Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 406 The Power of Antimatter

In the magnetic field outside the manor, a blue manufacturing energy suddenly shot in, and expanded rapidly to push the magnetic field away. Gradually, a magnetic field hole with a diameter of no less than one meter appeared in the sky above the manor.

On the spaceship, Zhao Xu touched his forehead nervously: "Holy Spirit, start the spaceship and prepare to escape!"

"Okay, okay, don't withdraw the original energy, wait until I start the spaceship and get ready!"

The Holy Spirit also seemed nervous. There was no way, one kilogram of antimatter could destroy half of Shanghai, and the amount of antimatter here was calculated in tons. Once annihilation occurred, who knew how powerful the explosion would be?

So for the sake of my life, it's safer to start with everything ready.

Soon, the thrusters at the back of the spaceship lit up, ready to spray propulsion flames at any time.

"I'll count to one or two, let's do it together, you turn on the thrusters, I release the antimatter, understand?"


Zhao Xu took a deep breath and said, "Okay, get ready, one... two..., let's start!"

As soon as the word "start" came out, Zhao Xu immediately withdrew his original energy, and the magnetic field hole with a diameter of one meter opened completely. Countless antimatter rushed into the manor like a flood that burst a bank, and mingled with the "hell vortex" together.

Dark energy has no reaction, but other energies react violently immediately after encountering antimatter.

If someone can conduct microscopic observation now, it can be found that each antiparticle immediately annihilates each other after colliding with the positive particle, and then splits into individual lights.

These lights all carried enormous energy, and they collided again, immediately triggering a terrifying energy explosion.


Countless bursts of light energy instantly turned the manor into a huge light cluster. The next moment, the light cluster exploded, and terrifying shock waves surged in all directions.

The "hell vortex" was directly broken by the terrifying energy, torn into countless dark energy particles and dissipated, and then the shock wave continued to spread, and Mars immediately fell apart.

I saw huge cracks appearing on the ground, and then countless rocks and soil were blown into the sky. The terrifying explosion power seemed to be endless, and quickly spread to all places, including the air of course.

At this time the spaceship has been fully activated by the Holy Spirit,

I saw a long flame ejected from the propeller, and the entire hull immediately began to accelerate:

One kilometer per second...ten kilometers per second...kilometers per second...thousand kilometers per second...thousand kilometers per second!

In less than ten seconds, the speed of the spaceship has increased to the extreme, reaching a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second, which is equivalent to one tenth of the speed of light.

Immediately, the spaceship turned into a meteor, rushing out of the atmosphere of Mars and into the sky.

It was only when the Holy Spirit stopped the spacecraft at a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers from the surface of Mars. At this time, a three-dimensional image appeared on the console, which was exactly the scene of an explosion on Mars.

Zhao Xu looked darkly, and saw that on the surface of Mars, a ball of bright light spread rapidly, and finally stopped spreading until it covered an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square kilometers. This is equivalent to one-tenth of China's area up.

Even through the three-dimensional image, Zhao Xu can feel that the countless turbulent energy flows in the light cluster are strangling each other. At this time, no matter who or what goes in, it will definitely be crushed instantly, and then crushed into energy state.

The ball of light raged for more than ten minutes before it slowly dissipated. After about half an hour, when the ball of light completely disappeared, Zhao Xu gasped.

On the crimson ground of Mars, an extremely huge pothole suddenly appeared. According to the calculation of the three-dimensional image of the spacecraft, the area of ​​this hole is about 900,000 square kilometers, and its depth reaches over one kilometer.

And the impact of this explosion is not over yet. According to the three-dimensional images, at this moment Mars is shaking due to the explosion, and the earth's crust has begun to change, and major earthquakes have also appeared in various places.

Fortunately, this is Mars, and there is no life. If it is on the earth, it may directly trigger a mass extinction.

"Okay, let's go down!" Zhao Xu waved his hand with lingering fear, and the Holy Spirit immediately steered the spaceship to land on Mars.

The closer you get to the ground, the more you can feel the destructive power of this explosion. Just how big it is. In the eye, there is an extremely huge pothole, which stretches to the end of the world.

Following the sense of space, the Holy Spirit quickly determined the location of Yang Jian's statue, which had already been buried deeply in the ground.

The spaceship was suspended in mid-air, and Zhao Xu didn't land on the ground when he got off the spaceship, because the ground was shaking at this moment, and even cracked cracks from time to time.

"I don't know how long the earthquake caused by this explosion will last to subside?" Zhao Xu shook his head with a sigh, and immediately shot out a burst of original energy, breaking through the ground and lifting the statue up.

The power of the statue is really strong, under the power of the explosion just now, the statue is still intact.

"Holy Spirit, go in and bring them out!" Zhao Xu ordered.

"Okay, this is easy!" The Holy Spirit responded, and immediately turned into a white light and rushed into the sculpture.

Zhao Xu looked at the statue with great interest: "When I leave later, I have to take this statue back. I am very interested in the situation outside the parallel world manor. I must check it out if I have the opportunity. Do you know if there's another Earth out there?"

At this time, there was a burst of space fluctuations in the statue, and then the scene appeared around again, and then, Yang Jian and others appeared, walking out of the statue one by one.

Although you can see the outside in the parallel space, when you really set foot in the real world and see the endless pit under your feet, Apollo and others are still shocked.

Among the crowd, only Yang Jian is calm, because he has already seen the power of anti-matter explosions. More than two billion years ago, the Wisdom Eye Clan used anti-matter to almost stop the Holy Land, but it was a pity that they failed in the end.

"Unfortunately, that was destroyed too, if it's still there..." Apollo thought to himself, and cast a glance at Zhao Xu involuntarily.

He's apparently still fighting, using an antimatter generator, to destroy the Moon's attention.

"Okay, everyone, get on the spaceship, we must rush back to Earth as soon as possible, Apollo, you can also take my spaceship, your flying saucer has been destroyed by the explosion just now!"

As Zhao Xu said, he picked up the statue and entered the spaceship first. The others looked at each other and followed immediately.

Soon, the spaceship turned into a meteor again and rushed out of Mars. The Holy Spirit made the thrusters run at full power. At a speed of over 10,000 kilometers per second, the spaceship should only need one day to reach the earth.



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