Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 254 The third form of the base

After inspecting the base through the main control computer, the Holy Spirit suddenly exclaimed, "Zhao Xu, you really found a treasure!"

"What's going on?" Zhao Xu knew he had made a big discovery as soon as he heard it, so he asked with bright eyes.

The tone of the holy spirit seemed to be saliva: "Hey, I found that this base actually has a form. The first form is the palace group I saw earlier, which is used for living; the second form is the current armed base. to defend against outside attacks; as for the final form...hehe, guess what it is?"

"I can't guess this, tell me quickly, don't make it mysterious!" Zhao Xu curled his lips, the most annoying thing is to tantalize.

"Really, there is no interest at all!" The Holy Spirit was very dissatisfied.

Zhao Xu's face was full of black lines: "You are becoming less and less like an artificial intelligence, and you actually know how to have fun? Yay, bah, you are not a beauty, you and I have sex, do you know that?"

"What is basic love?" Holy Spirit asked curiously like a baby.


Zhao Xu was suddenly at a loss for words, and felt that it would be better not to teach the children badly, so he changed the subject and said, "Okay, why ask so many questions, tell me what is the first form of the base?"

"Hey, the first form is actually a spaceship!" The Holy Spirit said proudly.

"What? A spaceship?"

Zhao Xu's eyes widened, and suddenly he felt that tall, rich, handsome, and so on were weak. What's the point of driving a sports car to pick up girls, and when he gets old, he will directly drive a spaceship to pick up his wife from get off work, is there any reason?

"Don't be too happy!" The holy spirit gloated and said, "I checked and found that the split-seed base has been severely damaged, and now it can no longer be transformed into the first form!"

"Broken? Grandma, brother, I still want to get on a spaceship and go around the universe!" Zhao Xu was a little disappointed and asked, "Is there a way to fix it?"

"Others can't do it, but you can!" The Holy Spirit replied confidently: "You can manufacture those damaged parts with the original energy of manufacturing, but the problem is that this place is underground, and even if the spaceship is repaired, it will not be able to get out! "

"Then how did it get in there?"

"Have you ever heard of the word "Changhai Changtian?" The Holy Spirit thought, "I guess the place where the spaceship landed back then should be a valley.

However, after countless years of terrain changes, the valley has become the current underground abyss! "

Zhao Xu touched his chin, frowned and thought: "That is to say, unless one day my manufacturing power is strong enough to open a hole in the ground big enough for the spaceship to go out, otherwise I won't be able to fly in the spaceship." right?"

"That's right, there is only one way now, but it's a pity that the improvement of the original energy of manufacturing cannot be completed overnight!"

"Don't worry, you can't lose this spaceship here anyway, when the original manufacturing ability becomes stronger, we will drive it to the sky to have fun!"

Since this problem can't be solved for the time being, Zhao Xu doesn't worry about it anymore.

Next, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he walked around the entire base. He was dazzled by everything that surpassed today's technology, and he wished to put these things to use immediately.

In addition, there are many scientific research instruments in the base, some are used for physical tests, some are used for chemical tests, and some are biological.

Zhao Xu has always had an idea to build the world's most advanced scientific research base in China to help the country improve its scientific and technological strength. He thinks that all the instruments in the spacecraft should be useful.

So he scanned all the instruments one by one, and if he wanted to use them in the future, he could manufacture them anytime, anywhere. In addition, with the help of the Holy Spirit, he specially used the biological instruments to check Jennifer's body .

Fortunately, Jennifer only inhaled a small amount of neurotoxin, so although it caused some damage to the nerves, it was not serious, and she could recover slowly in the future.

After turning around the entire base, Zhao Xu left the base with Jennifer, who was still unconscious.

The sea was calm under the night, and the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii was silent. Suddenly, a dark body of a submarine appeared from the sea.

Then, the upper cover of the submarine shrank and became a cruise ship.

Wearing Iron Man armor, Zhao Xu walked onto the deck with Jennifer in his arms: "Holy Spirit, this ship is parked in the sea, so no one will notice it?"

"Don't worry, this ship has a powerful invisibility ability. Not only is it invisible to the naked eye, but even the radar can't find it! And I will leave a body behind to control the ship, so nothing will go wrong!"

The Holy Spirit said confidently: "You don't even think about it, this ship has been wandering on the sea since ancient times, but apart from a few times Masao Yamamoto deliberately revealed it and created the legend of the ghost ship, when was it discovered by others? "

"That's true!" Zhao Xu nodded, activated Iron Man's armor, two streams of flames spewed out from under his feet, and he slowly flew away.

After he left, the light twisted around the cruise ship parked on the sea, and then disappeared.

In a hotel room in Honolulu, Jennifer was lying on the bed and fell asleep, while Zhao Xu was sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine.


Suddenly, Jennifer snorted softly and slowly woke up.

She opened her eyes, looked around blankly, and was suddenly startled: "Where am I?"

"You're awake!" Zhao Xu stood up and walked over slowly: "How do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Who are you?" Jennifer stared at Zhao Xu warily.

Zhao Xu was surprised: "You don't know me anymore?"

"Wait, let me think about it!" Jennifer rubbed her head, suddenly realized: "I remembered, you are that silly boy I met in the men's room, hehe, thank you for helping me deal with Masao Yamamoto's subordinate !"

"Silly boy?"

Zhao Xu had a tight chest, and said helplessly, "What about the others? Except for the incident in the men's room, you don't remember anything else?"

"Is there anything else?" Jennifer suddenly crossed her arms and asked with a vigilant face, "By the way, how did I get here? Did you do something to me while I was asleep?"

Zhao Xu frowned, and asked in his heart, "Holy Spirit, what's going on?"

"It should be amnesia!"

Holy Spirit pondered for a while and said: "Although she only absorbed a small amount of neurotoxin, it still caused some damage to her brain, so it's normal to lose some memories. Don't worry, she will recover slowly in the future!"

"That's good!"

Zhao Xu heaved a sigh of relief, but that's good too. The fewer people who know about the split-seed base, the better.

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