Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 251 Green Manufacturing Energy


Zhao Xu was struggling to resist, when suddenly, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling approaching.

This danger seems less than that of the Prophet, but more powerful than the Judge.

In terms of combat effectiveness, even if Zhao Xu was wearing Iron Man armor, he was still on par with the judge, but now that a master stronger than the judge came to attack him, Zhao Xu's situation became even more dangerous.

What's more, there are hundreds of powerful descendants around him now. Such a huge gap in strength makes it impossible for Zhao Xu to have a chance to come back.

Sure enough, just after Zhao Xu blocked the attacks of the two sons, suddenly, a palm with huge force slapped him on the back.

It felt like being hit by a boulder hard on the back.

In an instant, Zhao Xu felt a huge shock all over his body, and his chest seemed to be splitting open. The feeling of suffocation made him dizzy for a moment, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell limp to the ground.

"Grandma, there are so many people attacking together, do you want to show your face?" Zhao Xu cursed and wanted to sit up, but the severe pain in his body made him unable to pull up any strength.

"Haha, as long as my brother can be resurrected, I definitely don't mind using any despicable means!"

Masao Yamamoto laughed and showed his figure with a group of children. He walked up to Zhao Xu, tore open the steel armor on Zhao Xu's chest with both hands, and took out a white ball from inside.

"Brother, I can finally see you again, don't worry, I'll revive you right away!" Masao Yamamoto was full of enthusiasm, and suddenly took off Zhao Xu's helmet, and then directly pressed the white ball on Zhao Xu's forehead superior.

"There's no need to resist, you'd better be my brother's parasite obediently!"

Seeing that Zhao Xu still wanted to struggle, Masao Yamamoto sneered, and suddenly cut his finger, dripping a drop of blood on the white ball.

The next moment, the white ball suddenly vibrated, and there was a faint "squeak" scream inside, as if a little mouse was hidden inside, which made people's scalp tingle.

Suddenly, gaps cracked on the surface of the white ball, and white tentacles protruded from it. These tentacles wriggled like earthworms, and then burrowed directly into Zhao Xu's forehead.


Intense pain suddenly hit, Zhao Xu immediately rolled on the ground,

But no matter what, he couldn't get rid of the white ball, he could only let those tentacles keep drilling into his brain.

The scene was weird and terrifying, but Masao Yamamoto laughed excitedly: "Hahahaha, it's done, brother, you are finally coming back to life!"

But he was not happy for long. Five seconds had passed before the tentacles entered Zhao Xu's brain. Suddenly, the "squeak" sound from the white ball became sharp, and it seemed to reveal a strong fear.

"what happened?"

Masao Yamamoto's face changed drastically, and he wanted to rush over to check, but at this moment, a terrible electric current suddenly burst out from the white ball, and it quickly poured into Zhao Xu's body.

"Electric current? How could there be electric current in brother's mother seed?" Masao Yamamoto was dumbfounded.

He didn't know that when Zhao Xu used lightning to kill the Prophet, the white ball was struck by countless lightnings. At that time, the white ball absorbed a lot of lightning, and these lightnings became Zhao Xu's manufacturing principle at this moment. Energy nourishment.

Masao Yamamoto didn't even know that the original energy had a strong ability to restrain the split-species. He let his brother's mother species parasitize Zhao Xu's body. It was like marrying a mouse to a cat and ruining his brother's last chance of resurrection with his own hands.

However, he had already realized that something was wrong, and reached out to tear off the female seed from Zhao Xu's forehead, but at this moment, the light around Zhao Xu distorted for a while, and then the whole person... disappeared!

"Invisibility... Invisibility? No, it's absolutely impossible. How could this guy make us invisible?" Masao Yamamoto was dumbfounded, unable to believe what he saw.

Suddenly, he slapped hard on the place where Zhao Xu disappeared, but the slap was empty, and the palm was directly slapped on the ground: "Bang!"

"Damn it!"

Masao Yamamoto was furious. Obviously, after becoming invisible, Zhao Xu moved away from his original place. As a split-species person, this was the first time he was tricked by others with his invisibility ability, which made him vomit blood depressedly.

But what happened?

Why did Zhao Xu have the invisibility ability of a split-species?

In fact, just after the tentacles of the white ball got into Zhao Xu's brain, they immediately inspired the counterattack of the original energy spar, creating original energy one after another to directly wrap the white ball inside.

It's a pity that Masao Yamamoto couldn't see the existence of the original energy, otherwise he would have done it long ago, and would never allow the next thing to happen.

After the manufacturing energy wrapped the white ball, it immediately began to absorb the current in it, and then the manufacturing energy began to increase rapidly, and soon reached the limit of the yellow level.

The next moment, the original energy of manufacture suddenly vibrated violently, and penetrated into the white ball like mercury pouring down the ground. From the inside to the outside, it gradually turned the ball into white energy, and then absorbed it.

These white energies were quickly fused with the original energy, and then the color of the original energy began to change rapidly. A little bit of green gradually appeared in the yellow rays of light.

These green rays of light expanded rapidly and quickly devoured the yellow rays of light. Zhao Xu never expected that the primordial energy spar would start to upgrade at this time.

At this time, the white sphere was about to become an empty shell as the energy was gradually absorbed.

Perhaps because of the sufficient power and energy in the white sphere, the upgrade speed was very fast this time. After a while, the green light completely replaced the yellow light.

Immediately afterwards, the unabsorbed white energy suddenly rushed towards the cloud of the Holy Spirit, and the two entangled and merged instantly.

Zhao Xu has been observing the changes in the primordial energy spar. When he saw this situation, he immediately asked nervously, "Holy Spirit, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I suddenly have a very strange feeling!" The Holy Spirit's voice was faintly excited: "I feel that the original energy spar seems to have some abilities of split-seed people, for example... help you become invisible!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Xu asked dumbly. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he was shocked to find that his arm had disappeared. No, it should be his whole body, which had become as transparent as air.

At this moment, Masao Yamamoto just slapped him, Zhao Xu's eyelids jumped wildly, he stood up quickly, stepped back three or four meters away, and then he waved his arms in amazement, obviously his body could feel the existence of his arms, but his naked eyes could not Can't see it at all.

"It's just incredible!"

He was excited. He never expected that the sudden upgrade of the original energy had absorbed the ability of the split-species, and the split-species not only had the ability to be invisible.


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