Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 103 Strangling the Throat of the Market

What Zhao Xu said is right. The huge market for movie-version holographic projectors is based on the 3D simulation compiler. If Dream Company does not provide the compiler, no matter how big the market is, it will be nothing but a spectacle. arrive.

This is what really choked the market by the throat. Now it seems that the American's idea of ​​using the "Trade Protection Act" to exclude Zhao Xu is simply a big joke.

"Mr. Zhao Xu, did you come here today to show off, or to laugh at our stupidity?" A middle-aged man asked with an ugly expression.

The faces of the others were not much better. The huge bidding would become a joke, and it was already embarrassing. If they were laughed at by Zhao Xu again, they would have the intention of killing people.

"Sir, do you think I'm that boring?"

Zhao Xu shook his head helplessly: "Instead of laughing at you, wouldn't it be better for me to wait for you to buy a projector from another company and see that you have no movies to play?"

"Then what's your purpose?" another person asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's to sell our projectors to the bosses!"

Zhao Xu smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Hehe, cinema projectors are also a huge market. Of course, our company will not give up this market, but this is only one of the purposes, and the other purpose is that we want to cooperate with everyone present here. Cooperate with major projection equipment companies!"

"What, cooperation?" The representatives of many equipment companies were stunned. Zhao Xu's words spanned a bit, which really surprised them.

"Yes, it is cooperation!"

Zhao Xu looked around at everyone, raised his voice and said loudly: "Our dream company is willing to form a business alliance with all the equipment companies here. We will cooperate in the future to develop new projection equipment and share the global market together. And if this business alliance can If it is realized, then our dream company is willing to come up with the technology of 3D simulation compiler and share it with all allies!"

"What? Are you willing to come up with the technology of the 3D simulation compiler?"

The news was so shocking that everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at Zhao Xu in disbelief.

Taking out the technology of the 3D simulation compiler is equivalent to dividing the benefits that originally belonged to Dream Company to other equipment companies. Zhao Xu is really so stupid?

"Mr. Zhao Xu, may I ask what are the conditions for you to share technology? I don't think you can provide technology for nothing, right?" a representative of an equipment company asked.

"Of course, as a qualified businessman, it is absolutely impossible to share one's interests with others for nothing!"

Zhao Xu raised his brows and replied: "As I said just now, our purpose is to form alliances with various companies. This is where our interests lie. Of course, if you get the technology, you must pay us a lot." A patent fee!"

"Is it just a patent fee?" Everyone's minds are almost muddled. Using other people's technology requires paying a patent fee. This is the most basic business rule. In their opinion, Dream Company's conditions seem a bit too low.

Another representative of the equipment company smiled wryly, "Mr. Zhao Xu, you'd better stop being around the bush and tell us why you did this, otherwise we won't feel at ease!"

"Hehe, let me be blunt!" Zhao Xu grinned: "Everyone has seen the huge market for movie version holographic projectors, but they forgot that there is actually a bigger market waiting for us, which is bigger than the former. no less than ten times larger,

The profit is of course much higher! "

Everyone's curiosity was immediately aroused, and various companies have done investigations. If the market for movie version holographic projectors is fully developed, there will be at least tens of billions of dollars in profits.

Zhao Xu actually said that there was a bigger market than this, so wouldn't it be hundreds of billions of dollars?

Some people urged impatiently: "Mr. Zhao Xu, you should reveal the answer as soon as possible. What is the market you are referring to?"

Zhao Xu smiled slightly: "Hehe, it's actually very simple. I'm referring to the market for personal projectors!"

"Personal market?" Everyone suddenly realized that, indeed, Zhao Xu was right.

There are 7 billion people in the world, and there are more than 2 billion households on average. Even if only one-tenth buys personal projectors, it is still a huge market.

What's more, companies have not yet developed personal projectors, and the market is basically blank. Thinking about the benefits makes people drool.

"Everyone should know that the market for personal projectors is too huge to be swallowed by any company alone, and our dream company can't do it either! In this case, why don't we join forces and form a business alliance to carve up this market?" huge market?"

Zhao Xu looked around at everyone, his eyes were extremely firm: "The major companies here represent the top strength of the world's holographic projection industry. I believe that if we can unite, we will be able to better guide and plan this huge market. , and at the same time, we can also have greater dominance in the competition with other companies, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other, and their hearts were moved.

They knew very well that Zhao Xu saw that he could not monopolize the market, but at the same time coveted the entire market, so he wanted to have a greater say in the global market through the alliance, and once the alliance was established, then The Dream Company deserves to be dominant.

"This is a greedy guy!" Everyone immediately defined Zhao Xu, but they had to agree.

Just like what Zhao Xu said, this market is so huge that no company can swallow it alone. The dream company can't do it, and these companies can't do it either. Therefore, forming an alliance, setting standards, and competing for market dominance is the best choice. .

What's more, Dream Company has a 3D simulation compiler, which is a big killer, so Zhao Xu can choose who to cooperate with, but others can't.

Once Zhao Xu chooses to form an alliance with another company, there is only one dead end waiting for these equipment companies here in the future.

"So, Mr. Zhao Xu, can you talk about your specific cooperation method?" A representative of an equipment company asked.

Zhao Xu waved his hand: "The specific details need to be discussed slowly at the negotiating table, but the general direction of cooperation is that I hope that the alliance can concentrate research talents, establish a world-leading holographic projection research institute in China, and develop a Personal projectors, and then we have to enter the market first before other companies make a move to get the most benefits!"

The representatives nodded in agreement. They are not the only projector companies in the world. Once the alliance is established, those companies will definitely make some moves. Only those who act the fastest can gain the largest territory.

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