Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 314 Rock Giant

Zhao Xu flew forward along the passage, feeling eerily silent all the way up.

He didn't know how long he had been flying, but suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he seemed to see a strange thing through the dense leaves of the passage.

"what is that?"

He slowly floated over, without using his hands, but directly manipulating the magnetic field, pushing away the leaves one by one, and his eyes widened immediately.

What was hidden behind the branches and leaves was actually a huge amber-like crystal clear yellow crystal, and within the crystal, a huge rock giant was impressively wrapped.

"Fuck me, this isn't the so-called god, is it?" Zhao Xu whispered secretly.

I saw that the rock giant was no less than 20 meters tall, comparable to a six or seven-story building. Its body was completely composed of pieces of rock, and it looked like it was wearing a rock armor.

Although the rock giant was clearly in a deep sleep at the moment, Zhao Xu could still clearly feel the terrifying aura exuding from the rock giant, which was clearly beyond imagination.

"I don't know how many rock giants are hiding in the canopy of this world tree?"

Zhao Xu thought to himself, turned around and continued to fly forward along the passage. As soon as he got up, he saw dozens of rock giants again, but all of them were wrapped in amber-like crystals.

After a while, Zhao Xu finally flew to the center of the crown of the World Tree, and saw that a space with a round sky had been opened up here. Countless branches and leaves formed a flat ground, which looked like a huge square.

And in the middle of the square, there was a wooden house about 50 to 60 meters high. At this time, in front of the wooden house, an extremely strong rock giant nearly ten meters tall was sitting on the ground.

This rock giant was not wrapped in crystals, and its body made of pitch-black rock looked extremely hideous.

"A body made of rock,

Tsk tsk, the world is really full of wonders, but how does this guy take a bath, or does it mean that he hasn't taken a bath for four billion years? "

Zhao Xu muttered to himself and shuddered. He was afraid that this guy might have some kind of infectious disease?

He pondered for a while, bowed slightly and said, "Greetings to the great God!"

After a while of silence, the rock giant slowly opened its lantern-sized eyes, and stared at Zhao Xu meaningfully: "Bring the token of the Wisdom Eye clan!"

"Yes!" Zhao Xu took out the token from his pocket, and suddenly a branch rose from the ground to wrap around the token and extend it in front of the rock giant.

The rock giant took the token and inspected it carefully. In his huge palm like a millstone, the token was inconspicuous compared to a fly.

Zhao Xu's face was calm, and he was not worried at all that the other party would see his flaws.

In the past two days, he thought about it carefully again, and he was sure that the people in the Holy Land must not have discovered the base in the sub-dimension, otherwise, the Holy Land would definitely research the space folding technology vigorously over the years.

But he asked the Holy Spirit to check the information in the Light Brain Godhead, and there was no information about the development of this technology.

As for the damaged part of the token itself, some structures are actually broken.

The structure of this token is extremely delicate, its structure is actually arranged in points, and the space folding technology is also used in it.

The distance between each partition has been folded. If these folded spaces are opened, the token that was originally the size of a palm can be expanded ten times and become as big as a washbasin.

Just because some structures are broken, this function of getting bigger has been lost.

However, the folded space in this compartment is really hidden, and it cannot be seen without using special equipment. This is why the Holy Land has been unable to restore the token after so many years.

Zhao Xu's guess was not wrong at all. The rock giant actually didn't know where the token was damaged, and of course he couldn't see where the token had been repaired.

But want to judge whether the token is really repaired? This is not a problem for him, because he knows how to use the token, as long as it can be used, it will naturally be repaired.

I saw the rock giant put the token on the tip of his index finger, and suddenly two golden lights shot out from his eyes, shining on the token.

With the continuous injection of golden light, the volume of the token began to grow rapidly, and finally became like a washbasin.

"Hahahaha, yes, you really restored the token!" Seeing this, the rock giant laughed with satisfaction, his voice deafening like a bell.

Zhao Xu was not at all surprised that the rock giant could open the folding space between the tokens, because anyone could do it by pouring energy into the token.

In fact, everything is done automatically by absorbing energy from the structure of the token. This is like a computer. You can use the computer to play games, watch movies, and do whatever you want, but you don’t necessarily need to understand it. How a computer works.

Zhao Xu smiled slightly: "It is my honor to satisfy God!"

"Satisfied, I am very satisfied!"

The rock giant nodded happily, and forced a smile on his hard face: "Is your name Zhao Xu? Hehe, since the token of the Wisdom Eye Clan has been repaired, you have the same status as me, so you don't need to call me God, My name is Truss, you can call me by my name!"

"Okay, Lord Truss!"

"Sit down first!" Truss waved his hand, and branches and leaves sprang out in front of him, automatically weaving into a chair.

"Thank you!" Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, walked over and sat down on the chair, then raised his head to look at the tall rock giant: "Master Tras, how can I become a god?"

"Just accept some transformation. Don't resist. Let me check your body first before deciding how to transform it!" Truss said, and two golden lights shot out from his eyes again, covering Zhao Xu's body.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Truss yelled in surprise, and said in a deep voice: "There is an invisible force on your body that is blocking my investigation. This is very bad. You should trust me and take back your power. Only in this way can I know your physical condition, and then find the most suitable transformation plan!"

Zhao Xu smiled brightly: "No, Truss, I think that my current strength is fully qualified to become a god, but I have not been recognized in name, so you don't need to bother to help me transform, Just declare to everyone directly that I have become a god!"

"Don't accept the transformation, have you really decided?"

In Truss' eyes that were bigger than lanterns, a dark and fierce light flashed, he was silent for a moment, and said temptingly: "You may not know the benefits of transformation, it will not only make you more powerful, but also With the eternal life of my rock family, you must know that the human body is fragile, only a rock body like mine can live with the sun and the moon and be immortal for hundreds of millions of years!"

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