Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 366 Don't Blame Me for Lifting the Chessboard

After a while, Smith hung up the phone and came back.

He seemed to be a little bit embarrassed, and finally showed Zhao Xu an expression like a dead parent: "Mr. To be able to sign the contract, we need to get 10% of the profit of Dream Company's new computer this time!"

"Ten out of ten?" Zhao Xu smiled dangerously: "Mr. Smith, are you kidding me?"

"This, this..." Smith was about to cry: "Mr. Zhao Xu, I'm just conveying the words of the board of directors. This is not my idea!"

He almost wanted to go back to the United States immediately, beat those bastards on the board of directors to death, and let him face Zhao Xu directly.

He has heard a lot of rumors. Although Zhao Xu is just a businessman and scientist on the surface, in fact, there are many unknown forces behind him. This kind of person is by no means a senior wage earner who can provoke started.

"This matter is getting more and more interesting!" Zhao Xu suddenly chuckled: "Mr. Smith, if I guessed correctly, if I go to people from companies like Intel and Apple, they will also ask you to Get ten-tenths of the profit?"

" should be!" Smith's voice was a little dry, and his heart was about to jump out.

"Hehe, it's really advancing and retreating together. You really listen to the master behind the scenes!" Zhao Xu stroked his chin: "Okay, Mr. Smith, I won't bother you anymore. I wish you a good night's sleep tonight!"

"Thank you, then I'll go first!" Smith heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately ran away, faster than a rabbit.

The matter didn't end like this. In the following week, the people of Dream Company kept traveling around the world, but they hit a wall everywhere, and they almost hit a "broken head".

But this time the incident was so serious that it was impossible not to alarm the media, and for the dream company, which had always had a bright future, it was suddenly suppressed, and many people were gloating.

The British "Sun Daily": "...The incident this time is really surprising. Dream Company has been suppressed by more than half of the electricity companies in the world. The reason is really puzzling..."

American TV station: "... I have to admit that Mr. Zhao Xu is a person who can create miracles, but this time, his luck seems not to be very easy to use. This time, entering the computer market may really indicate that he is about to fall into obscurity. altar……"

Japan Asahi "...Actually, what happened this time,

It's not completely beyond expectations. Mr. Zhao Xu's previous style is very domineering, and his methods are difficult to make people happy. Therefore, the major computer companies work together to expel him. In fact, it is for self-protection. We have to admit that this is very wise Decide……"

South Korea’s JoongAng Ilbo: “…Actually, this is an inevitable law of how things work. Chinese people pay attention to prosperity and decline. Dream Company has been going smoothly in recent years, and now it is only natural that it will suffer some setbacks…”

Among the competing reports of the major media, Dream Company, unsurprisingly, once again became the headlines, but this time it did not have a good reputation.

It seemed that overnight, the dream company and Zhao Xu became poor people who had been abandoned by God in the eyes of the people.

Of course, it's not that no one has expressed their support for Zhao Xu. After all, Zhao Xu still has many fans in the world, but even these fans don't seem to be optimistic about what happened this time.

They are more on the Internet, in news interviews, to say words of comfort, but no one believes that Zhao Xu can break through this incident.

Disillusioned ambition is the true portrayal of Zhao Xu in people's hearts at this time.

Shengtang scientific research base, in the president's office.

"What are you going to do with this incident?" Qin Yinxue asked while sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hand.

"Originally, I didn't want to have a big impact on the computer market this time, so I chose to cooperate with those companies, but now it seems that some people seem to be dissatisfied with this, so don't blame me for stealing their jobs !"

Zhao Xu licked his lips and said with a faint smile, "Has the change plan for the new computer been sent out?"

"It has been handed over to the heads of various departments, and they will finish it as soon as possible!" Qin Yinxue nodded: "Are you going to completely give up cooperation with other companies?"

"Won't give up completely, just give up those big companies!"

Zhao Xu twisted his neck: "In my opinion, those small and medium-sized companies are actually our best partners, because they don't have their own fixed cards, and even if they do, the cards don't have much influence. In fact, they are very happy to cooperate with us!"

"What we have to do now is to let the new type of computer have a huge influence among the people and arouse their interest, so that we have a source of customers, and then cooperate with those companies, and everything will come naturally!"

"Then what about the governments of various countries? They are still blocking our right to operate!" Qin Yinxue asked again.

"Every government is not monolithic. Although the forces behind that are powerful, they cannot manipulate everyone. It is not difficult to solve this problem, but I don't think we can do everything. I don’t want to be a pawn all the time!”

Zhao Xu curled his lips and showed his white teeth: "Contact the people from the Earth Federation Government and tell them that it's time to work. The Skynet plan also has their interests in it. It's not a good habit to eat nothing and not work!"

"The people in the Earth Federation government are all high-level officials of the governments of various countries. Why do you make it sound like they are all working for you?" Qin Yinxue couldn't laugh or cry.

"Actually, you can say that!"

Zhao Xu laughed: "If the Skynet plan is successfully implemented, it will become the main source of income for the Earth Federation government, and this plan is in my hands. From this point of view, they are really You're right to work for me!"

"Fuck you, you can't say such things outside, or it will cause public outrage!" Qin Yinxue put down her glass speechlessly: "It seems that you are already sure of victory in this matter, then I Just wait and see!"

"Look carefully, since some people want to play with me, then I will play with them, hehe, chess, you have to come and go, but those guys had better not do anything outside the rules, Otherwise, don't blame me for flipping the chessboard!"

Zhao Xu said calmly, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking...

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