Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 186 Humanoid Crusher

Under the gaze of countless people, Zhao Xu quickly got into the Cadillac. .

He closed the door and looked back at Feng Tao who was twitching in the back seat: "Damn it, I hope he can rush out of the urban area before this guy wakes up!"

He gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and pressed a very inconspicuous button on the roof, and suddenly, a hum sounded in the car.

The next moment, there was an overcurrent in the cabin, and there were streaks of blue light shining on each other, and then all the parts in the car, including the seat, steering wheel, etc., began to switch positions.

The space of the entire cabin seemed to be one-third larger, and then a screen rose from the front of the car, covering the windshield, so that Zhao Xu could no longer see what was going on outside.

But Zhao Xu didn't care. He turned on the screen directly, and saw a white light flickering, and the screen turned on. There were actually six simulated perspectives on it. The largest main perspective was the scene in front of the car, while the other five auxiliary perspectives were Up, down, left, right, and the scene behind.

In the surrounding streets, people were talking about it. At this moment, there was a strong engine sound, and people subconsciously looked at Zhao Xu's Cadillac.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhong Zheng smiled wryly: "I knew this kid would shock the world, no wonder he wanted to leave me some amnestic stick!"


The roar of the engine was getting louder and louder, but in vain, there was a crisp mechanical transmission sound from Cadillac, and then it was under everyone's horrified eyes.

The entire body of the car began to deform in vain, the length of the car stretched by a third, the rear of the car slowly erected two tail fins, and the two sides of the front of the car were separated with a "click", revealing an aircraft-like engine stuff.

This was the batman chariot that Zhao Xu had given to the military.

At this moment, the engine had started to spin at a high speed, and streams of air were drawn into the car.

Immediately afterwards, a strong airflow gushed out from below, and the entire body slowly floated up.

"This... is this the Batman chariot?"

"Is there really such a thing in the world?"

"Mom, I want it too!"

Glasses shattered all over the place.

One buddy might have been shocked, but his legs went limp and he sat on the ground, snoring, "Oh my god!"

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

At this moment, the four tires of the Batman chariot tilted into forty-five angles, and then four flames spurted out violently, and the chariot slowly rose upwards.

Everyone stared, followed the chariot and slowly raised their heads unconsciously, and saw that after the chariot came to the air near the meter, a strong flame spewed out from behind its buttocks in vain.

The next moment, the Batman Chariot suddenly crossed an arc and flew towards the high altitude obliquely above, and it disappeared from everyone's eyes in just a moment.

"I hope nothing will happen to you!" Zhong Zheng held the amnestic stick firmly, then immediately turned around and began to deal with the scene...

Thousands of meters high, the Batman Chariot shuttled through the clouds. Zhao Xu nervously controlled the Batman Chariot, trying to keep the speed of the Batman Chariot at the maximum limit.

At the same time, he was still observing Feng Tao in the back seat, but he saw that the convulsions all over Feng Tao's body had gradually stopped.

"Hey, baby, this guy seems to be waking up soon!" Zhao Xu looked at the auxiliary screen from the lower angle, and saw that the tops of tall buildings could still be seen inside.

He got angry anxiously: "Hurry up, hurry up, if this guy is allowed to run wild in the city, there will be countless people who will be distressed!"

At this moment, there was a sudden rubbing sound from the back seat.

Zhao Xu's muscles tensed instantly. He turned his head slightly and looked in the rearview mirror to see Feng Tao sitting up slowly.


A deep and wild roar came from Feng Tao's mouth. He raised his head slightly, his eyes were extremely red and irrational, and looked at Zhao Xu through the rearview mirror.

"It's over, I still haven't had time to get out of the urban area!" Zhao Xu's heart trembled, and he calmly switched the Batman chariot into automatic driving mode.

Feng Tao's muscles in the back were tense, but he hadn't launched an attack yet. He just stared at Zhao Xu through the rearview mirror with his scarlet eyes.

He seems to be accumulating strength, or looking for the most suitable time to attack. It's like a wild beast will always approach slowly before attacking its prey, and will not launch a thunderous strike until it finds the most suitable time.

And Zhao Xu also didn't take the initiative to attack, because he hoped that the time would be delayed as long as possible, preferably until the Batman chariot flew to the wilderness outside the city of Dongjiang.

The atmosphere in the chariot is getting more and more serious, the air seems to have frozen, if there is a first person here now, I am afraid that he would have been suffocated by this oppressive atmosphere.

Suddenly, Feng Tao's muscles trembled undetectably.

Zhao Xu's pupils shrank: "Here we come!"

The next moment, Feng Tao's figure in the rearview mirror instantly became blurred, and at the same time, a strong arm stretched out from behind, and at lightning speed, it slammed fiercely at Zhao Xu's neck.


Zhao Xu quickly raised his right arm to block it, and when his two arms collided, the powerful force seemed to shake the air.

"What a terrifying power!"

Zhao Xu was startled. He could feel that although it was also strengthened, Feng Tao's strength was much stronger than his. It was obvious that the double dose was not a cover.

"It's a pity that the strong is the strong, but there is no brain!"

Zhao Xu sneered, pulled the handle with his left hand to put down the backrest, and lay down with his whole body, pressing Feng Tao directly behind the backrest.

Then he turned over, roared wildly, swung his right fist, directly penetrated the backrest, and slammed Feng Tao hard on his stomach.



Feng Tao became more and more furious under the pain. He raised his right foot exposed outside the backrest, and kicked Zhao Xu's chest ferociously as if tearing apart the space.

An afterimage flashed by Zhao Xu's figure, and that leg kicked on the roof of the car. There was a loud "boom", and the roof was smashed to pieces.

"I rely on it!"

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded. Although he knew that the double medicine was very powerful, he still didn't expect Feng Tao's power to be so powerful.

You must know that the body of the Batman chariot is made of special armor. Even if it collides with a tank, it will never be smashed.

But now he can't bear Feng Tao's kick. How abnormal is this guy's strength?

At this moment, Feng Tao had already rushed out from behind the backrest, and rushed towards Zhao Xu furiously like a lion, and the two became entangled in an instant.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of muffled gun crashes reverberated in the car. At this moment, Feng Tao was like a pulverizer. Every punch and every kick of his could smash a certain part of the Batman chariot into pieces.


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