Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 150 Strong Body

"This guy is such a pervert!" Zhao Xu muttered to himself, quite curious about the blue pill that Mr. Mi ate.

It's really hard not to be interested in a medicine that can stimulate the potential of the human body. Zhao Xu actually wanted to get one and study the ingredients in it.

Of course, it was just for interest, he didn't dare to take this inexplicable drug into his stomach.

You can tell from Mr. Mi's current state that this drug is definitely not a good thing. Although it can strengthen the body, it loses the ability to think.

More importantly, who knows if the effect of the medicine wears off, will there be other sequelae, such as gene mutations, or loss of certain abilities?

"Damn it, I don't want to have a son!" Zhao Xu muttered to himself.

After swimming along the river for a while, Zhao Xu suddenly realized that Mr. Mi in front had finally landed on the bank, so he immediately swam to the bank as well.

This is already a suburb, and not far away is the only mountain in Dongjiang City - Broken Dragon Mountain.

After Zhao Xu landed, he looked up and saw that Mr. Mi was walking forward on his hands and feet like a beast, but his speed was quite fast, and he had already got into the mountain in just a moment.

"There is no one else here now, so I can finally do it with all my strength!" Zhao Xu sneered, the orange light flashed, and the jetpack had been made.

He stretched his body lightly, and suddenly spread his wings. Driven by the flames of the injection device, he shot up into the sky and flew into the mountain at high speed.

After a while, Mr. Mi appeared in sight again.

"Hehe, let's see how strong your body is?" Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes and was about to dive down.

But suddenly, Mr. Mi seemed to have heard the movement in the air. He stopped suddenly and looked up at Zhao Xu. A hint of confusion flashed in his red eyes.

"What is this guy thinking? Didn't that potion completely deprive him of consciousness?" Zhao Xu wondered.

At this moment, Mr. Mi roared, suddenly picked up a stone, and shot it fiercely into the air.

"Damn it, brother, I haven't done anything yet, but you came first, heh heh, let's see who is the best among us?" Zhao Xu dodged the stone, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly he flapped his wings and roared Then he swooped down.

Mr. Mi seemed to feel a huge threat. He growled like a wild beast, and stared at Zhao Xu with his red eyes. As long as the two sides approached, he would attack immediately.

"Knowing that your body is strong and your movement speed is insanely fast, how can I get close to you?"

Zhao Xu is not stupid. Halfway through his dive, he suddenly raised his hands to his chest, and electric arcs flowed all over his body, quickly condensing an electric energy ball: "Hey, let you taste the taste of electromagnetic concentrated energy gun first!"

He pushed his hands with a strange smile, and the ball of electric energy rolled towards Mr. Mi like a ball of lightning.


Sensing the danger instinctively, Mr. Mi immediately roared and ran to the side to avoid it.

But the ball of electric energy has already landed on the ground, and then countless electric snakes spread rapidly in all directions. Mr. Mi's action speed is indeed astonishingly fast, but he is still far from being able to compare with the electric current, so in the blink of an eye, countless electric snakes have already chased him come up.


The arcs are like a big net,

In an instant, it covered Mr. Mi's whole body, and there were electric shocks that made the scalp tingle.

If ordinary people are continuously attacked by these currents, they will probably die in an instant.

But what stunned Zhao Xu was that Mr. Mi was only stiffened by the shock, and this stiffness only lasted less than three seconds.

Then, with a loud roar, Mr. Mi tensed his leg muscles and ejected a powerful force, jumping out of the attack range of the electromagnetic shaped cannon in an instant.


Mr. Mi stepped heavily on the ground with both feet. The electric current just now seemed to make him a little dizzy, but he just shook his head, and then looked up at Zhao Xu in the air again like a normal person.

"What a perverted drug!"

Zhao Xu gasped secretly. Even the high-power electromagnetic shaped cannon couldn't really hurt Mr. Mi. This kind of body was too strong.

And judging from the increasingly intense bloodthirsty desire bursting out from those red eyes, Mr. Mi's body is still strengthening, it seems that the potency of the drug has not fully exerted its limit!

"We can't let him strengthen anymore, otherwise the ghost knows how powerful his ability will become in the end. If he really becomes a Hulk, then I should start running for my life!"

Zhao Xu was serious, thinking about how to defeat Mr. Mi?

Judging from the attack just now, the electromagnetic shaped energy cannon is not completely useless to Mr. Mi, but because Mr. Mi has a strong physical endurance, can resist the invasion of electric current, and quickly escape the attack range of the electromagnetic shaped energy cannon, so the previous attack was made. The attack appears to have no effect.

But what if Mr. Mi can be trapped so that he cannot escape, and then continue to attack with high-power electric current?

"Damn it, I've been electrifying you for ten minutes in a row, I don't believe that electricity can kill you!" Zhao Xu gritted his teeth, and immediately created a pair of spider web launchers on his wrists. He was going to use the spider webs to kill Mr. Mi entangled.

At this moment, a black shadow flew towards him with a whistling roar, and Zhao Xu avoided it instantly with a flick of his wings. Upon closer inspection, it was actually Mr. Mi who threw a stone into the air again, and this time it was not a piece, but a rock. More than a dozen stones were shot one after another.

"I'm going to go, it seems that the brain is really burnt out by the medicine, and you want to hit me with a stone?"

Zhao Xu sneered disdainfully. His own agility might be considered an ordinary person, but the agility of the winged jet pack was several times higher than that of a falcon. It was a dream to hit him with just a few stones.

"I'm impatient to spend it with you!" Zhao Xu snorted, quickly dodged the flying stone, then swooped down suddenly, and shot at Mr. Mi quickly.

Although the speed at which the spider web launcher fired spider webs was not slow, it was still not as fast as Mr. Mi, so Zhao Xu had to get closer, otherwise Mr. Mi might dodge the launched spider webs.

The distance between the two quickly approached, and the distance between them was less than ten meters. At this moment, Zhao Xu raised his hands suddenly, and two white spider webs shot away, wrapping around Mr. Mi's body in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, how can you run now?" Zhao Xu laughed, but he forgot one thing, that is, Mr. Mi at this moment is not only fast, but also terrifyingly powerful.

After being entangled in the spider web, Mr. Mi suddenly let out a loud roar, and then the muscles of his arms burst out with blue veins, and the huge force directly smashed the spider web: "Thorn..."

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