Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 267 Dead Domain Virus

Of course, it is impossible for China to hide such a big move from other countries, so with the efforts of countless spies, things about the Shengtang Research Base were finally leaked out.

Especially when they knew that the Shengtang research base was facilitated by Zhao Xu, all countries were jealous, and they all cursed why there was no one in their own country who could make trouble like Zhao Xu?

But jealousy is jealousy. Countries have no way to prevent the establishment of the Shengtang Research Base. They can only say in a sour tone at the government's press conference that science has no borders. Since China has obtained a large amount of advanced equipment , it should be shared with the world.

Of course, it is not without the unscrupulous clamor of some small countries, saying that China must share the advanced technology it has obtained with other countries, otherwise they will not give up the right to use force.

But they are just clamoring. They want to use force to seize advanced technology from China. Launching a small war will not work at all, and launching a large-scale war is likely to cause a world war that will spread to the whole world. Such consequences are not something any country can do. bearable.

Of course, China is not stupid. It will not think that with advanced technology, it will be invincible at once. Five thousand years of history, countless sages tell us that no matter whether it is an individual or a group of countries, we cannot allow ourselves to be isolated position.

Internationally, China should not make enemies everywhere, but should make friends.

So after consulting Zhao Xu's opinion, China started negotiations with various countries based on the various advanced equipment of the Shengtang Research Base, calling it cooperative development to create the future together.

However, this kind of international negotiation has always been impossible to achieve results within a few years. Taking advantage of these few years, China can just absorb and integrate the advanced equipment and technology it has obtained, and quickly enhance its own strength.

Of course, it is impossible for China to bring out the best equipment and cooperate with other countries, but even so, it can obtain huge benefits from all countries and greatly enhance its international influence.

In fact, countries are also very clear that although this kind of cooperation can obtain advanced technology from China, it is absolutely impossible to obtain the best, and after a long period of cooperation, countries will fall into a passive situation of being led by China.

Therefore, in order not to fall into complete passiveness, the only choice for all countries is to increase their strength as much as possible. What they want most is to obtain a batch of advanced equipment and technology from somewhere, just like China.

At this time, the countries finally shifted their attention to the Liberty League again. The Los Angeles incident some time ago made everyone see the technological strength of the Liberty League. They suddenly realized that maybe from the Liberty League,

Get what you dream of.

As a result, countries have stepped up their investigations on the Freedom Alliance. In the recent period, many peripheral organizations of the Freedom Alliance have been destroyed.

After all, the intelligence agencies of various countries are not vegetarians. After arresting countless people for interrogation, the research bases of the Freedom Alliance finally surfaced.

Now the countries were excited. They sent agents and even troops to sweep up the bases of the Freedom Alliance, but soon they were dumbfounded, because they suddenly discovered that those bases had been wiped out by someone before they arrived.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The governments of all countries feel quite tight about this result, wishing to find someone out and eat them alive.

But fortunately, the Liberty Alliance has accumulated quite a lot for thousands of years. Although a certain guy started the sweeping operation two months ago, he is only one person after all, so until now, he still has not visited all the bases of the Liberty Alliance. There was a lot of soup leftovers.

So the countries were excited, cheering and rushing towards the soup leftovers, and finally got some benefits.

On a small island in the Pacific Ocean, Zhao Xu slowly landed on the ground wearing Iron Man armor.

He looked through the helmet visor, and was surprised to find that the lush vegetation on this small island had all been turned into charcoal, and a gust of sea breeze could blow up black ash all over the sky.

"It seems that someone has already visited this base!" Zhao Xu thought to himself.

According to the information of the Holy Spirit, this place should also be a research base of the Freedom Alliance, but now it seems that it has been raided by people from an unknown country. He has encountered a similar situation in the past few days.

He didn't really care much about this situation. After all, in the past two months, he had already swept through 90% of the research bases of the Liberty Alliance, and the remaining ones were just for nothing.

"Zhao Xu, there might be trouble!"

The Holy Spirit suddenly said: "The base we encountered last time, the countries immediately sent troops to block it as soon as they discovered it, but look at this base now, not only is there no army blocking it, but the entire island has been completely burned by the fire. Don't you find it strange?"

"It's really strange!"

Zhao Xu frowned, and suddenly sank to the ground, only to find that the base seemed to have been ravaged by some kind of high-temperature bomb, and the entire base had been burned beyond recognition.

The strangest thing is that there are still a lot of melted remains of equipment in the base, which means that the people who found it destroyed the entire base with high-temperature bombs before moving the equipment away.

"What happened to make them abandon the equipment in the base?" Zhao Xu wondered, "Holy Spirit, what is the base mainly for research?"

"Viruses and microbes!"

Zhao Xu's eyes widened immediately: "You mean..."

"Yes, the people who discovered here probably leaked the virus in the base due to some kind of accident, so they had to destroy the entire base!"

The Holy Spirit said in a heavy tone: "According to the information, a new type of virus has been developed in this base. It's called Dead Zone. I hope they won't just leak this virus!"

Dead zone virus?

Just hearing this name makes my heart chill!

Zhao Xu pursed his lips: "Holy Spirit, how powerful is this dead zone virus?"

"very scary!"

The Holy Spirit explained solemnly: "Just one gram of the dead zone virus can infect 100,000 people in one day, and once infected, it can multiply rapidly in the human body. It is highly contagious and can pass through air, water, body Contact and other ways to spread!"

"After the dead zone virus is infected, there will be a one-week incubation period. After a week, erythema will appear all over the body. After a few days, fever will begin, brain cells will gradually die, and after half a month, the body will begin to fester. Generally, within ten to forty-five days, people will be due to Seriously fester and die!"

"The most frightening thing is that this virus can survive in the air for more than a month, that is to say, it can spread to the whole world with the air flow, and then turn the earth into a dead zone in just a few months! "

Hearing this, Zhao Xu gasped suddenly: "What about the treatment?"

"Unfortunately, although the dead zone virus has been cultivated in this base, no cure has been found. Now I only hope that the people who burned down this base were not infected by the dead zone virus, otherwise they will surely die, and they will also send The virus spreads outside, when the time comes..."

The holy spirit was silent for a while: "Zhao Xu, if the dead zone virus really spreads, you may become the savior!"

"Me?" Zhao Xu shook his head: "I'm not a virus expert, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do!"

"You are indeed not a virologist, but you now have the most advanced scientific research base in the world, and you also have the ability to create original energy and my help. If anyone in the world can break through the dead domain virus, I am afraid it must be you!"

"Even if that's the case, I...

Nothing can be done now because we don't have a sample of the dead zone virus! "

Zhao Xu felt a little heavy in his heart: "I just hope that those people didn't spread the virus!"

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