Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 257: Order from the Top

After Xu Jun left the villa, the more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved. He has a profound background, and since he was a child, he has never been so shamelessly reprimanded in public. ..

But he didn't dare to really stand up to Xu Shicheng, because Xu Shicheng's background was stronger than his family's, and he couldn't easily offend him at all.

"What's going on? Xu Shicheng won't say those words easily. Could it be that Zhao Xu really can't be provoked?"

He was extremely puzzled: "Let's go back and ask Vice Minister Li first. If it's true, forget it. If it's not...huh!"

After a while, Xu Jun returned to Guoan's office in Dongjiang. After returning to the office, he immediately called Li Weifeng.

After briefly talking about today's events, Xu Jun complained: "Minister Li, the General Staff is deceiving people. They are interfering in our work!"

There was a silence on the phone, and then Li Guofeng asked in a cold voice: "Who asked you to go to Zhao Xu? Did I explain that I am personally responsible for this matter. You are not allowed to do anything before I arrive in Dongjiang." ?”

"This...Mr. Li, don't be angry. I think the higher authorities attach great importance to this matter, so I want to help you with a little preliminary investigation, so I..."

"Okay, don't make excuses, thinking that I don't know what you're thinking? Although your father entrusted me to take care of you, you'd better have some sense of propriety and focus more on business, and don't just think about taking credit for it! Also, let me emphasize again, before I get to Dongjiang, don't provoke Zhao Xu again, understand?"

"Understood, Minister Li!" Xu Jun asked with a gloomy face, somewhat unwillingly: "Minister, is the document that Deputy Chief of Staff Xu said true?"

"Well, what Xu Shicheng said is right, this document has been issued long ago, but you have no authority to know!"

"Isn't he just a businessman? How can he enjoy this kind of treatment?" Xu Jun asked jealously.

"Because in the eyes of the military, Zhao Xu is not an ordinary businessman. He can continue to bring huge benefits to our country!"

"I've heard some things about Zhao Xu, but even so, it's unreasonable for the general staff to issue such an order. After all, we have no affiliation with the general staff?"

"Who told you that this document was issued by the General Staff?"

Li Weifeng said coldly: "Forget it, since you still want to participate in the next investigation, I might as well tell you that this document was directly issued by the top.

Now you understand how much Zhao Xu's affairs will involve? "

"The highest level?" Xu Jun gasped suddenly, feeling the hairs all over his body stand on end...

In the villa, Zhao Xu made a cup of tea for Xu Shicheng, and then sat on the sofa: "Uncle Xu, what's going on, why is Yinxue put under quarantine!"

"Xiao Xu, we have confidentiality regulations, and I can't disclose the specific details to you!"

Xu Shicheng pondered slightly: "I can only tell you that when Xue Yin reported the situation of this mission, she concealed something, and then during the internal review, some evidence proved that she might have an unusual relationship with the Liberty Alliance, that's why she did it. With this quarantine review!"

Since the Los Angeles incident, the Liberty Alliance has completely aroused the nerves of high-level officials in various countries. As long as anything has a connection with the Liberty Alliance, it will become extremely cautious when dealing with it.

And now the intelligence agencies of various countries have dispatched one after another to investigate all people related to the Freedom Alliance all over the world, with the purpose of finding the research data of the Freedom Alliance on the potential of the human body.

After all, that battle shocked everyone so much. Everyone wanted to know how the Prophet became so powerful? Countries prefer to take this approach into their own hands.

Zhao Xu frowned slightly: "Uncle Xu, are you joking? How could Snow Song have anything to do with the Freedom Alliance?"

"I don't believe it either, but the evidence is obvious, and Yinxue refuses to confess about the concealment, so I can't help it!" Xu Shicheng was very helpless.

"Conceal?" Zhao Xu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly vaguely guessed what Qin Yinxue was hiding?

He raised his head and asked, "Uncle Xu, can you tell me where Yin Xue is being imprisoned now? I want to meet her!"

"She is currently being investigated in a secret base under the Ministry of State Security in Beijing, but you can't see her. Now the State Security has restricted all her external contacts!"

As Xu Shicheng was talking, he suddenly noticed that Zhao Xu's face was changing, and he immediately reminded him: "Xiao Xu, you are not planning something, are you? I know you are worried about Xue Yin, but you'd better be honest and don't make any fools." Come!"

"Uncle Xu, from what you said, what can I do? It's Guoan's territory. How can I hire a group of mercenaries to break in?" Zhao Xu smiled purely.

"Hmph, anyway, be honest with me, don't make random decisions, or I won't be able to save you if I put myself in at the end!" Xu Shicheng warned...

In the night, the neon lights of the capital were shining brightly. Suddenly, a shooting star pierced the sky and shot from afar, landing on a tall building.

Zhao Xu took off Iron Man's armor and looked down: "The capital is the capital, and it is really prosperous and beautiful. Unfortunately, now is not the time to appreciate it!"

He took a deep breath, and suddenly jumped, his whole body had crossed a distance of tens of meters, and landed on the roof of another building, and then his figure flashed like a ghost, standing on the ground one after another. The Mercedes-Benz flew across the tall buildings.

After a while, he finally arrived near a very ordinary residential area: "Holy Spirit, are you sure this is here?"

"That's right, I let the Terminator robot sneak into the traffic command center in the capital, checked all the surveillance videos in the recent period, and found that Xu Jun often came and went here in the few days before he went to Dongjiang!"

"Then we're inseparable!" Zhao Xu nodded.

That Xu Jun is an upper echelon of Guoan, it is a bit unreasonable to frequent such an ordinary residential area, unless there are some important people or things here?

Reminiscing that Xu Jun is the person in charge of Qin Yinxue's case, it is self-evident who is here.

"Hehe, first let's see where Yinxue is?" Zhao Xu's green manufacturing energy flickered between his hands, and he made something like a small TV.

This is a new type of life detector designed by the Holy Spirit. It can accurately detect the signs and trajectories of all life within a radius of one kilometer, ranging from humans to ants, and nothing can escape its detection.

Zhao Xu turned on the life detector and entered the command to detect only human beings, and countless light spots suddenly appeared on the screen: "Good guy, there are so many people within a kilometer?"

"Nonsense, this is a residential area!" Holy Spirit interfaced: "But it doesn't matter, Qin Yinxue's body has been strengthened, and her vital signs are very different from ordinary people. As long as she is here, she will definitely be found!"


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