super lord

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: The Auction of the First Finale Auction Item.

The first finale auction item to appear was a bronze-grade material Chiyang iron, but the yellow light on it showed that it was not just a bronze-grade material Chiyang iron, but a Chiyang iron ore mother that can continuously produce Chiyang iron ore.

The bronze-grade material Chiyang iron naturally cannot be the finale auction item, but the Chiyang iron ore mother that can be used as a family inheritance can.

As this first finale auction item was held to the front of the stage, Luya, the auctioneer who presided over the entire auction, also opened her mouth to introduce the people in the auction hall.

“I believe everyone has recognized what our first finale auction is, yes, it is the Chiyang iron ore mother that can continuously produce Chiyang iron ore.”

Although Chiyang iron is only a bronze-grade material, it is nothing to the guests present, but the Chiyang iron ore mother that can continuously produce it can increase the family’s heritage.

“And this Chiyang iron ore mother has been tested by our Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce and found to be the mother of a medium-sized Chiyang iron ore vein.”


Listening to the auctioneer Luya’s story, the auctioneers who came to participate in the auction on the scene couldn’t help but be excited about this Chiyang iron ore mother that can continuously produce veins.

No, an auctioneer who couldn’t wait opened his mouth and asked the auctioneer Luya: “Miss Luya, what is the starting price of this Chiyang iron ore mother?” ”

Hearing someone ask about the starting price of the Chiyang iron ore mother, Luya knew that it was time, so she no longer introduced the Chiyang iron ore mother, but said: “It seems that this guest can’t wait, I believe everyone is also curious about the starting price of this Chiyang iron ore mother, then let’s start the auction of the Chiyang iron ore mother!” ”

“The starting price of the Chiyang iron ore mother is 500,000, and each price increase must not be less than 10,000.”

“Six hundred thousand!”

As soon as the auctioneer Luya’s voice fell, someone immediately started bidding, and the auctioneer who started bidding at the beginning increased the price by 100,000 yuan to auction the Chiyang iron ore mother as soon as he exported.

Obviously, the auctioneer who was the first to bid wanted to fight off the desire of others to compete with himself through a super high markup. Unfortunately, he succeeded and failed.

The success lies in his participation, which does repel the idea of some people wanting to compete for the Chiyang iron ore vein, and the failure lies in the fact that there are also many people who do not talk about his offer.

No, not long after the first auctioneer made a bid, a guest in the box immediately opened his mouth and offered: “700,000!” ”

After the auctioneers in this box made a bid, the auctioneers in some other boxes also opened their own participation.

“Seven hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Seven hundred and eighty thousand!”

“Eight hundred thousand!”


“One hundred and one hundred thousand!”

“One hundred and fifty thousand!”

With the bidding of the auctioneers in the box, the price of the Chiyang iron ore mother soon came to a high price of 1.15 million.

And this price is almost the actual price of the Chiyang iron ore mother.

Although, in theory, items like the mother ore that can produce minerals in a steady stream are priceless. But those who can’t stand it will have accidents when they have it.

Therefore, the price of the mother ore is generally between five hundred times and a thousand times the price of its monthly output mineral. Of course, the rarer the mineral, the greater its multiple, even more than a thousand times is not a problem.

For example, the Chiyang iron ore vein in the auction is equivalent to a medium-sized ore vein, and the sale price of the Chiyang iron ore produced every month is about two thousand gold coins.

However, since Chiyang iron is only a bronze-grade material and is not very rare, its true selling price is about 1.2 million.

Of course, its actual selling price will definitely exceed 1.2 million.

Because in the Kingdom of Carlos and the area around the Kingdom of Carlos, the sale of ore mothers is very rare. Therefore, the actual selling price of the Chiyang iron ore mother is higher than the real price of the Chiyang iron ore mother.

No, after the auctioneers in the box raised the price of the Chiyang iron ore mother to 1.15 million, the auctioneer who first made the bid again offered: “1.2 million!” ”

Unfortunately, he was not the only one who set his eyes on the Chiyang Iron Ore, and after he made a quotation, someone opened his mouth and offered: “One hundred and twenty-one thousand!” ”

“One hundred and twenty-two thousand!”

“One hundred and twenty-three thousand!”


However, perhaps because the bidding price of the Chiyang iron ore ore mother has exceeded its real price, the latter people who participated in the bidding did not increase the price very much each time, but only the minimum price allowed by the auction.

In box eleven, looking at the Chiyang iron ore vein that was constantly being auctioned below, Yuon Chris opened his mouth and asked Arthur: “Arthur, don’t you participate in the auction?” ”

“No need.”

Hearing Euon Chris’s inquiry, Arthur shook his head and replied.

Although there is no Chiyang iron ore vein in Arthur’s territory, for Arthur, who has blood copper veins, blood silver veins, blood gold veins, and concentrate gold veins, the Chiyang iron ore veins are really useless.

Besides, after he controls the Carlos Kingdom and the surrounding kingdoms of the Carlos Kingdom, the Chiyang Iron Ore, which can continuously produce Chiyang Iron Ore, is not his, and why should he compete with others, he is not in a hurry to need Chiyang Iron Ore.

Hearing Arthur’s answer, Yuon Chris no longer said much, but looked at the auction house about the auction of the Chiyang iron ore mother. Below, the Chiyang iron ore mother was constantly being auctioned, and the price soon reached 1.35 million.

After this price, there are many fewer people participating in the bidding, and only a few people are still bidding to fly.

However, the price of the Chiyang iron ore mother is also almost at the top, no, after the auctioneer who bid for the Chiyang iron ore mother at the beginning, after the price was 1.42 million, no one bid with him.

In the end, the Chiyang iron ore mother was auctioned by the original bidder of the Chiyang iron ore ore mother at a price of 1.42 million.

And with the first finale item, Chiyang Iron Ore, was auctioned away, the second finale item of the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce auction was also held to the stage by a maid.

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