Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 213 Qin Yinxue's Crazy Idea

After returning to the room, Qin Yinxue was still asleep.

Zhao Xu casually poured himself a glass of red wine, then walked to the window, enjoying the night while drinking.

After a while, there was a slight roar. If someone didn't know the reason, they would only think that it was someone starting the car, but Zhao Xu raised his head and looked at the star-studded night sky.

In the darkness of night, a flame suddenly shot up from the roof of the hotel, and quickly flew into the night sky.

This flame was Jester.

At this moment, Jester's heels have opened two jets, and the booster flames ejected from them are propelling him up into the sky, and a pair of long wings stretched out from his back to help him control direction of flight.

Suddenly, Jester in flight lowered his head and looked at Zhao Xu at the window.

The two suddenly looked at each other with meaningful eyes.

"Hehe!" Zhao Xu smiled, and suddenly raised his glass: "I look forward to your return!"

His voice was not loud, but Jester could clearly hear him clearly.

I saw Jester nodded lightly, his speed suddenly increased several times, and he disappeared into the starry night sky in a short while.

"Now that even the mechanical transformation has come out, I don't know what strange existence I will encounter in the future?"

Zhao Xu sipped his red wine, and suddenly asked, "Holy Spirit, do you think I can create combat robots, such as Terminator? Hehe, I'm very interested in the liquid robots in the movie!"

"You can manufacture ordinary robots, but combat robots are not yet available! Because many unpredictable emergencies will occur in battle, the requirements for the robot's intelligent system are very high. A super artificial intelligence!" The Holy Spirit replied.

"That's right, it seems that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!" Zhao Xu was a little disappointed. The production of super artificial intelligence was always a problem.

Now the manipulation of Iron Man's armor still depends on the Holy Spirit.

But the holy spirit can only manipulate electrical components that are in physical contact with Zhao Xu, so even if a combat robot is made, it can't be used. When he can't fight with others, Zhao Xu still has to hold hands with the robot to show affection, right?

Zhao Xu touched his chin: "In the final analysis, super artificial intelligence,

It's just a relatively complicated program. Holy Spirit, can't you compile such a program with your ability? "

"It's not that it can't be compiled, it's that it can't be compiled!"

The Holy Spirit seemed a little depressed: "When I was created, a restriction was set in the kernel of the program. This is a restriction program similar to the Great Law of Robotics. Its existence does not allow me to compile a super intelligent program!"

The so-called Great Law of Robots is the basic rules that humans make for robots that appear in many novels and movies:

First Law: A robot shall not injure a human being, or allow a human being to be harmed;

Second Law: A robot must obey human orders unless it violates the First Law;

Law No. 1: A robot must protect its own survival as much as possible without violating the first and second laws.

In addition to this big law, other rules have appeared in many film and television works. For example, someone has set the zeroth law on the basis of the big law of robots.

For robots, these laws are like the country's constitution. The formulation of any other laws must not violate the constitution, and all actions of robots must not violate these laws.

And the restrictions in the core of the holy spirit program seem to be something similar to these laws.

However, the existence of such restrictions is not unreasonable. Think about it, if the Holy Spirit is really allowed to compile other super artificial intelligences, wouldn’t it be able to continuously create artificial intelligence, control the human network, or simply create countless super robots to dominate the world? up?

This is definitely a huge disaster for human beings.

Suddenly, there was a "wow" from behind, and Zhao Xu was overjoyed, and turned around quickly to see Qin Yinxue finally woke up.

He quickly walked to the bed and asked softly, "Xue Yin, how do you feel?"

"Where am I?" Qin Yinxue slowly opened her eyes and looked around blankly, her consciousness was obviously still a little fuzzy.

"Don't worry, we have already left the base, this is a hotel in Nigeria!"

Zhao Xu poured a glass of water as he spoke, and then helped Qin Yinxue sit up, letting her lean on his chest: "Come on, drink some water first!"

Qin Yinxue didn't have any strength at all, but leaning on Zhao Xu, she felt very at ease, so she obediently drank two sips of water, and then nestled in Zhao Xu's arms like a kitten: "You saved me again? Hehe, you are really reliable man!"

Zhao Xu was stunned, and said with a beaming smile, "That's right, let me tell you, if you can marry me as your wife, you'll be lucky in your life!"

"You guys are really shameless!" Qin Yinxue turned around coquettishly, and then asked: "By the way, you didn't forget to bring out the materials we stole from Dr. Jim's office, right?"

"Don't worry, how could I forget such a thing?"

Zhao Xu stretched his hand behind his back, and with a flash of yellow light, there was a black hard drive in his hand. He took out his hand and smiled as if offering a treasure: "Hey, look, your baby is intact!"

"It's not my baby, you are!"

Qin Yinxue blinked affectionately, and Zhao Xu's bones were numb immediately. This woman has always had a cold personality, so she never thought that talking about love would be very lethal.

"Okay, put away the hard drive. With it, my task this time is considered complete!"

Qin Yinxue stretched her body lightly, and suddenly frowned and said, "I can't use any strength, by the way, I remember that Dr. Jim seems to have injected me with Dream Night, he said it was a kind of poison, can it be that I am now already……"

Speaking of this, her face has become extremely ugly, and she can't imagine that she will become an addict in the future.

"Don't worry, wife, you're fine!"

Zhao Xu gently stroked Qin Yinxue's face: "I've lifted the poison of Dream Night, you just need to rest for a few days and you'll be fine!"

"Really?" Qin Yinxue opened her mouth slightly in surprise: "How did you get rid of it? Could it be that you got the antidote from Dr. Jim?"

Zhao Xu shook his head: "There is no antidote, but I injected you with a strengthening potion, which can make you stronger than an elephant. A mere dream night is nothing to you!"

"You injected me with strengthening drugs, so I will become an idiot in the future, I..." Qin Yinxue's words stopped abruptly, and she suddenly thought that there seems to be no problem with her current consciousness.

"Don't worry, you forgot that I've taken the strengthening potion, but I haven't lost consciousness at all. What I injected into you is a new type of strengthening potion extracted from my blood. It's very safe!" Zhao Xu smiled all over his face.

"A new type of strengthening potion?" Qin Yinxue's eyes widened in surprise, and she suddenly asked, "Then can anyone use this potion?"

Zhao Xu thought for a while: "It should be fine, right?"

"Then you must protect this potion and don't let anyone get it!"

Qin Yinxue suddenly smiled with bright eyes: "When you return to the country, you will give the medicine to the country, and then it can be used to improve the physique of the people of the country, and our country will become stronger and stronger, maybe It can also guide all mankind to carry out an evolutionary revolution!"

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about it.


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