Zhongsheng International Hotel in Dongjiang City, the National Sewage Treatment Industry Consultation Conference will be held here today. ..

At this time, the flag was flying at the entrance of the hotel, and cars were driving into the parking lot.

In the conference hall on the top floor of the hotel, representatives from the top sewage treatment equipment companies across the country had already taken their seats, and everyone was whispering to each other, discussing some matters of the conference.

Zhao Xu and Sun Hao walked into the conference hall, looked at the crowded people in the hall, and immediately smiled: "Hehe, it's really lively. It seems that Shen Hongtu's influence is really extraordinary!"

Sun Hao nodded: "Yes, I see that all the large-scale sewage treatment equipment companies in the country have come, brother, Shen Hongtu is going to chase you down!"

"Siege and intercept?" Zhao Xu curled his lips and chuckled, "It depends on whether he has the ability!"


Suddenly, a cold snort came from behind, and the two turned their heads to see that it was Shen Hongtu who was leading the group of people in.

This can be regarded as a narrow enemy!

"Boss Zhao, long time no see!"

"Boss Shen, stay safe!"

The two greeted each other with a half-hearted smile, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone around them.

The grievances between Zhao Xu and Shen Hongtu were not a secret. Almost everyone present knew about it, so when they saw the two enemies meeting face to face, everyone immediately quieted down, wanting to see how things would develop next?

Some people even speculated maliciously with the mentality of watching a monkey show: "Hey, I wonder if these two people will fight right away?"

It's a pity that everyone was disappointed. The two were just like sympathizers. After talking to each other "affectionately", they turned their heads and found places to sit down. Not to mention fighting, they didn't even put down a harsh word.

Immediately afterwards, the meeting officially started, everything was carried out in an orderly manner, and the whole meeting process was uneventful.

Just when everyone thought the meeting was going to calm down like this, Shen Hongtu finally stepped onto the rostrum steadily.

Everyone straightened their bodies involuntarily. Everyone knows that Shen Hongtu spent a lot of money to enter the sewage treatment industry, and also initiated this consultation meeting.

Everyone wants to hear what Shen Hongtu will do next after acquiring Haoyu Company?

"Hi everyone, it's a great honor to invite all of you here to attend this meeting..."

Shen Hongtu briefly said a few words on the scene, and then quickly turned to the topic: "I know that everyone is very interested in Haoyu Company's next plan, but before announcing Haoyu Company's plan, I think there is a The news must be reported to everyone first!"

There was a discussion in the meeting hall for an instant, and then it subsided quickly. Everyone was wondering what the news Shen Hongtu was talking about?

"Everyone knows that people are paying more and more attention to environmental pollution, and the country's requirements in this regard are becoming stricter!"

Shen Hongtu looked around the audience and said with a solemn expression: "According to the information I have received, the government will issue a "Temporary Measures for the Reform of the Sewage Treatment Industry" within a year. The content of this measure is to improve the current level of industrial sewage. Emission standards for harmful substances!"

"What, raise the sewage discharge standard?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, stunned by the news.

The so-called harmful substance discharge standard refers to the proportion of harmful substances in the discharged sewage as stipulated by the state.

Improving sewage discharge standards is of course a matter of benefit to the country and the people for most people, but for these equipment companies, it is tantamount to a blow to the head.

The equipment produced by the major companies present has always been manufactured according to the old standard. If the standard is really raised, then they must make technical improvements to the equipment produced, which will greatly increase the cost.

And it's not just a matter of cost. It's better for some large enterprises. After all, they have a certain technical reserve and can complete technological innovation quickly if necessary.

But like those small and medium-sized enterprises, their technical reserves are far from being comparable to those of large enterprises. It seems that a year is not short, but in fact it is impossible for them to complete technological innovation.

As a result, the equipment they produce will become substandard and cannot be sold at all.

Everyone was talking about it, and they didn't understand why the government would suddenly introduce new policies. It stands to reason that even if the standards were to be raised, the government should allow a relatively generous period of time. How could one year be enough, at least two years would be right.

Shen Hongtu looked at everyone with a sneer in his heart. Only he knew why the government suddenly introduced this policy, because he used his high-level contacts to promote this policy. His purpose, of course, was to use this to expand rapidly. Influence of the sewage treatment industry.

Of course, promoting the new policy is only the first step. Next, he will deal with these companies and control them all in his own hands.

The meeting hall was in a mess, and everyone had an ugly face. After all, no one wanted to increase their own costs, and those small and medium-sized enterprises were worried that if they could not complete technological innovation and their products did not meet the standards, they would not be able to sell their products. The company is facing bankruptcy.

Shen Hongtu felt that it was almost done, so he finally spoke again: "I know what everyone is worried about. In fact, I have thought about this matter. In my opinion, this is actually a good thing!"

"Good thing?" Everyone looked weird, some people already wanted to scold their mothers, grandma, the old company is about to go bankrupt, and you actually said it was a good thing?

Regardless of everyone's expressions, Shen Hongtu continued: "In fact, everyone should not only focus on the domestic market. Think about it, if we can improve our technology, although it will increase some costs, it can also enhance our competitiveness. , then we will have the strength to increase competition in the international market!"

"Boss Shen, you are talking about yourself, right?" A man sneered in a strange way: "Everyone knows that you bought a new type of technology from abroad, of course you can compete in the international market, but we What? Humph, we don't have your technology!"

"This is what I'm going to announce next! I'm going to set up a 'Sewage Treatment Equipment Industry Association' to plan the domestic market and actively expand the international market for everyone!"

Shen Hongtu looked around and raised his tone in vain: "I promise here that as long as any company here is willing to join the association, I am willing to share my latest technology with you for free!"


Everyone was in an uproar, and the first thought that popped up in their hearts was that Shen Hongtu was crazy, and he shared technology with others for free. Doesn't this mean that he gave others his own benefits for nothing?

This is simply unreasonable!

As for Zhao Xu, who was sitting under the stage, his face was full of weirdness: "Sharing technology? This seems to be left over from old games. Yay, bah, me, old man?"

No one knew what Shen Hongtu was thinking, only he knew why he did this?

"That's right, if I'm just a businessman, purely for making money, then sharing technology is a complete idiot, but for me now, is making money important?"

Shen Hongtu suddenly turned his gaze to Zhao Xu who was sitting under the stage: "My purpose is to suppress this little boy, and even more so to pass the test of the Freedom Alliance. If I can really succeed the Prophet, then I will lose everything." I will not hesitate to lose my family property!"


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