraordinary Blood Bronze Collar Warriors, as well as the group of ordinary Blood Bronze Collar Warriors who were not attacked: “A group of ordinary warriors, with seriously injured warriors, withdraw to the camp, and the Extraordinary Grade warriors will join me, break off!” ”

Hearing the order of the Blood Copper Lord, a group of ordinary Blood Bronze Collar Warriors, even if they obeyed the Blood Copper Lord’s order, took a group of seriously injured Blood Bronze Collar Warriors and withdrew to the camp.

And a group of transcendent-level blood bronze leader warriors and the blood copper lord who had killed the encirclement and converged with them, took the initiative to block the road and resist the attack of a group of mutant demon spiders.

“Be careful, don’t be attacked by those extraordinary spider-level spider monsters hidden in these ordinary spider beasts.”

Casually killing a bronze-level mutant demon spider hidden among a group of ordinary level mutant demon spiders, the blood copper lord opened his mouth and instructed the extraordinary level blood copper collar warrior who broke off with him.

Hearing the Blood Bronze Lord’s instructions, the group of transcendent Blood Bronze Collar warriors after the break, although they didn’t say much, their expressions were obviously a little nervous.

After all, they had just been attacked by a group of transcendent mutant demon spiders, and the casualties paid still made them a little afraid of the attack of transcendent mutant demon spiders.

Perhaps knowing the nervousness of a group of extraordinary blood bronze collared warriors, the spiders located next to Arthur did not make these blood bronze collared extraordinary level warriors nervous for long, and directly ordered the extraordinary level mutant demon spiders hidden among the other ordinary level mutant demon spiders to launch a second surprise attack on the extraordinary warriors with blood copper collars.

Since they had already encountered an attack by an Extraordinary Grade Mutant Demon Spider, the surviving Extraordinary Blood Bronze Collar Warriors couldn’t help but raise their vigilance.

Therefore, the second attack of the transcendent level mutant demon spiders did not achieve as much effect as the first attack. Of course, even so, the attack of a group of transcendent-level mutant demon spiders still caused the surviving group of blood bronze-collared transcendent-level warriors to lose hundreds of combat power again.

After all, in the previous first attack, there were still many surviving Extraordinary Blood Bronze Collar Warriors who suffered some minor injuries.

Of course, this time, the sudden attack of a group of extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders, although it brought a lot of losses to the group of extraordinary-level warriors with the blood copper collar, but this time, the group of extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders who launched a surprise attack also paid a lot of price in the defense of the extraordinary-level blood bronze-collared warriors who raised their vigilance.

Perhaps knowing that he was not the opponent of a group of extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders, those transcendent-level blood bronze-collared warriors who suffered a lot of injuries in the first attack of transcendent-level mutant demon spiders directly dragged several transcendent-level mutant demon spiders regardless of life and death.

And this directly caused a group of extraordinary-level blood bronze-collared warriors who came back to their senses during the attack to face these extraordinary-level mutant demon spiders that were dragged down, thus causing the transcendent-level mutant demon spiders to lose a lot.

Even, a gold-level late-stage mutant demon spider was directly killed by the rushing blood bronze lord because it was dragged by a gold-level blood bronze collar warrior.

And this is also the first gold-level mutant demon spider killed since the war between the mutant demon spider and the blood bronze leader warrior this time. Although, the death of this gold-level mutant demon spider is nothing.

Because, at the first time of the death of this gold-level mutant demon spider, the spider directly devoured a lot of resources, and directly re-differentiated a gold-level late mutant demon spider.

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