Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 230 The Prophet Appears

"That's easy!" Zhao Xu snapped his fingers again. .

In an instant, Alice's lost arms and left leg miraculously grew back.

"This, how is this possible..." The shock in Alice's heart was beyond words.

Destruction is always easier than creation.

If it was barely acceptable that Zhao Xu could easily crush her hands and feet just now, then letting her hands and feet grow back now, in Alice's opinion, was simply more incredible than god.

"Creating things out of thin air, is this something humans can do? Is this guy... a god?"

At this moment, in Alice's eyes, Zhao Xu was becoming more and more mysterious, so even if her hands and feet recovered, she would not dare to resist again.

"Let's go, take me to see the prophet!" Zhao Xu ordered. Originally, he could go through the wall by himself, but considering that the situation of the prophet was unknown, he thought it would be better to bring Alice who was familiar with the situation.

"Yes!" Alice nodded obediently. If this scene was seen by the Freedom Alliance, they would definitely be shocked. When did the majestic judge become so docile in front of others?

The two left Warehouse No. 1 and took the elevator to Warehouse No. 10, the deepest part of the base.

There's no one here, it's pretty quiet.

It can be seen that the Freedom Alliance's defense on warehouse No. 10 is quite tight. Although there are no guards here, the two of them came through four gates.

Moreover, Zhao Xu had been scanning with manufacturing energy, and found that the walls on the first floor were covered with various organs, which were even more powerful than the number warehouse where the secret key of the holy land was located.

After a while, the two finally came to the last gate of warehouse No. 10.

As Alice passed the identity verification, the door was slowly opened, and a wave of heat rushed towards his face. Zhao Xu's eyes widened instantly: " this a warehouse?"

Inside the gate is a space of thousands of square meters. Both the ground and the surrounding walls are covered with inexplicable black matter with ups and downs. At first glance, it feels like this is not a warehouse, but an underground cave.

Alice obviously saw Zhao Xu's doubts: "Don't be surprised, this place was not like this, but since the prophet was sealed here, the energy emitted from his body has been corroding the walls and floors,

It has gradually become like this over the years! "

Zhao Xu whispered secretly. Just the energy emitted from his body had corroded a warehouse into a "rock cave". The power of this prophet was really terrifying.

The two walked into the warehouse, and in the middle of the warehouse, there was a glass biological chamber that was 1 meter high, 2 meters long, and 1.5 meters wide. Through the transparent glass chamber wall, it could be seen that it was filled with blue liquid.

A forty-year-old red-haired man was lying in the blue liquid with his eyes closed.

Standing in front of the glass biocage, Zhao Xu felt an inexplicable pressure in his heart. He could feel that even in deep sleep, this man exuded a palpitating aura.

"Is he the prophet?"

Zhao Xu frowned slightly, and carefully shot out a burst of original energy to scan the entire biological warehouse. After scanning the man, he couldn't continue.

It seems that the Prophet is indeed a body of flesh and blood, not something similar to mechanically transforming people.

"Yes, he is the Prophet, the supreme controller of the Freedom Alliance!" Alice bowed slightly to the sleeping man in the biological warehouse with a full face of respect.

"What kind of existence is he?" Zhao Xu asked curiously.

"No one knows what kind of existence a prophet is!"

Alice shook her head enviously: "The succession ceremony of the prophet must go to the holy place of the gods to complete, and every new prophet will not say much about the things in the holy place of the gods after returning, so we only know the prophet Very powerful, but I don't know why he is powerful, where does his source of strength come from?"

"Holy Spirit, what do you think will happen if I release the prophet now?"

Zhao Xu rubbed his chin and said in his heart, "Anyway, this guy's consciousness is already confused. As long as he is released, he will definitely destroy everywhere. Then he might destroy the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance directly. That will save me trouble!"

"Didn't you mean it? Hehe, if you want to kill yourself, do it!"

The holy spirit smiled a bit reluctantly: "This guy is confused, maybe he can really destroy the base, but don't forget that you are also in the base, you can guarantee that he won't kill you, hehe, I don't think you are his opponent, And even if he really destroys the base, how can you guarantee that he won't go outside? If you let him go to the human world to wreak havoc, it would be a disaster!"

"That's true!" Zhao Xu nodded secretly: "Forget it, it's up to you to destroy the Freedom Alliance. This guy is best left here forever!"

He shook his head: "Let's go!"

Alice nodded, and the two were about to leave.

But at this moment, a strange feeling hit their hearts, and the two instinctively looked into the biological chamber, and saw that the prophet who had been sleeping had opened his eyes, emitting two palpitating red lights.

Alice suddenly screamed in horror: "'s impossible, how could he wake up, did the sedative medicine fail?"

The Prophet turned his head slowly, with a sinister smile on his face: "Alice, long time no see!"

"See... see the Prophet!" Alice hurriedly bowed in fear.

The Prophet looked at Zhao Xu, his eyes full of scrutiny: "You... feel very strange to me!"

"What's so strange? Hehe, I'm just an ordinary person!" Zhao Xu said with a faint smile.

"No, you are not an ordinary person, I can feel the powerful strength in your muscles, and..."

The Prophet pondered for a moment, seemingly puzzled: "Just now I felt that you seemed to be observing me with some kind of energy, can you tell me, what kind of energy is that?"

"This guy can actually feel the existence of the original energy?"

Zhao Xu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart beat wildly. This was the first time he met someone who could feel the existence of the original energy since he had superpowers.

Of course, the prophet could only vaguely feel it, but he still couldn't see the original energy of creation, but even so, it was enough to shock Zhao Xu.

Creating original energy has always been his biggest secret, and he never thought of revealing it, at least not yet ready for it, so in an instant, a murderous intent arose in his heart.

"You want to kill me?" There was a trace of contempt on the prophet's face: "Unfortunately, you don't have this ability!"

He ignored Zhao Xu, but looked at Alice: "What are you kneeling there for, why don't you let me out?"

"No... no, Master Prophet, if you leave the influence of the sedative, you will become crazy again, so I can't let you out!" Although terrified, Alice still gritted her teeth and refused.

"Don't worry, I have recovered, and my consciousness will no longer fall into chaos!" The corner of the prophet's mouth seemed to twitch uncontrollably, and there was a hidden madness in his eyes.

Alice looked at the Prophet carefully, and finally shook her head firmly: "I'm sorry, Master Prophet, I still can't let you out!"


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