Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 3 Trading Without Capital

"I'm a little bird, if I want to eat worms I have to get up early..."

Early in the morning, Zhao Xu rushed out of the house with twenty mobile phones in hand, howling in a broken voice.

His goal is the mobile phone store where he worked as a part-time student in college. Although he has resigned since graduation, he still has contact with the owner of the mobile phone store, and the two are good friends.

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Xu finally arrived at the mobile phone store. The door of the store was already open, and two beautiful shop assistants were busy inside, while a fat man who was round and round, like a rooster, was walking leisurely back and forth in front of the store. step.

This fat man was Sun Hao, the owner of the mobile phone shop. Although he was only twenty-four this year, one year older than Zhao Xu, his shiny head made him look like an uncle in his thirties or forties.

But don't look at this guy's ugly appearance, but his popularity with women is outrageous. This person has always claimed to be a hungry ghost in sex, and he is more diligent in changing girlfriends than changing clothes.

This guy has a motto, which is "The first time is always painful and happy, you are painful, I am happy", and said that anyone who can understand this sentence is no longer pure. The first time we met, we bid farewell to the ranks of pure boys.

"Oh, brother Hao, why did you wake up so early today? Don't you always sleep during the day and fight all night at night?" Zhao Xu was already more than ten meters away from the door of the store, and Zhao Xu was already teasing loudly.

Sun Hao turned his head to look, and immediately grinned: "Haha, there was no beautiful woman to accompany me yesterday, and my brother and I felt desolate in my heart by staying alone in an empty bed. I suddenly remembered that brother you said a few days ago that you had a good business to discuss, so brother, I deliberately woke up today." It’s early in the morning, and I’m waiting for you, brother, to come to visit me on the moon!”

Some old-fashioned words made passers-by look sideways, but he himself was not shy, and slapped Zhao Xu on the shoulder directly, glanced at him and asked, "I said brother, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you so skinny?" Is it the same as a monkey? Big brother, my body can hold up to both of you now!"

Zhao Xu's face suddenly collapsed. This was the only thing he could criticize about making the original.

Since he possessed the original energy of production, his food intake has been increasing day by day, and he didn't take it seriously at first, but later discovered that the original energy of production is supplemented by eating a lot of food.

However, the capacity of the human stomach is limited after all, and it cannot fully satisfy the consumption of raw energy, so Zhao Xu has lost 30 catties in the past month. He even doubted that if he lost weight any more, he would be skinny before the manufacturing energy could be upgraded.

"How about brother, what's the good thing? Tell me quickly!"

"Come on, let's talk inside!" Zhao Xu strode into the store, blew kisses to two beautiful shop assistants, and then walked into the back room with ease.

The two sat down, and Zhao Xu put the bag in his hand on the table directly: "Brother Hao, you are an expert in this field, let's see for yourself!"

"What? It's so mysterious!" Sun Hao opened the mouth of the bag suspiciously, and his eyes lit up when he saw the neatly packed 20 mobile phones inside. He immediately opened the box and picked up one to study.

After a while, Sun Hao raised his head and rolled his eyes and said, "License, I thought it was a parallel import. I said, why do you buy so many licensed goods, you have money?"

Zhao Xu smiled complacently: "Hehe, you really are an expert. You can tell if something is good or not. Brother Hao, brother, I will tell you that these twenty Apple 6s are actually parallel imports!"

"Impossible!" Sun Hao immediately blushed and said with certainty, "Brother, I have been in this business for three or four years.

I knew what it was at a glance, it was definitely a legitimate product from mainland China! "

"Hey, this is indeed a mainland licensed product, but its origin is not right!"

Zhao Xu seemed unhurried, and said casually, "To tell you the truth, these twenty mobile phones were made from the inside. A guy with dirty hands and feet was found and ran away in a hurry. It’s cheaper for me to sell this batch of goods, hehe, I don’t know where that guy has gone to now, so even if someone checks, they can’t find us!”

"Is there such a good thing?" Sun Hao rolled his eyes, and asked slyly: "Hey, brother, let's talk about the price, brother, I want this batch of goods!"

Zhao Xuhao slapped the table angrily: "Our brothers are not lying, that guy left in such a hurry that I pushed down the price severely, and one set cost me 3,000 yuan. Now this kind of good stuff can definitely be bought Four thousand nine, we will split the profit in half, how about selling four thousand one to Brother Hao?"

"Happy, it's only 4,100, and 20 mobile phones can earn 16,000. Brother, my store only makes a profit of 70,000 to 80,000 a month!" Sun Hao seemed to have green eyes, and bought one from other places. The profit of two to three hundred yuan from the mobile phone is considered a big profit, but now it has doubled by three or four times. Hehe, no one can make too much money.

"Xuzi, it seems that you have not been in vain for the past two years. You have a wide range of opportunities!"

Sun Hao blushed, thought for a while and suddenly said: "By the way, Xu Zi, I will ask someone to do something later, and I want to buy a jade pendant as a gift. What do you do, can you help my brother and my staff?"

"It's easy to say, but I don't know what jade material you want, brother Hao, how much you plan to spend, and what style you plan to buy?"

"Choose mutton fat jade for jade. I also asked people about it. The top mutton fat jade costs 20,000 to 30,000 grams. I'm going to spend about 300,000. I want Xu Zi to help you, as for the style, I choose Guanyin, men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha!"

Zhao Xu whispered secretly, and it cost 300,000 yuan for a gift. It seemed that Sun Hao asked someone to do a lot of things.

At this time, Sun Hao suddenly took out a picture from his pocket, which was a beautiful Guanyin pendant, and he said: "Xuzi, this is the Guanyin style I asked someone to design, I think the other party must like it, can you see if we Buy a piece of mutton fat jade yourself, and then find someone to process it?"

Zhao Xu took the picture and looked at it, nodded and said, "The processing is not difficult, but in the past two years, it has become more and more difficult to find the best suet jade. I will help you find someone to ask during this time!"

Sun Hao was overjoyed, and used online banking to transfer the mobile phone money to Zhao Xu, and then the two chatted for a while, and Zhao Xu left.

Walking on the street, Zhao Xu felt that the bank cards in his pocket had become a lot heavier at the moment. One mobile phone was 4,100 yuan, and 20 phones would be 82,000 red bills, which was equivalent to his original four-year salary. Manufacturing raw energy is indeed promising.

"Haha, this is a no-cost business!"

Zhao Xu suddenly had a vulgar urge to take out all the money, and then lie and roll in the pile of money all night. This is probably the mentality of a person who gets rich overnight.

But ghosts don't care about mentality, they should be happy when they make money, can't they cry?

Think about the dilapidated small bungalow I rent now, and think about living in a mansion with thousands of square meters in the future, driving millions of high-end sports cars, and dating the most beautiful beauties. Who wants to say that they don’t want to live such a life, Zhao Xu immediately went up and slapped him, and then spit and cursed: "Hypocrisy!"

An oily smell suddenly rushed into the nose, and the smell made people drool.


A sound came from his stomach, and Zhao Xu remembered that he was so busy selling mobile phones in the morning that he even forgot to eat breakfast.

He rubbed his stomach, and suddenly grinned and howled: "La la la, I make money! I make money! I don't know how to spend it. I buy a Nokia with my left hand and a Motorola with my right hand. Change your phone number every day..." Then he jumped three feet high and rushed to the breakfast shop not far away.

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