super lord

Chapter 229

Chapter 229: Moon Shadow Leopard Cub.

When things were undecided, he naturally asked the system, and immediately, Arthur opened his mouth and asked the super lord system: “System, what kind of Warcraft is this Warcraft cub?” ”

“Earth-level Warcraft Moon Shadow Leopard cubs, adults can become earth-level Warcraft, and if cultivated properly, Sky-level is not impossible.”

“Even, if the opportunity is enough, you can also advance to become the Moon Shadow Leopard King from the legendary level to the legendary level.”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the super lord system did not mean to hide, and answered directly.

Hearing the Super Lord System’s answer, Arthur looked at the Moon Shadow Leopard who was sent to the auction hall in shock. He really didn’t expect that the fifth finale auction item sent by the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce would be a magical beast cub with amazing potential, the Moon Shadow Leopard.

Of course, the potential of the Moon Shadow Leopard cub is amazing, but if it is not properly cultivated, it will be an earth-level monster at most. And just when Arthur was shocked by the potential of the moon shadow leopard cub, the auctioneer Luya also began to introduce the moon shadow leopard

“I believe that all guests should be very curious about what kind of Warcraft cub this is, here I will introduce it to you, this Warcraft cub is the cub of the Moon Shadow Leopard.”

And the Moon Shadow Leopard is an earth-level monster, and even, the outstanding individuals among them have sky-level strength.

“In other words, this Moon Shadow Leopard cub, as long as it is an adult, can have earth-level strength, and if it is properly cultivated, it can become a sky-level demon beast with sky-level strength.”

Listening to the auctioneer Luya’s explanation about the Moon Shadow Leopard, the auctioneers who came to participate in the auction couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Don’t look at the people who came to participate in the auction on the spot, there are many earth-level existences, and there are also some sky-level existences, so I think that the earth-level and sky-level are nothing.

In fact, in most of the kingdoms on the Magic Continent, earth-level existences were already the mainstay of the great lord families. And the sky-level existence is the foundation of the great lord families.

Like the Yaros family led by Yaros in the Cham Kingdom that Arthur first subdued, its family heritage is also a sky-level existence.

Other great lord families may be better, and there will be one or two more sky-level existences, but a sky-level existence can still add a lot of heritage to their family.

Therefore, you can imagine how excited the people who came to participate in the auction would be after hearing Luya’s introduction to the Moon Shadow Leopard.

Looking at the excited auctioneers among the auction leaders, auctioneer Luya stopped talking nonsense, and directly announced: “The starting price of the Moon Shadow Leopard cub is 500,000, and the price increase must not be less than 10,000 each time, start the auction now!” ”

As the auctioneer Luya announced the starting price of the Moon Shadow Leopard cub and the minimum price increase each time, even one of the box owners opened his mouth and offered: “800,000!” ”

“800,000 also want to photograph the moon shadow leopard cub, I’m afraid you’re not dreaming, I’m bidding for one million.”

“What is a million, one hundred and twenty thousand!”

“One hundred and thirty thousand!”

“One hundred and thirty-fifty thousand!”

“The one who bid 1.35 million, you and the one who bid 800,000, are you funny? A one-time increase of 50,000, if you add it out, I will pay 1.5 million! ”

“So much nonsense, only to bid one and a half million, I see you are also here to be funny, one hundred and eight million!”

“One hundred and nine million!”

“Two million!”

With the bidding of the owners of the box at the auction venue, the price of the Moon Shadow Leopard cub soon reached two million.

However, the price of two million is nothing for the auction bidding of the Moon Shadow Leopard cub, but in a short time, the bidding of the Moon Shadow Leopard cub exceeded two million.

“Stain, the price of this Moon Shadow Leopard cub is really expensive!”

Looking at the bidding of the owners of the boxes in the auction hall for the Moon Shadow Leopard cub, Arthur couldn’t help but sigh.

Then, looking at the box, Yuon Chris, who was very moved by the Moon Shadow Leopard cub that was being auctioned, Arthur asked: “Father, don’t you participate in the auction?” ”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, although Euon Chris wanted to bid very much, looking at the crazy bidding about the Moon Shadow Leopard cub below, he still shook his head and replied: “Forget it, with the financial resources of our Flame Domain, it is not suitable to bid, besides, this is just a cub, I don’t know how long it will take to cultivate after taking a picture!” ”


Hearing Euon Chris’s answer, Arthur was stunned, he didn’t expect his father to think so clearly about the Moon Shadow Leopard. He also thought that he had thought so clearly about the Moon Shadow Leopard cub!

Initially, when he learned the information about the Moon Shadow Leopard cub from the super lord system, Arthur was still very excited about the Moon Shadow Leopard cub.

However, before Arthur was ready to bid, after looking at the relevant exchange prices in the super lord system about the Moon Shadow Leopard, Arthur had no idea about the Moon Shadow Leopard cubs in the auction hall.


Because, in the exchange function of the super lord system, an adult earth-level early moon shadow leopard, however, is only worth 10 million forces, even if an adult sky-level early moon shadow leopard is only worth 50 million forces.

And this is still the normal moon shadow leopard exchange price in the super lord system, in fact, in the exchange function of the super lord system, the moon shadow leopard also has a way to exchange, that is, it is recruited from the class building as a class.

In the super lord system, there are two class buildings that can recruit troop classes Moon Shadow Leopard, namely the fourth-order class building of the ordinary Moon Shadow Leopard class building and the fifth-order class building of the elite Moon Shadow Leopard class building.

Among them, the ordinary Moon Shadow Leopard Class Building, a fourth-order class building, has a conversion price of one billion power values in the super lord system, and after exchange, you can recruit the early Earth level Moon Shadow Leopard at a price of one million force values.

Although the exchange price of the elite Moon Shadow Leopard class building, the fifth-order class building, is more expensive, the exchange price in the super lord system is five billion power value. After redeeming it, you can recruit the Sky-level Early Moon Shadow Leopard at a price of 10 million power value.

Of course, the Moon Shadow Leopard, a military class recruited with the class building, also has the limitation of being a class, that is, their strength cannot be improved.

Moreover, when facing those normal moon shadow leopards, their individual strength will be inferior to normal moon shadow leopards for a long time.

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