Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 329 True and False Zhao Xu

"Thug chug..."

A helicopter hovered over a small green island. Zhao Xu and the others sat on the helicopter and looked down with great interest.

This is an island with an area of ​​no less than one square kilometer. The vegetation on the island is lush and lush, and many animals can be vaguely seen running on the island.

Of course, these animals were developed by island merchants, and they were purposely bred on islands for ornamental purposes, so they were just non-aggressive animals.

The central terrain of the island is relatively high, almost forming a small mountain peak, with lush vegetation on it, and among the countless vegetation, a huge white castle-style villa is built against the mountain, complementing the surrounding environment, with a unique feeling. Such beauty.

"It's beautiful!" Amanda stared at her pretty eyes, making no secret of her love for this small island.

Although Athena next to her didn't speak, she also had a happy smile on her face.

"Haha, it seems that the two beautiful ladies are very satisfied with this island!" Lucas smiled and turned to look at Zhao Xu: "Dear Zhao, what's your opinion?"

"I have no opinion, as long as the two ladies like it, that's fine!"

Zhao Xu waved his hand: "Lucas, tell me about the situation of this island. I hope that all kinds of facilities on the island must be complete, and it is best to be able to live directly!"

"Of course, don't you worry about my work?"

Lucas smiled confidently: "This island was originally developed by the Fiji government and was going to be auctioned, but after you called me today, I asked someone to let them give up the auction plan, now as long as you pay the money , you can move in directly!"

"Mr. Lucas, I wonder how much this island needs?" Amanda asked suddenly.

"The island's environment is the best in Fiji,

And also invited the most famous architects in the world to design and build it, the purpose is to turn it into the most high-end leisure resort, so if you want to buy it, you need to spend 800 million US dollars! "

"Eight hundred million dollars?"

Amanda whispered secretly. Although she entered the Holy Land with Zhao Xu not long after her resurrection, during this period, she also lived on the earth for a few days and controlled some people's minds, so for 800 million The US dollar still has some concepts.

Seeing Amanda's expression, Lucas laughed immediately: "Haha, Miss Amanda, don't worry, 800 million US dollars is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but for my dear Zhao, it is... um, use In Chinese, it seems to be called Jiu Niu Yi Mao?"

"Haha, Lucas, so you also have research on China?" Zhao Xu smiled and asked, "By the way, how is the traffic on this island? And how is its external communication?"

"Don't worry, the most advanced satellite dish is installed on the island, which can receive all signals, including mobile phone, TV, Internet, etc. In addition, there is a special pier on the island, which can dock that kind of medium-sized luxury yacht. The two ladies live in Here, you can travel on a yacht at any time!"

Lucas thought for a while, then suddenly said: "By the way, there is also a small apron built on the island, with a runway inside, which can allow small private jets to take off. Of course, helicopters are no problem. Dear Zhao, we It is recommended that you buy a private jet, it will come in handy here!"

"That's a good idea!" Zhao Xu touched his chin: "Okay, Lucas, I'm very satisfied with this island. When will I pay, I hope to be able to move in immediately!"

"Haha, dear Zhao, you are really bold. Let's go to the island management office in Fiji immediately. By the way, I'm hosting a banquet tonight, and you must come to enjoy it!" Lucas laughed and signaled the pilot to turn around.

When Zhao Xu was in Fiji, accompanying Athena and Amanda to buy the island, he didn't know that something unexpected happened in China a few days ago.

A few days ago, Qin Yinxue was sitting behind the desk in the president's office of the Shengtang scientific research base, her eyes were dark, what was she thinking?

Suddenly, the door of the office was opened, and several men with cold eyes walked in.

The man in front took out a certificate: "We are from the National Security Bureau. My name is Xie Hao. I have been ordered to conduct an investigation on you. Qin Yinxue, I hope you can cooperate!"

"Is it finally here? Well, what do you want to know? Just ask!" Qin Yinxue said calmly.

"The nature of the leak of secrets this time is bad. We already have evidence to prove that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. Do you have any excuses for this?" Xie Hao asked coldly.

Qin Yinxue raised her head slowly: "I just want to say one thing, the one who leaked the secret is the chairman Zhao Xu, and he is the one who framed me!"


If Zhao Xu were here, he would be confused. When did he leak the secret? And how could he frame Qin Yinxue?

"Do you have any evidence?" Xie Hao continued to ask.

"No!" Qin Yinxue shook her head: "So no matter what punishment the organization gives me, I will accept it, but I hope you can investigate Zhao Xu carefully!"

Xie Hao shook his head: "I didn't expect that you are still obsessed with it. Chairman Zhao has held a meeting and announced that he will temporarily take over the power of the president, so you have been dismissed. As for the final punishment result, we will have to wait until after an in-depth investigation to decide!"

Hold a meeting?

Take over the rights of the president?

Zhao Xu was still in the Fiji Islands, how could he do such a thing?

At this time, Xie Hao sighed: "Qin Yinxue, you and Chairman Zhao are husband and wife, and I heard that you have a very good relationship, why did you suddenly leak secrets and treason, and slander him? Forget it, I'm afraid you wouldn't say , I was ordered to relieve you of all duties, and for the next period of time, you must stay at home, not go out, and not contact the outside world in any way, understand?"

"No problem, I will follow the organization's arrangement!" Qin Yinxue nodded and stood up.

At this moment, another person walked into the office from the door, and this person turned out to be Zhao Xu.

I saw this "Zhao Xu" looking at Qin Yinxue with a sad face: "Oh, Yinxue, why did you betray me and the motherland? You really let me down!"

"You don't need to act in front of me, you can deceive others, but you can never deceive me!"

Qin Yinxue's eyes were cold: "I don't know who you are, let alone why you can deceive everyone, but the fake is always fake. I hope that when the real Zhao Xu comes back, you will still be so at ease!"

A dark glint flashed in "Zhao Xu"'s eyes, but he concealed it so well that no one else could see it.

He said with a sad face: "Yinxue, why don't you believe me? I am really Zhao Xu, don't worry, even though you betrayed me, I will still do my best to save you!"

"I said, don't act in front of me, and..."

Qin Yinxue gently raised her head: "I hope you are smarter and don't overdo things. The Shengtang Research Base is Zhao Xu's painstaking effort. He will never allow anyone to make trouble here. I don't know what you have to rely on." , but I'm sure, you never want to really anger him, because the consequences are definitely not something you can bear!"

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the office directly, and the people from Guoan nodded at "Zhao Xu" and followed immediately.

When everyone left and the sound of footsteps disappeared in the corridor, "Zhao Xu" suddenly sneered and said, "I can't afford to offend him? What a big tone, isn't he just an ordinary human being strengthened by drugs? I'd rather To see what he can do?"

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