Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 280 The Terrible Virus

In an apartment in New York, the United States, the morning sun shines in, waking up the sleeping couple on the bed. ..

John opened his sleepy eyes, and saw a piece of delicate skin in his hand, which was his wife's skin. Thinking of the madness last night, he suddenly became impulsive again.

My wife is a very beautiful and sexy woman. Her appearance and body make me extremely intoxicated every time.

"Lisa, it's time to get up!" John gently lifted the quilt seductively.

But suddenly, his face was full of horror, and he sat up from the bed.

I saw that after being opened, my wife's fair skin in the past had long since disappeared, and her whole body was actually covered with terrible red spots, that kind of dense appearance was extremely permeable.

"What's going on?" John was terrified, and quickly shouted: "Lisa, wake up, why did your body become like this?"

"Why are you screaming so early in the morning? What's wrong with me?"

Lisa opened her eyes in dissatisfaction, and subconsciously looked at her body. Suddenly, she let out a scream: "Ah, what's going on, what's going on?"

The sudden change made the couple panic.

John forced himself to calm down and asked, "Lisa, did you eat something unclean yesterday, so you got food poisoning?"

"The two of us were at home all day yesterday, and we ate the same food. If there is something unclean, it's impossible for me to be the only one who got food poisoning!"

Lisa shook her head vigorously, she was really scared.

"That's right, we ate the same thing yesterday!" John frowned, shook his head and said, "Forget it, we can't figure it out ourselves, so hurry up and get dressed, and we'll go to the hospital for a checkup right away!"

So the two put on their clothes in a hurry, and then hurriedly left home and went to the hospital.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, the two immediately saw a terrifying scene. They saw that the entire hospital was full of patients with erythema.

"John, what the hell is going on?" Lisa asked in horror.

"This, this..." John was dumbfounded and murmured, "It's not food poisoning, Lisa is not food poisoning, but... is this a new type of infectious disease?"


Lisa screamed: "John, look at your face..."

John's heart was shocked, and he quickly opened his sleeves, only to see that his arms were covered with terrible red spots at some point.

On that day, the news that the mysterious virus had infected a large number of people made the headlines of the major media in New York, and quickly spread to the world.

The whole world was shocked, and countless people focused their attention on this mysterious virus.

At this time, people were surprised to find that not only New York, other cities in the United States, and even other countries in the world, there were many people infected with the mysterious virus.

According to the investigation, these infected people all left from New York, USA a week ago.

Of course, New York has the largest number of infections. According to statistics, about 80,000 people went to the hospital for isolation treatment on the first day, while the number of infections in other cities in the United States and other countries in the world has exceeded 20,000.

In other words, on the first day, more than 100,000 people around the world showed symptoms of infection, and this number continued to increase in the next few days.

The number of people showing symptoms of infection the next day has reached 140,000, which is more than 10,000 more than the previous day, indicating that after the virus has been exposed to the air for a period of time, its activity has declined, but its ability to infect is still terrifying.

On the second day, the number of people showing symptoms of infection in the world was close to 200,000, which was double the growth rate of the previous day. After research, it was found that the mysterious virus is not only transmitted by air, but also may be infected by direct physical contact with infected people. Infect.

On the fourth day, the number of people showing symptoms of infection directly exceeded 290,000. At the same time, those infected on the first day had already developed slight body ulcers, which indicated that the virus infection had entered the second stage.

A terrifying mysterious virus suddenly caused panic in the whole world.

Everyone knows that the source of everything is in New York, the United States, so the governments of all countries put pressure on the United States. Even if the United States is the only superpower in the world, it can't bear it anymore and has to tell the source of the virus. and the cause of the virus leak.

Only at this time did people know that this mysterious virus was obtained by the United States from a base of the Liberty League, and its name was the dead zone virus.

At the same time, the United States also shared the dead zone virus data downloaded from the base with other countries. After that, various countries called scientists one after another to try to overcome the dead zone virus, but with little success.

Thinking about it, with the strong scientific and technological strength of the Freedom Alliance, they have not yet developed a cure for the dead zone virus. Now, how can scientists from all over the world crack the virus in a short period of time?

What's more serious is that scientists can't crack the virus, but the spread of the dead zone virus in the world has not stopped, and the number of people infected is increasing rapidly every day.

On the fifth day, the number of infected people exceeded 400,000;

On the sixth day, the number of infected people reached 540,000;

On the seventh day, the number of people exceeded 700,000;

On the eighth day, nine hundred thousand;

When the time turned to the ninth day, the number of infected people around the world had reached tens of thousands.

At the same time, the virus infection has entered the second stage, and the number of people with festering bodies is also increasing day by day.

At this time, the dead zone virus has caused global panic, medical resources are stretched, and various violent incidents have also increased sharply.

The high-level leaders of various countries were so anxious that they could only implement measures such as blockade and martial law, and carry out guidance and suppression, while focusing their attention on China. To be precise, they focused on the scientific research base of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

They are very clear that although the Shengtang scientific research base has just been built, it has the most advanced scientific research equipment in the world, as well as scientific and technological data reserves that surpass those of other countries for decades, or even last year.

And these made the Shengtang scientific research base the only place in the world where it is possible to crack the dead domain virus.

Of course, countries will not just sit back and wait for the results. They have conveyed their intention to cooperate to the Chinese high-level.

Especially in the United States, they believe that although the world's most advanced scientific research equipment is in China, the world's best scientists are in the United States.

So they proposed that they are willing to send their own scientists to the Shengtang scientific research base to help China crack the dead zone virus. is the best.

However, this proposal was ignored by China, and the reason for ignoring it made the Americans unable to express their temper at all.

Because at this time, the countries knew that the scientists in the Shengtang scientific research base did not take the lead in cracking the virus, and all of them were "working" for one person.

Of course, this person is Zhao Xu, the boss of Shengtang scientific research base.

What's more, to the shock of all countries, Zhao Xu, the leader in cracking the dead zone virus, has been sitting in a chair in the laboratory, not eating or drinking, or even not moving for more than a week.

If it weren't for Zhao Xu's normal breathing, heartbeat, and various body functions, everyone would have thought that Zhao Xu had already "sitting up."


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