super lord

Chapter 203

Chapter 203: Return to the Iron Collar.

After Emilia broke through to the earth level, Arthur focused on cultivating Nicole and Aegina.

And Nicole, who was trained by Arthur, and the two daughters of Aegina did not disappoint Arthur, and soon raised their strength to the peak of the gold level.

Unfortunately, the peak of the gold level to the earth level is a threshold, and it is not so easy to break through, otherwise, the number of earth level will not be so small.

Therefore, although Nicole and Aegina have received Arthur’s key training, they still have not broken through to the earth level.

Of course, although Nicole and Aegina did not break through to the earth level, they did not disappoint Arthur, and they had the ability to compete with the early stage of the earth level at the peak of the gold level.

And this is also the reason why Arthur brought Nicole and Aegina to participate in this invasion war between the Kingdom of Carlos and the Kingdom of Cham.

is to take Nicole, Eina and the two daughters to fight with the earth-level existence of the Cham Kingdom, and then let Nicole and Eina feel the pressure of the earth-level existence in the battle with the earth-level existence, so as to break through from the gold-level peak to the early stage of the great earth-level.

And Nicole, Aegina’s two daughters, did not disappoint Arthur, in the battle with the two early earth-level existences of the blood bronze collar, they successfully broke through from the gold-level peak to the early earth-level level.

Nicole and Ayina, who successfully broke through from the peak of the gold level to the early 330th stage of the earth level, although their combat power did not reach the middle of the earth level because of the breakthrough, but they were also extremely close to the middle of the earth level.

Therefore, Nicole and Ayina, who originally fell into the inferior position in the battle with the two earth-level early existences of the Blood Copper Collar, directly suppressed the two early earth-level existences of the Blood Copper Collar in the battle.

After all, the reason why the two Blood Bronze Lords existed in the early stage of the Earth Level, and the reason why they were able to suppress Nicole and Ayina’s two daughters was purely because of their strength in the early stage of the Earth Level, as well as their richer combat experience than Nicole and Ayina’s two daughters. In the early existence of the earth level, it is not a peak existence.

Seeing Nicole, who had made a breakthrough, the two daughters of Ayina had been able to suppress the two earth-level early existences of the blood copper collar, and Arthur knew that it would be useless to let Nicole, Aegina and the two earth-level early existence of the blood copper collar fight.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said to Nicole, Ayina, and the two earth-level early beings who were still fighting: “Okay, you can stop.” ”

Hearing Arthur’s order, Nicole, Aegina, and the two earth-level early beings of the Blood Bronze Collar immediately stopped fighting.

Looking at the two Blood Bronze Lords who were fighting with Nicole and Ayina, Arthur spoke, “You two go home!” ”


Hearing Arthur’s words, the two Blood Bronze Territory Earth Level Initial Existences, after responding, returned to the Blood Copper Territory Earth Level Existence Team.

After the two earth-level early beings of the Blood Bronze Collar returned to the team, Arthur monitored the earth-level existences of the Blood Bronze Collar, as well as the group of Blood Bronze Collar warriors, to cultivate the sub-breathing method of the Star Breathing Method.

After all, the more the existence of the Blood Bronze Collar completed the sub-breathing method of the Star Breathing Method, the faster they would be subtly influenced by the Star Breathing Method Sub-Breathing Method, and the faster they could be loyal to Arthur.

Although it was important to monitor the earth-level existences of the Blood Bronze Collar and the sub-breathing method of the Blood Bronze Collar warriors cultivating the Star Breathing Method, Arthur still did not monitor the Earth-level existence of the Blood Copper Collar and the group of Blood Bronze Collar warriors for much time.

One is because Arthur doesn’t have much time to spend in the Blood Bronze Domain. After all, don’t forget that the army of the Kingdom of Carlos led by Arthur is facing off against the defenders in the Steel City outside the Steel City led by Steel!

The second is because since Arthur broke through to the sky level, the effect of the star breathing method on people has become more powerful.

Like that kind of ordinary person who has not practiced the breathing method, after practicing the sub-breathing method of the star breathing method, as long as he is not very resistant to Arthur, he will soon be affected by the star breathing method. And if those ordinary people were willing to be loyal to Arthur, then they would offer loyalty to Arthur under the influence of the star breathing method.

As for the transcendent who has practiced the breathing method, although it will not be affected as much as ordinary people, it will also be affected to varying degrees according to the strength of cultivation and resistance to Arthur.

But regardless of the strength of the transcendent being, once he has the idea of being willing to be loyal to Arthur, he will definitely be loyal to Arthur under the influence of the sub-breathing method of the Star Breathing Method.

Although Arthur has only had a short time to subdue the earth-level existences of the Blood Bronze Collar and the Blood Bronze Collar warriors, there are still many people who are willing to be loyal to Arthur among the Earth-level existences of the Blood Bronze Collar and the Blood Bronze Collar Warriors.

And Arthur is young, he can easily defeat the sky-level existence of the blood bronze collar, and naturally there are many people who want to be loyal to Arthur.

“Murol [Blood Bronze Leader Sky-level Existence, full name Murol Gilrost], I’m leaving, and the matter of monitoring their cultivation of the Sub-Breathing Method will be handed over to you.”

“Lord Arthur, leave it to me.”

Hearing Arthur’s order, Murol quickly opened his mouth to respond.

For Murol’s response, Arthur did not care much, but opened his mouth and said to the spider: “Spider, you stay here for a while.” ”

“Yes, master.”

Hearing Arthur’s words, the spider replied. Then, she took the group of mutant demon spiders she had differentiated into the mountains and forests near the Blood Copper Collar.

After the matter was explained, Arthur did not stay in the blood copper collar, so he and Nicole and Aegina returned to the passage, with a group of black iron collar warriors, as well as Irene, Elise two daughters with doubts [Lilith, Alice has been completely loyal to Arthur after practicing the sub-meditation method of the Star Meditation Method], quickly walked through the passage, so as to quickly rush back to the Iron Domain, but even if Arthur and his group returned to the Iron Domain, the time came to the late night. After all, when Arthur and the others left from the passage on the side of the Blood Bronze Collar, it was not too late.

When Arthur returned to the humble camp outside Steel City with Erin, Elise and the others, as well as a group of black iron warriors, the time came to the early morning of the next day.

Fortunately, after Arthur left with a group of black iron led soldiers under his command, the army of the Carlos Kingdom in the humble camp and the guards in Steel City have been safe and sound [there are foxes on both sides, if you can not fight, you will not fight].

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