Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 139 Genius Agent

"The body can be discharged? No wonder Bai Xue and the others failed last time. It's a pity that the general staff has sealed Bai Xue and others tightly, and no one is allowed to touch them. Otherwise, I should have gotten the news long ago!"

Mr. Mi's voice was a little excited: "I think that kid Zhao Xu must be carrying a new type of weapon obtained from the mysterious research institute, hehe, I am becoming more and more interested in him, if I can really get it from him The news from the research institute, the higher ups will definitely reward me greatly, even..."

His words stopped abruptly, he pondered for a while, and then said: "You two come to see me at People's Park immediately, I want to know every detail of what happened yesterday!"

"Okay, Mr. Mi!" The scarred youth nodded and hung up the phone.

"Boss, what did Mr. Mi say?" Lu Mao asked anxiously.

"Mr. Mi wants to know the details of yesterday's incident, let's go to People's Park to meet him!" The scarred youth waved his hand: "Come on, let's get a car first, it's not close to People's Park!"

The two sneaked around the neighborhood, stole two electric cars and left.

Originally, they wanted to steal a four-wheeled car, but thinking that the road outside was almost congested, they had no choice but to give up.

It seems that traffic jams are a headache for even spies!

After the two left, Zhao Xu came out from the corner and muttered, "It seems that this Mr. Mi should be that mole. Hehe, I finally found you, you bastard!"

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhong Zheng: "Mole is going to meet at People's Park, come quickly!"

Then, he rode an electric bicycle and followed the two people who had gone far.

People's Park of Dongjiang City, the breeze is gentle and the trees are shady.

At this time, it is the time for the elderly to exercise in the morning, and the park is full of old people doing activities, such as Tai Chi, shuttlecock kicking, and "Little Apple".

The scarred youth and Lumao parked their electric cars on the side of the road and walked into the park. Along the way, the two of them looked around furtively like ghosts entering a village.

"Boss, what does Mr. Mi look like?" Lumao asked in a low voice, a little uneasy. This park is full of old men and old ladies. The two of them are dressed here, which is really eye-catching. As a spy, this is very strange. deadly.

"How do I know? Just wait patiently, Mr. Mi will send us a message when he arrives!" The scarred youth waved his hand a little irritably. This Mr. Mi is very mysterious, and he has never met him before.

The two didn't notice that when they passed by a group of old people who were doing Tai Chi, one of the old men whose Tai Chi movements were not standard was looking at them with treacherous eyes.

The white crane spreads its wings... holds the sparrow's tail to the left... one whip... two peaks piercing its ears...

Zhao Xu stood in a group of old grandpas, following the other old people in Tai Chi in an extremely non-standard posture, and stared at the scarred youth and the green-haired youth not far away with wicked eyes.

"Hehe, my buddy is indeed a genius for being an agent. Look at the disguise technique used, those two guys didn't find any flaws!" He was quite proud, so the Tai Chi movements became more and more substandard.

At this time, an old woman next to her couldn't stand it, so she walked over and said, "Brother, is this your first time learning Taijiquan here? Hehe, I haven't seen you before!"

"Huh? Yes, it's my first time here!" Zhao Xu nodded quickly: "Auntie,

How do you see my Tai Chi? "

"Go, go, who are you calling aunt? I think you are much older than me!" The old aunt was very upset when she was called.

"Well, that..."

Zhao Xu blinked, and almost forgot that he was now disguised as an old man, so he quickly changed his words: "Hey, old girl, don't be angry, just now I was thinking about my relatives, and I accidentally called him Come out, hehe, don't mind!"

"Let me just say, it's not appropriate for you to call me aunt!"

The old lady waved her hand coquettishly: "Brother, I'm not talking about you. I just learned Taijiquan, so it's normal if you don't play well, but your attitude must be correct. Just now I saw your eyes wandering, obviously If you are absent-minded, you will not be able to punch well!"

"Yes, yes, I was a little distracted just now!" Zhao Xu blushed, this aunt must have been a people's teacher before she retired, otherwise why would she like to educate people so much?

"You can't be distracted. No matter what we do, concentration is the most important thing. Come on, bro, hit it again, and I'll help you correct your posture!" The old lady said enthusiastically.

"This...hehe, no, no old girl, I'm just playing casually!" Zhao Xu had a headache and wanted to say, "I'm just a soy sauce maker, you should just go about your business!"

"How can you play casually? Tai Chi is good for your health when you are older. You... I said, brother, do you think I can't play well, so you don't want me to teach you?"

The old lady was not happy, she put her hands on her hips "Jiao Man", snorted coldly: "Ask the people here, how is my Taijiquan, I'm not bragging, there is really no one here who is better than me !"

The aunt is quite arrogant, and her aura is absolutely overwhelming.

Zhao Xu looked around, and suddenly found that all the old men were glaring at him, and even a few old men were still stretching their arms and kicking their legs to show off their muscles. It seemed that as long as he said "no" again, they would immediately Come up and give me a beating.

It seems that the aunt's status here is detached, and she is obviously a "popular lover" type!

"I was wrong, you shitty secret agent genius, why did I disguise myself as an old man?" Zhao Xu couldn't take it anymore, he was really afraid that a group of old men would turn into jealous jars one after another, and give him something .

So without saying a word, he just turned around and ran away.

I can vaguely hear the old lady yelling from behind: "Hey, I said, why are you running? It's strange, this old man is not young, how can he run faster than young people, er, look You are in pretty good shape!"

Immediately, several old men came up to him and said unconvinced: "Old girl, he is in good health. Look at me, this muscle, this skill, Doriso!"

"Tch, what is your body? Look at me, the white crane spreads its wings, oops, you twisted your waist..."


Zhao Xu fled into the toilet in embarrassment, disguised himself as a middle-aged man again, and then sneaked out. This time, even if he knew that he would not be recognized, he did not dare to approach those old men and aunts again. I can't afford it!

He looked at the young man with the scar and the green hair not far away, and suddenly found that the two checked their mobile phones, and then walked to a stool in a gazebo and sat down.

"Could it be that Mr. Mi is coming?" Zhao Xu's heart moved, he quickly found a bench nearby and sat down, and waited patiently.

About ten minutes later, suddenly, the mobile phone in his arms rang. He took it out and saw that it was a message from Zhong Zheng: "We are here, tell me your location!"

"In the middle of the park, near the gazebo, that Mr. Mi should be here soon, be careful, don't be discovered by others!" He replied a message, and then continued to peek at the gazebo.

At this moment, a man wearing big black sunglasses came from not far away and entered the gazebo.

"It's him!" Zhao Xu's heart was in his throat. There was no other way. After all, it was his first time working as an agent. In Guo Degang's words, this feeling is really... so exciting!

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