Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 404 Blue Manufacture Energy


Two days passed slowly, and outside a room in a parallel space, a small white turtle the size of a palm was lying lazily on the grass.

From time to time, the little turtle would raise its head and stare at the door with two dark eyes: "Oh, it's been two days, the upgrade should be completed soon, right?"

Sighing boredly, Holy Spirit put his head on the soft grass and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

At this time, a little golden retriever suddenly sneaked into the yard from the outside, it was Xiaotian dog.

The Xiaotian dog sneaked across the lawn, approached the holy spirit quietly, rushed up, and turned the little turtle upside down with its claws, turning it on its back.

"Ah, damn it, it's you again!" Holy Spirit was furious, with four short legs dangling, feeling extremely depressed.

The Xiaotian dog took two steps back cheerfully, lowered its small body slightly, assumed an offensive posture, and barked "Wow, woof, woof" at the end.

I don't know why, in the past two days, Xiaotiangou seems to have developed an extremely strong interest in the Holy Spirit. From time to time, he would come to tease the Holy Spirit, and what he likes to do most is to turn the Holy Spirit upside down and watch it teasingly. Looking at the Holy Spirit madly.

"Woof, woof, woof!" Xiao Tiangou barked twice more, then jumped up suddenly, as if he wanted to press his little body on Holy Spirit.

"Hmph, that's a good idea!" The holy spirit was furious, his body suddenly turned into a turbulent flow of space, and disappeared in place in an instant.


The Xiaotian dog fell directly on the grass, and looked under him depressedly, as if wondering where the "meat pad" went?

At this time, the Holy Spirit had re-condensed his body not far away, and he grinned triumphantly: "Hahaha, idiot, you want to suppress me? Dreaming, hehe, come again if you have the ability!"

The roaring dog became angry, and with a twist of his little head, he rushed towards the holy spirit, baring his teeth and claws to avenge him.

"Okay, Xiaotiangou, don't mess around!"

Suddenly, a clear voice came from outside the courtyard, and then Yang Jian walked in slowly.

As soon as Xiao Tiangou's eyes lit up, he ran over immediately, and rushed into Yang Jian's arms with a whoosh, humming comfortably.

The holy spirit rolled his eyes and said dissatisfied: "I said Yang Jian, you can't take good care of him, you always make trouble while I'm sleeping,

How immoral! Sigh, I don't know why this guy is always keen to bully me? "

"Hehe, who told you that when you fought the rock giant two days ago, you were too mighty, and the roaring dog was jealous, so of course I will bully you when you are getting smaller!" Yang Jian laughed. road.

"Damn, no wonder Zhao Xu said that this little guy is a ghost, but he still knows how to eat tofu while it's hot!" Holy Spirit felt quite speechless.

"Hehe, strictly speaking, Xiaotiangou is not a little guy, he is much older than you!" Yang Jian shook his head amusedly: "By the way, Brother Zhao hasn't finished upgrading yet?"

"I think it should be soon!" The Holy Spirit pouted.

In the room, Zhao Xu sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, and the sun mother crystal was being wrapped in the original energy of manufacturing, floating in front of his eyebrows.

Two days later, the mother sun crystal, which was originally the size of a fist, has now shrunk to the size of a fingernail, and the original energy of manufacture has also become blue and blue.

At this time, in the primordial spar, the blue and cyan rays of light are clashing with each other. Every time they entangle and collide, part of the cyan light will be swallowed by the blue, and on the primordial spar, the cyan part will gradually be replaced by blue .

Time passed slowly, and about two hours later, the remaining sun mother crystal became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a stream of golden energy, which entered the primordial energy spar from the center of the eyebrows.


In an instant, countless manufacturing forces surged, the speed of devouring the blue light suddenly accelerated, and the blue light quickly decreased.

"Ah, it's finally over!"

Suddenly the Holy Spirit's cry came from outside the house, and then a white light passed through the crack of the door and shot directly into Zhao Xu's head.

"You guy, finally willing to come back!" Zhao Xu cursed with a smile. Although he was in an upgraded state, he was actually awake all the time.

"Hey, you don't need me to upgrade anyway, why don't you let me go out to bask in the sun? Don't worry, I won't delay the last step of upgrading!" The Holy Spirit said and returned to the original energy spar.

I saw a little white turtle swimming comfortably in the blue sea of ​​light. Waves of information constantly emanated from him, connecting with the surrounding manufacturing energy.

The previous upgrade was mainly to absorb the energy of the sun mother crystal, so there was basically no need for the holy spirit to do anything.

But now the last step is the key, because the holy spirit will help Zhao Xu control the original energy in the future, so he must let himself be connected with the new blue original energy.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and after a long while, as the last ray of cyan produced the original energy and transformed into blue, the entire original energy spar suddenly vibrated.

"What's going on?" Zhao Xu was taken aback. This was the first time he had encountered this situation. In the previous upgrades, the original energy spar had never shaken.


Suddenly, a surge of blue manufacturing energy spread from Zhao Xu's body, and everything in the room instantly turned into streams of energy, which were absorbed by the manufacturing energy.

"This is?" The Holy Spirit was surprised for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed, "Haha, Zhao Xu, great joy!"

Zhao Xu frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand? Haha, blue creates original energy, and it actually has the ability to convert matter into energy!"

The holy spirit laughed excitedly: "In the past, you could only use the original energy to condense items, but you couldn't reverse this process. For example, if you created an item, if you didn't want it, you could only turn the item into Ashes, but now, you can convert items into energy and absorb them back, which can greatly reduce the loss of original energy!"

"So, that's a surprise, but to be honest, this ability doesn't seem to have much practical value!" Zhao Xu rubbed his chin and pondered.

"It's worthless? Damn it, you still say that the Xiaotian dog is a muddy head, I don't think you are much worse!"

The holy spirit was so angry that he jumped up and said, "This ability is not as simple as it seems. Blue creates original energy. Since it can convert matter into energy absorption, that is to say, in the future, you will enhance the method of producing original energy. It's not just electric energy, all energy can be absorbed by you, isn't that amazing?"

"Really all the energy?" Zhao Xu asked with a heartbeat.

"Uh... I know what you're thinking, whether it's dark energy or antimatter, you still can't transform it, so it's impossible to directly use the original energy to kill the rock giant, but it's nothing, you know, since the blue made The original energy can absorb most of the energy, that is to say, you can already manipulate most of the energy to fight!"

The holy spirit said excitedly: "For example, when you saw Apollo before, you can absorb the sunlight and turn into a phoenix. Are you envious? Haha, you don't need it now, because you can do it too, and I'm sure that your attack power is as powerful as a phoenix. It is far more than Apollo, and in addition, not only sunlight, but also various rays, electromagnetic waves, radiation energy, light energy, etc. in the universe, you can directly manipulate it!"


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