Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 145 The Chase of Funny Bi

On the street at noon, people were going home. At this moment, two people suddenly ran onto the street one after the other.

Zhao Xu ran as hard as he could, chasing Mr. Mi closely. He was really furious, after all, being played like an idiot, no one can stand it.

"Damn it, grandson, don't run away if you have the guts, and see how I deal with you!" Zhao Xu yelled at the top of his voice.

In front of Mr. Mi, his legs were striding fast, while he still had time to turn around and scold: "You are a fool if you don't run away, you have too many weird things on your body, if you have the ability to take off your clothes and beat me... No, I won't follow you if you take off your clothes." You hit!"

He suddenly remembered that even though Zhao Xu took off his clothes just now, he still brought down five of his subordinates, so he would never foolishly throw himself into the trap.

However, the conversation between the two of them was so interesting that the passers-by couldn't help laughing. Everyone was very surprised. These two guys obviously seemed to have a deep hatred, but why did they talk so funny?

The two chased all the way, and after a long while, they came to a residential area. The houses here are all row after row, two-story buildings connected together, and there is a long alley between every two rows of buildings.

Mr. Mi suddenly turned into one of the alleys, and Zhao Xu quickly followed.

Mr. Mi took a few steps to run up, and suddenly climbed up a wall easily like a monkey, and then he borrowed strength from the window next to him, and climbed up a small two-story building with two clicks.

"Haha, boy, I see how you are still chasing now?"

Mr. Mi crouched on the roof and looked proudly at Zhao Xu below: "Tell you, I have undergone rigorous training, just because you want to catch up with me? Dreaming, this small second floor can let you... , have such things?"

His proud expression froze on his face, his eyes widened, and he looked down in disbelief.

Zhao Xuyun calmly took out two pairs of strange-looking gloves from his arms, put them on his hands and feet respectively, and then stuck them to the wall like a gecko, and climbed up easily.

The two stared at each other, and Zhao Xu sneered as he climbed up and said to himself, "Just because you want to escape my brother? If it weren't for the fear of being seen in broad daylight, brother, I would catch up with you in minutes with a jetpack! "

Mr. Mi is about to cry. How can I say that I am also a top spy? After meeting this kid, why did nothing go well, and now it is so sad to even escape?

He was speechless, didn't dare to talk nonsense, turned around and ran away.

So next, the two started a round of "urban off-road".

Mr. Mi's skill is absolutely comparable to that of a special soldier. He is very familiar with climbing walls with his bare hands and flying over eaves and walls. No wall or house can block his way.

But... But he was really going crazy, because no matter how good his skills were, no matter how quick his movements were, he still couldn't stop Zhao Xu from making weird things from time to time!

Mr. Mi clearly remembered that once, he thought he had escaped, but before he was happy, he saw Zhao Xu shoot a white rope from a tall building, and then slipped down.

At that time, the guy greeted him with a playful smile, and Mr. Mi felt very sad about it: "Damn, I can't live through this day!"

The chase continued, and after a while, the two arrived at the top of a five-story building. Mr. Mi looked back and found Zhao Xu sitting on the ground.

Mr. Mi was surprised,

The suspicious face also stopped and asked: "Hey, why didn't you chase after me?"

Zhao Xu rolled his eyes and said nothing. It's not that he doesn't want to chase, but he can't. After all, his physical strength can't be compared with Mr. Mi who has undergone strict training.

Although Mr. Mi has been chasing Mr. Mi to a climax for a long time, he himself is exhausted to death: "Yah, bah, a man's physical a very serious problem!"

Seeing that Zhao Xu didn't answer, Mr. Mi became more suspicious: "Hey, kid, I'm asking you something!"

"Are you crazy?" Zhao Xu was annoyed. Did this guy get chased stupidly?

Panting heavily, he cursed: "I'm not chasing you, why don't you run? How dare you stop and ask me, you masochist, do I have to keep chasing you to be happy?"

Mr. Mi looked again, suddenly realized, and laughed as if he had won the first prize: "I see, you have no energy, haha, let's see how you are still chasing me now, damn it, I have never been caught by anyone." It's been so miserable, today's business is not over, just wait, I will come to you in the future!"

After saying a harsh word, Mr. Mi crawled downstairs without looking back. He didn't dare to wait any longer, or else when Zhao Xu regained his strength, he wouldn't be able to run even if he wanted to.

Zhao Xu curled his lips: "There is still a future? Just dream, grandma is a bear, if I can let you run away today, it will be considered a ghost!"

However, he felt that it was not a matter to continue chasing, after all, the physical strength of the two parties was not directly proportional.

He thought about it for a while, then suddenly slapped his head: "Oh, I'm going, why are you so stupid, why are you chasing after him, why don't you just wait for this unlucky ghost to come to your door?"

He also got down on the ground immediately, and then made a handheld tracker, and saw a small red dot moving on the screen. After chasing for half a day, he had already made a tracker on Mr. Mi.

"Want to run? Hmph, then you can run slowly, I'm not in a hurry, I'll exhaust you to death first!"

He checked that no one was passing by, and immediately made another electric bicycle, then used the tracker to deduce Mr. Mi's escape route, stepped directly on the electric bicycle, and rushed out of the alley with a "buzz".

Next, Zhao Xu changed his strategy and began to chase and intercept Mr. Mi.

What is chasing and intercepting?

Every time, when Mr. Mi thought he had escaped, Zhao Xu would "just happen" to pass by on his electric bike in front of him.

So Mr. Mi went crazy again!

It was the first time that Zhao Xu "coincidentally" blocked him, and Mr. Mi thought it was a coincidence, so he turned and left calmly;

The second time, Mr. Mi realized that a tracker must have been installed on his body, so he rummaged through his body, and he found a tracker in his windbreaker pocket and threw it away;

For the third time, Mr. Mi was surprised to find that all the buttons of his windbreaker had turned into trackers. He felt unbelievable, but unfortunately he had no time to think about it, so he simply took off the windbreaker and threw it away;

But the fourth time, he was still "just" blocked by Zhao Xu, so he continued to rummage, and found that the zipper of his pants had also become a tracker. He had no choice but to take off his pants and throw them away.

As a result, the fifth time... Mr. Mi threw away the T-shirt shyly;

The sixth time... Mr. Mi threw away his long johns with a flushed face, revealing a pair of hairy thighs.

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