Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 170 Absolute 0-degree simulation cabin

A month has passed by, Dream Come True Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhao Xu was looking through real estate information in the office. He had been living in a hotel all this time, which made him feel homeless and quite unhappy, so he planned to buy a house in the next few days.

At this time, Xie Zhenyu suddenly walked in: "Xiao Xu, I'm afraid we are in trouble?"

"What's going on?" Zhao Xu put the real estate information aside and asked.

Xie Zhenyu sat down and rubbed his male acupoints: "I just got the news that Shen Hongtu spent hundreds of millions of RMB to enter the domestic sewage treatment equipment market!"

"Didn't Shen Hongtu run the electricity industry? Why did he suddenly change careers?" Zhao Xu was a little surprised.

Xie Zhenyu smiled wryly and said: "I'm afraid he came for you, after all, you haven't settled the matter with Shen Haonan!"

"Tsk tsk, it seems that he wants to suppress me in business. This old guy is really unexpected. I always thought that he would play tricks like assassination!"

Zhao Xu felt a little surprised, touched his chin and asked, "Brother Xie, what do you think about this?"

"I think Shen Hongtu came prepared. According to rumors, Shen Hongtu has already bought the most advanced sewage treatment technology in the world from abroad, so he is not aimless!"

Xie Zhenyu crossed his hands and said with a smile: "And I heard that Shen Hongtu has invited some of the top domestic sewage treatment equipment manufacturers to form a business alliance. Hehe, they are going to drive us to death!"

The more Zhao Xu heard it, the more he didn't like it. He used advanced technology to form a business alliance and then formed a dominant position in the market. This seemed to be what he did on his personal projector. He didn't expect this trick to be used against him now.

He thought for a while, and ordered: "This matter will indeed have a great impact on our plan, so Xie Ge, you continue to pay attention to the news from Shen Hongtu, I will go to the military now to see what we have done. How is the design of the production line?"

A month ago, he had already sent the latest samples to the military, and to show his sincerity, the military specially transferred Huo Dongfang to be in charge of the design of the assembly line.

Huo Dongfang was the old researcher he met last time when Zhao Xu gave the Batman chariot to the military.

Zhao Xu thought about it a month later, so there should be some results by now.

After bidding farewell to Xie Zhenyu and leaving the company,

Zhao Xu drove to a research institute affiliated to the military in the suburbs.

In the research institute, Zhao Xu saw Huo Dongfang with a red face.

The two chatted casually, and Zhao Xu led the topic to the production line: "Hey, Mr. Huo, I wonder how the design of my production line is going?"

"You little boy is giving the old man a hard time!"

Huo Dongfang pondered for a while: "We have studied the product you brought over, to be honest, we can't manufacture this kind of production line!"

Zhao Xu frowned when he heard that, if the production line couldn't make it, wouldn't my buddy's plan to make a fortune be in vain?

He rubbed his face and asked, "Mr. Huo, can you explain in detail?"

"All right!"

Huo Dongfang nodded: "After our research, we found that in order to manufacture your product, several raw materials must be placed in an environment close to absolute zero. After stopping other kinetic energies, only the state of vacuum zero-point energy remains. In order to achieve perfect synthesis, the problem lies in how to achieve an absolute zero environment!"

"As far as I know, with today's technology, it seems to be able to artificially create an environment that is very close to absolute zero?" Zhao Xu asked suspiciously.

Absolute zero is the theoretical lowest temperature in thermodynamics, which is about minus 20 to 70 degrees Celsius.

We all know that matter is composed of various particles, such as atoms and particles, and the reason why objects have temperature is because particles such as atoms and electricity are constantly moving, generating kinetic energy.

In other words, the higher the temperature of an object, the greater the kinetic energy of its internal particles. In theory, when the object reaches absolute zero, the kinetic energy will disappear, and the particles will stop moving accordingly.

Of course, this is only in theory, because there must be energy in any space, so kinetic energy cannot disappear completely, that is to say, absolute zero cannot be realized in nature, and can only be approached infinitely.

In addition, even if it can really reach absolute zero, in a state where all energy should disappear, there is still a kind of energy in fact, and its name is vacuum zero-point energy.

"With modern technology, it is indeed possible to create an environment that is infinitely close to absolute zero, but that is only in the laboratory. When have you seen it used in industrial production on a large scale?"

Huo Dongfang shook his head helplessly, and explained: "Xiao Xu, to be honest, I was shocked by the sample you brought. It must have been made by the research institute behind you, right?"

"If I hadn't seen the product you brought with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that in this world, someone has reached such a high level in the use of the absolute zero environment. For the scientists in that research institute, the old man is more and more Admired!"

Zhao Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and really wanted to tell Huo Dongfang that the so-called research institute was nothing but fiction.

"I said Mr. Huo, don't be so busy admiring it, you should first think of a way to see how you can help me get the production line out?" Zhao Xu smiled wryly.

Huo Dongfang waved his hand helplessly: "It's not that the old man doesn't help, there's really no way. If it's a small-batch manufacturing, I can help you get a laboratory-used, absolutely zero-environment simulation chamber, but you are a large-batch manufacturer after all. Manufacturing, I can't solve this!"

"That's it!"

Zhao Xu thought about it in distress, and suddenly said, "Mr. Huo, if I can come up with an absolute zero simulation warehouse that can meet the requirements, can you use this as a basis to complete the design of the production line?"

"Of course there is no problem. Except for the absolute zero simulation chamber, the others are just some mechanical arms, conveyor belts and other things. It is not difficult at all, but... can you really get a simulation chamber that meets the requirements?"

Huo Dongfang asked suspiciously.

"Let me try!" Zhao Xu gritted his teeth.

"The old man is waiting, hurry up!"

Suddenly, Huo Dongfang's eyes lit up, and he winked and asked, "Well, Xiao Xu, if you can really get a suitable absolute zero simulation chamber, then you can get a dozen or twenty more sets, hehe, this is also beyond today's technology. It is a good thing, if you can study it carefully, it will definitely improve the scientific and technological strength of our country!"

This old man is almost drooling!

"Master, do you think this is Chinese cabbage, you can have as many as you want?" Zhao Xu rolled his eyes.

Huo Dongfang glared: "Comrade Xiao Xu, do you know that you must have the spirit of dedication to the country? You have to do your best to contribute to the development of the motherland for the sake of the big self, abandoning the small self!"

"Master, I am absolutely no less dedicated than others. Otherwise, how could I take out such things as the optical force field transmission?"

"That's true!" Huo Dongfang thought it was true. So far, Zhao Xu has contributed a lot of good things.

"So, actually, it's okay if you want me to get back a few more sets of mock cabins, but... hehe!" Zhao Xu blinked his eyes mischievously.


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