Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 126 I Died Wrongly

"A person who can say such a thing must be an idiot with an IQ of less than seventy!"

DiCaprio mocked unceremoniously: "We need to know that any company cannot expand infinitely. In its development, it must carry out constant rectification and running-in. In fact, Dream Company has done a good job in this regard. Well, one hundred production lines, do you know what that means?"

"This means recruiting operators on a large scale. Think about it, a company with only 100 employees suddenly increases to 10,000 employees in a short period of time. The result is definitely not an increase in productivity, but an increase in productivity. To manage chaos and constant conflicts within the company, you must know that managing a hundred people and managing 10,000 people are completely different concepts!"

"In addition to the establishment of the Dream Projector Alliance, I have to admit that Mr. Zhao Xu's business strategy at this step is absolutely wise. On the surface, he seems to have given up his market and interests to other alliance companies. But actually? I have a set of numbers here!"

Ocaprio paused for a moment, and continued: "According to statistics, in this quarter, Dream Company sold a total of 40 million projectors, while the dozens of franchise companies of Dream League sold more than 50 million projectors. Tens of millions of projectors, and finally looking at other companies outside the alliance, the total sales of less than one million projectors!"

"What do you see from this set of data?"

He smiled slightly and said: "At present, we can see that after a series of operations, Dream Company itself has occupied more than 40% of the market, while the franchise companies of Dream Alliance have occupied 100% of the market. The market of more than 50!"

"This ratio seems to be a disadvantage for Dream Company, but don't forget that there are dozens of franchised companies in Dream League, and their total sales volume is only 50 million units. If the average sales volume is for a single company, then its sales volume is It is far from being comparable to Dream Company!"

"Finally, let's talk about the projector companies outside the alliance. There are at least a thousand projector companies in the world, but their total sales are only one million units. What does this mean?"

"This shows that Dream Company not only has a very high market share, but also has achieved dominance over the entire market through the Dream Alliance, completely eroding the profits of other companies. You can think about it, because the equipment produced has no market. In the end, the only thing waiting for these companies is bankruptcy!"

"Maybe this is the cruelty of the mall!"

The host continued to ask: "Mr. Ocaprio, among those companies that are about to go bankrupt, there are also our American companies. Now the global projector market has been completely controlled by the Chinese. Many American citizens want to know, such a situation, How does it affect us in the United States?"

"Of course there is influence. Everyone should know the term 'Made in China'!"

Ocaprio has a serious face: "Although in the past ten years or so, Chinese products have been sold wildly in the world and quickly occupied a large part of the global market, even in the lives of our American people, Chinese products have no everywhere!"

"But it is very important that although Chinese products are very popular in our lives, in the past, our impression of Chinese manufacturing has always been that it is cheap and low-tech. In fact, most of the Chinese products can only occupy The low-end market is powerless for the high-end market!"

Ocaprio's voice suddenly increased a lot: "But now, Dream Company has reached the forefront of the world in terms of holographic projection technology! And don't forget, the projectors released by Dream Company this time,

It doesn't include all their cutting-edge technologies, at least we haven't seen the photon force field transmission and intelligent monitoring technology that Zhao Xu showed in Tokyo competitions! "

"And according to the Chinese people's usual principle of doing things, they will never bring out the best! So apart from the two technologies of the photonic force field transmission, Zhao Xu probably has other cutting-edge technologies in his hands."

"What does this mean? This means that the Chinese may not only have reached the forefront of the world in terms of holographic projection technology. As the United States, which has always led the world in cutting-edge technology, we must remain vigilant against this..."

In a hotel room in Los Angeles, USA, Ocaprio on the TV is giving an impassioned speech.

Chu Zixin was lying on the bed, a smile appeared on her beautiful face: "I really didn't expect that guy, who looks so ordinary, could make such a big commotion!"

During this period of time, although she has been following the crew to promote the film everywhere, it can be said that she is too busy to keep her feet on the ground, but she has been paying attention to the affairs of Dream Company all the time.

In fact, even if you don't want to pay attention, you can't do it, because in the recent period, the name Dream Company is so popular that almost all the media in the world are rushing to report on it.

Chu Zixin was really curious, how did Zhao Xu achieve his current achievements?

But she seems to have forgotten a word, when a woman becomes curious about a man, it is the beginning of her fall.

"What a mystery guy!" Chu Zixin bit her lip, took out her phone and found Zhao Xu's number: "I'm going back to China tomorrow, should I call that guy first?"

In fact, she has already taken another movie, and the new movie will start in half a month.

Originally, in the past half a month, she should have stayed in the United States to get familiar with the script, but for some reason, she couldn't calm down when she thought of a certain guy's wicked smile, so she couldn't read the script with peace of mind. up.

"Damn guy, why do people always think of you?"

Chu Zixin rested her chin, her slender fingers circled around the call button, always hesitating whether to press it: "Forget it, why did you call him, he didn't go back to China just to see him!"

This is obviously duplicity, women, it is always wrong!

As she spoke, she was about to turn off the phone, but she didn't expect that someone who didn't pay attention suddenly pressed the call button.

"Ah, no, why did you dial out?" Chu Zixin panicked, and immediately wanted to turn off the phone in a hurry.

But Zhao Xu's lazy voice came from the phone: "Hey, Zixin, it's already late over there, why don't you go to bed and call me, what's wrong?"

"That..." Chu Zixin tangled his hands together, and said weakly, "I dialed the wrong dial!"

This girl is so sincere, you know that when a woman calls a man, but then says that she has dialed the wrong number, does this hurt a man's self-esteem?

Of course, for some men, it doesn't matter whether they hurt their self-esteem or not, because they are thick-skinned enough to fight back their embarrassment in an instant.

For example, Zhao Xu, who was silent on the phone for two seconds, suddenly asked lewdly, "Zixin, did you miss me, so you were hesitating whether to call me, but it didn't work out. Be careful to get connected? Hey, you said you are really, if you miss me, just call me directly, why hesitate?"

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