Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 390 Parallel Space

"Damn it!"

Zhao Xu's heart trembled, and he felt that after the little tiger's head entered, his attraction had increased dozens of times in vain.

Finally, he couldn't control it anymore, and he slammed into the statue, and then disappeared like a little tiger head.

The vortex of space was spinning, and the countless turbulent flows of space around him were retreating rapidly. Zhao Xu felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless pit. He didn't know where the end was?

After an unknown amount of time, the space vortex suddenly shook, and Zhao Xu felt his eyes go dark, and then all the space turbulence disappeared.

He looked around and found that he had returned to the Taoist temple, and Truss and others were still standing around.

"Huh? No!" Zhao Xu's expression changed: "This is definitely not the original Taoist temple!"

You must know that the roof and walls of the Taoist temple just now should have been demolished by Truss, but now they have been restored to their original state, and although Truss and others are standing around, they seem to be unable to see themselves.

In addition, the heights of the fourteen, including Tras, are all close to ten meters, more than twice the height of the Taoist temple, but they stood there, and their bodies passed directly through the Taoist temple, but they did not break the roof, as if their bodies , turned into an illusory general.

"Where the hell is this place?" Zhao Xu thought to himself, and suddenly, a cry of "Wow, woof" came from outside the Taoist temple.

"Tiger head?"

He walked out of the Taoist temple in a hurry, and the people he saw, as well as the supernatural beings, were standing outside, but like Truss and others, they couldn't see their own existence.


There was another barking of a dog. Zhao Xu turned his head to look, and suddenly frowned, and found a man in a black robe sitting on a stone bench not far away, and the little tiger head was acting coquettishly at the man's feet.

This man has a handsome face, a majestic temperament, a golden gap between his eyebrows, and his appearance is exactly the same as the statue in the Taoist temple!

"Yang Jian?" Zhao Xu asked with some uncertainty.

"Hehe, I'm right here. My brother must be Mr. Zhao Xu, Xiao Tiangou has already told me about you!" Yang Jian smiled, stood up and walked over.

"You didn't die?"

"It was lucky back then,

When he was about to be killed by the rock giant, he came here by luck and saved his life! "Yang Jian nodded and said.

"I believe that if Yang Chan knows that you are still alive, she will be very happy!" Zhao Xu looked around: "Where is this place? Why can't those guys see us?"

"Of course they can't see it, because we are not in the same dimension, well, you can understand that this is one of the real universe!" Yang Jian explained.

"Parallel space?"

Zhao Xu's eyes widened in shock. Concepts such as cosmic dimension and parallel space are just theories on earth. Many people even questioned the authenticity of this theory, but they did not expect to see it today.

This time, Zhao Xu didn't find it surprising that Telas and the others couldn't see him. The existence of parallel spaces was like signals of different frequencies.

As long as you can't find the exact frequency, you won't receive a signal at all.

"What happened back then, why did the rock giant say you were dead?" Zhao Xu suddenly looked at Yang Jian and asked.

"Back then, I was chased to Mars by several rock giants. I was about to die, but in the end, because of the energy collision between the two sides, combined with my spiritual power countless times beyond ordinary people, I didn't expect to open up the space where I came here by chance. The passage saved my life!"

Yang Jian looked far away, and seemed to be recalling the past: "At that time, because the energy of the two sides collided too strongly, causing a violent explosion, the rock giant thought that my body was destroyed by the explosion, so they thought I was dead!"

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Xu nodded, and looked up at the sky: "I didn't expect that in my generation, I would have the opportunity to see the existence of parallel spaces. How different is our world?"

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed. For more than two billion years, I have never left the manor! Because I am not from this world after all, and the parallel space has great rejection for me!"

Yang Jian smiled wryly: "With my spiritual strength, at most I can only maintain the existence of this manor. Outside the manor, there is a turbulent space. Unless my spiritual power improves one day, I can calm down the turbulent space and go out! "

"That's such a pity, I finally came to the parallel space, and I can't go out for a while!"

Zhao Xu was a little disappointed. He shook his head and said, "Okay, let's get down to business. You should have triggered the space vortex and pulled me here just now. Tell me about your purpose!"

"I want you to save me out!" Yang Jian looked a little nervous.

"Me?" Zhao Xu asked in surprise, "Since you can pull me here, can't you get out by yourself?"

"If I can go out, will I stay here for more than two billion years?"

Yang Jian sighed helplessly: "The space vortex is a one-way passage, you can only enter but not exit, and you can't come in if you want to. Only people with strong enough spiritual power can sense the existence of the space vortex!"

"So, that guy should be able to sense the space vortex, and his spiritual power can enter his dreams!" Zhao Xu pointed to Apollo.

Yang Jian shook his head: "Psychic power has various abilities. He can enter dreams. It can only be said that he has activated this ability, but it does not mean that psychic power is greater than yours. I believe that your psychic power should also have special abilities. The ability, but not aggressive!"

Zhao Xu suddenly realized that great spiritual power did not mean strong aggression.

For example, a pistol and a steel rod are both made of steel. In terms of weight, the steel rod is several times that of a pistol, but a person holding a steel rod cannot beat a person holding a pistol.

"Okay, how do you want me to save you?" Zhao Xu asked, licking his lips.

"Among the people who came this time, only you have spiritual power, which is no worse than mine in total, so only you can rescue me!"

Yang Jian pondered and said: "Wait a minute, you are still leaving the space vortex and returning to the real world, and then you have to use your spiritual power to cover my statue, and I will be here to cover the statue here, and then We let each other's spiritual powers reach a fit through the space vortex, so that we can pull me out!"

"Are you sure this trick will work?" Zhao Xu blinked suspiciously, and used his spiritual power to pass through the space. He had never done this kind of thing before, so he was really not sure.

"This is the only way, I hope you can help me!" Yang Jian looked nervous, afraid that Zhao Xu would not agree.

Suddenly, Xiaotiangou ran over, rubbed its paws against Zhao Xu's trouser legs, and begged "Woooooooooooooooooooo"

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