Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 241 Beach Beauty

In the pitch-black clouds, streaks of lightning surrounded Zhao Xu like spirit snakes.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, he scattered the lightning, and then continued to rush downward like a meteor. He reached out and grabbed a white ball in his hand.

He used the original energy to wrap the ball so that it couldn't secrete the white substance, and he said in surprise, "With such a powerful electric current and explosion, this little thing has nothing to do with it. Isn't it strong?"

You must know that when the Prophet was blasted by the electric current just now, the white ball was held in his hand all the time, but the Prophet was already blown into pieces, and this little thing was unscathed, which is really surprising.

What's even more weird is that the white ball had been standing still before, but now it began to expand and contract rhythmically like a heart beating.

It felt like a vegetative person who suddenly woke up and regained the ability to move.

"Such a strong electric current didn't kill you, but revived you. Tsk tsk, I really don't know what kind of life form you are? You must study it carefully when you find time!"

Zhao Xu suppressed his curiosity, put the white ball into Iron Man's armor, and flew into the distance with a bang.

As we moved out of the range of Culiacan, the thunderstorm clouds were left behind, and the sky became blue and clear again.

Zhao Xu looked up at the endless sky, and suddenly waved his hand to the sky as if to say hello: "Holy Spirit, how many satellites are watching us in the sky right now?"

"I don't know, anyway, this incident has attracted the attention of all countries, and they must really want to take you back to slice and study!" Holy Spirit teased.

Zhao Xu smiled indifferently: "Hehe, that's only if they can find me!"

After a while, he flew out of Mexico and entered the airspace of the Pacific Ocean. He raised his head and looked at the sky again. He suddenly turned around, swooped down, and plunged into the sea with a "plop".

The endless sea is the best protection, no satellites here can observe his whereabouts.

The deep sea was quiet, and countless fish were swimming leisurely. When Zhao Xu plunged into this sea area, there was a sudden disturbance, and the fish were scared and fled in all directions.

Of course, there are also some fish that are more courageous and dare to chase and approach Zhao Xu. They seem to want to see what this guy wrapped in steel is.

Like a great white shark,

I just want to compare my sharp teeth with this steel guy, who is tougher?

There was also a whale, which seemed to want to use its huge body to despise this little steel guy, so it slapped it with its tail.

"I'm going to go, why are you always so unwelcoming?"

Zhao Xu couldn't help laughing, so he could only avoid it from a distance. He couldn't expect to discuss with these guys what it means to convince people with virtue, right?

The speed of Iron Man's armor is quite fast even in sea water. It didn't take long for him to get close to Hawaii.

"Recently, I have been entangled in various things, and I don't have time to take a good rest. Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity and take a good vacation. Hehe, this Hawaii is a tourist attraction, with sandy beaches, waves, and beautiful women in bikinis. Just thinking about it makes people My heart itches!"

Zhao Xu smiled, and suddenly said, "Holy Spirit, control the armor and go to Honolulu, hehe, brother, I'll take you to see beautiful women!"

"I'm not interested in human beauties!" The Holy Spirit said contemptuously, but still manipulated the armor to change the direction of travel, and soon came to the shallow sea of ​​Honolulu.

As the beach got closer and closer, there were people swimming in the sea ahead, and there were people surfing on the sea above.

"Haha, beautiful beach, lovely beauties, brother, I'm coming!"

Zhao Xu laughed, turned his armor into ashes, and swam quickly to the beach wearing only swimming trunks and holding a white ball in one hand.

With his physique, his swimming speed can be described as quite fast. In a short while, he was near the beach, and saw "mermaids" playing in the sea water. His delicate skin and uneven figure made people drool.

Zhao Xu approached some beauties who were playing water volleyball, fumbled with his hands a few times, and then swam away quickly with a grin.


The beauties were startled and screamed, but they couldn't find where the pervert was?

Zhao Xu had already swam beyond Mikai, and laughed triumphantly: "Shuang, heaven, this is definitely heaven, hahahaha!"


Suddenly there was a rumbling in his stomach, and Zhao Xu remembered that he hadn't eaten for almost a day since he started fighting at the Liberty League headquarters.

"Grandma, you have to find a place to fill your stomach before you can play!" He immediately turned around and swam ashore.

On the golden sandy beach, countless tourists are lying under umbrellas, enjoying the sunbath beautifully, and not far away, there is a hotel for tourists to rest.

Zhao Xu walked into a hotel casually, went to the bathroom for a while, and then changed into a pair of beach pants, a straw hat on his head, a pair of sunglasses on his nose, and a travel bag on his back , completely dressed like a tourist.

As soon as he came to the restaurant, he found a place at random, ordered some food, and ate hungrily.

There was a TV hanging on the wall in the restaurant, and the news broadcast on it was actually the battle that Zhao Xu and the others had fought over Los Angeles. The tourists eating in the restaurant were talking about the news.

"God, this is unbelievable, are you sure this isn't a movie?"

"Hehe, let me tell you, this incident is true. My aunt lives in Los Angeles and saw it happen with her own eyes. She said she was terrified at the time!"

"Yeah, this kind of thing is shocking. Is there really a superman in this world?"

"What do you know, let me tell you, that's not Superman at all, see Iron Man, in my opinion, this must be the latest weapon developed by us in the United States!"

"Fart, Iron Man is a weapon, what about the man with the red light all over his body? I think he is Superman!"

Zhao Xu laughed secretly when he heard it. People's ability to gossip is indeed infinite, but now it seems that this incident has caused a sensation, especially now that the news is reported, I am afraid that people all over the world will know about it soon.

"I don't know what attitude the countries will have towards the Freedom Alliance in the future?" Zhao Xu thought to himself.

The incident this time is really a big deal. I am afraid that in the next period of time, the intelligence organizations of various countries will launch operations against the Freedom Alliance.

And in his view, now that the Liberty Alliance has no dragons, it is the best chance to completely eradicate it.

"Should I add fuel to the fire?" Zhao Xu rubbed his chin in thought.

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