Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 371 Rubik's Cube Chip

The main control cabin of the spaceship was in that huge disc. Zhao Xu flew along the passage, and after passing through several forks, he finally arrived at a huge hall. .

I saw a row of glass windows installed on one wall of the hall, from which you can see everything in the underground cave outside, and in the center of the hall, there is a circular high platform like a console.

There is a circle of seats around the high platform, the number is about twenty, and the upper surface of the high platform is a circular, desktop-like touch screen.

At this time, a beautiful woman was sitting on one of the seats, controlling the spaceship through the touch screen with both hands. This woman was expressionless and cold-eyed. She was the clone left by the Holy Spirit.

Zhao Xu walked to the console and asked, "Holy Spirit, what's wrong with the spacecraft's self-inspection system?"

"The self-inspection system itself is not broken, but part of the core responsible for the operation of the spacecraft is damaged, so the self-inspection program cannot be started. Wait a minute, I will ask the clone to take out the Rubik's cube chip for you to repair!"

As soon as the holy spirit finished speaking, he saw the Terminator robot quickly waving his hands on the console, and instructions flashed on the touch screen.

Finally, with a "click", the podium suddenly opened from the middle like a lotus flower, revealing a bunch of precision parts inside, and the most conspicuous among them was a blue square the size of a shoebox.

"This is the Rubik's cube chip?" Zhao Xu looked at it curiously. The blue cube was made of unknown material. It looked like metal on the surface, but it emitted bursts of faint blue light from time to time.

The Holy Spirit explained: "The raw material of the Rubik's Cube chip is a kind of '硿' element that does not exist on the earth. This element is very suitable for making chips and has powerful computing power. According to the information recorded in the spaceship, this '硿' element 'The element was discovered four billion years ago on a planet in the Centaurus galaxy!"

"Tsk tsk, the science and technology of the split-species originated, but even the split-species have been able to leave the solar system and go shopping on other planets. I don't know how advanced the technology of the rock giants, who are stronger than the split-species, will be. ?" Zhao Xu shook his head and sighed.

"I don't know. Although I downloaded the information when I was in the Holy Land, it was only part of it. After all, you only obtained the authority of a deacon at the beginning, and I believe that even those elders can't have the light-brained godhead." The highest authority, the rock giant will definitely hold the highest authority in his own hands!"

Zhao Xu agreed with this point: "That's for sure. In the eyes of the rock giant, the supernatural beings are just a group of slaves. How could the rock giant give them the highest authority!"

"But one thing I'm sure of,

Back then when you went to the Holy Land, your luck was quite good! The spaceships of the rock giants are all stored in the sacred mountain, but they cannot be opened because there is not enough energy! "

The Holy Spirit said with a playful smile: "I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so it's hard to imagine how powerful those spaceships are? Maybe they only need to activate a small part at that time, and you will be out of luck!"

"They don't need to launch the spaceship. At that time, it was only those thousands of rock giants who woke up at the same time. I was already forced to run!"

Zhao Xu pursed his lips with a wry smile, and the scene of thousands of rock giants rushing out of the sky appeared before his eyes again, which was quite terrifying.

"Okay, I don't want to do this now, let's fix the Rubik's Cube chip first!" Zhao Xu shook his head and said.

"Okay, you use the original energy first, scan the Rubik's cube chip, and form its model in the original energy spar, and then I will modify and repair the model!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Xu released a beam of original energy and swept it across the Rubik's cube chip. Suddenly, there was a strange fluctuation in the original energy spar, and the model of the Rubik's cube chip appeared.

Then, the white mist of the Holy Spirit immediately stretched out smoke tentacles, which connected to the model of the Rubik's Cube chip.

While repairing, the Holy Spirit said: "Fortunately, you have the ability to create and can easily repair such precise parts. If it is someone else, even if they know that this spaceship is a good thing, I am afraid they can only look at it and cannot use it!"

"Hehe, I can only say that God takes good care of me!" Zhao Xu smiled.

Soon, the Holy Spirit repaired all the damaged parts of the Rubik's Cube chip model: "Okay, the following will be handed over to you. You only need to repair the damage inside the real Rubik's Cube chip according to the model, and then you can start the self-inspection system of the spacecraft. Already!"

"Okay, leave it to me!" Zhao Xu nodded, and immediately released another manufacturing energy to wrap the Rubik's cube chip in the middle of the console, and then repaired it bit by bit according to the model, not daring to miss a detail.

After about half an hour, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, there should be no problem anymore!"

"Start the self-inspection system now, let's see how serious the damage of the spaceship is?" As soon as the Holy Spirit finished speaking, the console was closed again, and the Terminator robot was operated on the touch screen again.

The next moment, rays of light shot out from the touch screen and converged in mid-air, forming the overall image of the spaceship.

Moreover, this image is a three-dimensional structure, and the internal structure inside can be clearly seen. The entire image is composed of red and green colors, and the red part accounts for about one-third of the image.

Zhao Xu looked at it secretly and said, "Holy Spirit, don't tell me that the red parts are all damaged!"

"Unfortunately, you guessed it right!" The Holy Spirit smiled strangely.

Zhao Xu's eyes widened: "Damn, this spaceship is no less than a kilometer long and meters high, and its total volume is larger than that of an aircraft carrier, which means that the volume of parts damaged by light has already exceeded that of an aircraft carrier. When will it be repaired?"

"You should be lucky, I haven't said that the green part is damaged!"

The Holy Spirit snorted: "But you don't need to worry, we don't need to repair it, we just need to replace all the damaged parts. It should take less than twenty days, and it should be finished!"

"That would be exhausting!"

Zhao Xu smacked his mouth: "But there is no other way, this is the only way, now I have to go home first, these two days you happen to be in the original energy spar, design all the parts that need to be replaced, and design a model. In two days, we will manufacture it and replace it with the spaceship!"

"Well, that's fine too. It will take two days for me to design the model!"

The Holy Spirit agreed: "But there is still one problem. The energy reserve of this spacecraft is insufficient. If you want to fly to Mars and come back, you must replenish the energy!"


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