Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 388 The Mysterious Cosmic Matter and Mind

"Damn it, could it be that we were deceived by that woman Yang Chan, who knew she would be unlocked by the token, but didn't tell us?" Apollo's face was ugly, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Zhao Xu shook his head: "I'm afraid that even Yang Chan doesn't know about this matter. You have known each other for billions of years. Don't you see what she is like? She won't harm her own people, and anyone who does harm will do so." Do it only if it is beneficial, I don't see how killing you on Mars will do her any good!"

"Huh... You are right. Although there are idiots in this world who are willing to harm others and benefit themselves, they are absolutely impossible to be Yang Chan!"

Apollo thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement with Zhao Xu's judgment: "But what should we do now? Once we are sucked into the manor, all of us will be annihilated by antimatter!"

Although life is wonderful, it is still composed of matter in the final analysis. Once it comes into contact with antimatter, it will undoubtedly die.

At this time, dozens of people were sucked into the manor by gravity, and then exploded, and the gravity around them increased several times again. Even the most powerful people like Zhao Xu and the others moved faster and faster.

Zhao Xu's eyes were serious, and he suddenly said, "I was thinking that since this manor is full of antimatter, why didn't it annihilate with the outside world?"

"You mean... the magnetic field?" Apollo's eyes lit up. This is the only explanation. It should be the magnetic field outside the manor, which isolates the antimatter from the outside world.

Zhao Xu nodded: "Yes, since the manor can use a magnetic field to bind antimatter inside, why can't we use a magnetic field to isolate antimatter outside the body so that it does not come into contact with our body?"

"Try it and you will know!" Apollo suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Listen, everyone, the magnetic field can isolate antimatter. If you don't want to die, just when you are sucked into the manor, induce the magnetic field to wrap your body!"

At this time, some people couldn't control their bodies and were sucked into the manor. When they heard Apollo's words, their hearts were shocked, and they immediately activated the magnetic field, forming a shield around their bodies.

Everyone watched the changes in the manor. After a while, everyone cheered. Those who entered the manor this time were not annihilated by antimatter.

"Hahahaha, it really works!" Everyone was overjoyed, so they stopped resisting gravity and rushed into the manor one after another.

"Hehe, Zhao Xu, I'll go first too!" Apollo waved with a smile, and rushed down immediately.

Watching everyone enter the manor one by one, Zhao Xu was surrounded by a magnetic field, and was about to go down, but suddenly, the little tiger in his arms uttered "Wow, woof".

It seems to be saying wait.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Xu lowered his head in surprise.

The little tiger waved his claws, then shook his head vigorously.

"Little guy, what do you want to say?" Zhao Xu frowned slightly and asked strangely.

"Woof!" The little tiger yelled two more times. Seeing that Zhao Xu was still in a daze, he scratched his head with his paws in a hurry.

Suddenly, it put its claws into the magnetic field around Zhao Xu, shook it, and then shook its head at Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu's heart moved immediately: "You mean, don't use a magnetic field to isolate antimatter?"

As soon as the little tiger heard it, he nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice.

"It seems that although the magnetic field can isolate antimatter, after entering the manor, some dangerous changes are likely to occur. The little guy is a roaring dog, and he is considered to be half the owner of the manor. He will never talk nonsense!"

Zhao Xu thought to himself, looked at the little tiger's head, and asked, "Little guy, since you don't allow the use of magnetic fields, what kind of power do we need to use to enter the manor?"

When the little tiger heard it, he scratched his head again. Not being able to speak is a big problem, and communication is difficult!

It rolled its black eyes, and suddenly raised its claws, pointed to Zhao Xu's head, then pointed to his own head, and then the two claws made a movement of something coming out of his head.

"Head?" Zhao Xu thought hard, something was about to come out in his heart, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't figure out what it was?

Suddenly, the voice of the Holy Spirit sounded from the bottom of my heart: "It may be talking about spiritual power!"


Zhao Xu's heart moved, and he immediately asked, "Little guy, are you talking about spiritual power?"

This time the little guy jumped up happily, wagging his tail and shouted excitedly at Zhao Xu, "Wow!" as if to say, you are really smart!

Zhao Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and thought to himself: "Psychic power is a very wonderful thing. If it is said that spiritual power can isolate antimatter, I'm not surprised at all!"

"Actually, it's not just spiritual power. If I'm not mistaken, besides spiritual power and magnetic field, there should be another thing that can isolate antimatter!" Holy Spirit suddenly analyzed.

"Well, there is another one, what is it?"


Zhao Xu suddenly realized that yes, dark matter should also be able to isolate antimatter.

There is a kind of wonderful matter in this world, namely magnetic field, antimatter and dark matter.

Among them, the magnetic field is a kind of invisible, intangible, but objectively existing special substance. It is not composed of atoms or components. Although humans have already understood the magnetic field and can even apply it in many ways, to be honest , human beings are still far from understanding the magnetic field.

As for antimatter and dark matter, many people in the world will confuse them and think they are the same thing, but they are not.

Antimatter exists relative to positive matter. Due to the opposite electrical property, it cannot directly exist in the positive universe, otherwise it will annihilate with positive matter.

Scientists once speculated that there is an anti-universe outside of our positive universe, and everything there is made of antimatter.

There are some mysterious guesses that the world behind the mirror is actually the anti-universe, and the mirror is the passage to the anti-universe, but this guess has never been confirmed.

Let’s talk about dark matter. In the universe, dark matter refers to a kind of matter that does not emit electromagnetic radiation or interact with electromagnetic waves.

Studies have proved that ninety-six percent of the universe is dark matter and dark energy, which is the main part of the universe. Because of its incomparably dense density, the gravitational force it produces cannot be overcome even by light.

If there is really another anti-universe outside our positive universe, I believe that in the anti-universe, the main body of the universe should still be dark matter.

If this is the case, then dark matter is a mysterious existence that can communicate the two universes, so Zhao Xu is not surprised that it can isolate antimatter.

In addition, besides this wonderful substance, there is also a mysterious thing in this world, that is spiritual power.

Zhao Xu had seen the wonder of spiritual power more than once.

If the guess is correct, the golden light of the wisdom eyes of the wisdom eyes should be a kind of spiritual power, it can even allow Yang Chan to see through the moon from the earth, it is really amazing.

And Apollo said that Yang Jian's golden eyes can even grab the Yang mother crystal directly from the Yang clock, which already belongs to the category of direct interference of the mind with matter.

In addition, Zhao Xu's manufacturing power also belongs to spiritual power.

And this kind of strange spiritual power can even directly transform imaginary things into reality, which is simply the ability of God.

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