Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 41 The Wretched Plan

Only in Yang Yuerong's narration did Zhao Xu know that Meng Yugui was actually the subordinate of the third boss she followed.

Back then, the two teamed up and sent the boss to prison, and even divided up all the property of the other party.

But these two people are actually characters who can eat people without spit out their bones. Without the boss pressing on top of them, the two of them lived in peace for a while at the beginning, and then they had constant friction. Finally, until now, the fight between the two has become You have to die endlessly.

And I have to say that few men can resist Yang Yuerong's charm, and even Meng Yugui covets Yang Yuerong's beauty all the time when he is not fighting.

Zhao Xu heard it secretly. The woman in front of her is indeed cruel. She is definitely the same kind of person as the empress Wu Zetian of that generation. In their eyes, power and status are the most important, and men are just a group of disposable " Beloved Concubine" That's all.

As for the true feelings of the sea dry and rock rotten? Maybe there is, but she will only use her reason to keep it firmly in her heart forever.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that I would be a 'Green Concubine' one day! Hehe, Concubine Zhao? This name is amazing!"

Zhao Xu rubbed his chin, and looked at Yang Yuerong thoughtfully. This woman obviously wanted to cooperate with him to deal with Meng Yugui by saying this, which coincided with him, and besides cooperating, she worked as a co-worker for two days. "The imperial concubine" is indeed too beautiful to behold!

"By the way, you told me that the vault of the Shengshi Auction House was stolen. Could it be Meng Yugui's fault?" Zhao Xu thought about it, then asked suddenly.

Yang Yuerong stared blankly, and said with a smile: "You are really smart, hehe, you guessed right, Meng Yugui has always wanted to take a stake in Shengshi Auction House, but unfortunately I have never agreed, so this time he simply hired a group of thieves, All the jewelry that will be exhibited will be stolen, so my direct loss will exceed 100 million, not to mention the hidden loss of trust from customers. If he plays tricks at that time, I just don’t want to allow him to buy shares. Already!"

"That's it..." Zhao Xu pondered in his heart, and a wretched plan gradually took shape.

This plan is divided into four steps in total: the first step is to beat you up; the second step is to scare you into a schizophrenic; the third step is to say hello to everyone to be really good; the fourth step is to make your life worse than death.

The more Zhao Xu thought about this plan, the happier he felt, so unconsciously, a wretched and sinister smile appeared on his face.

Yang Yuerong suddenly shuddered. For some reason, when she saw the smile on Zhao Xu's face, even she, who thought she was vicious, instinctively felt a chill down her back: "What the hell is this guy planning? Why do you feel a little uneasy when you cooperate with him?"


Zhao Xu snapped his fingers, and suddenly asked with great interest, "Miss beauty, where are the photos and information on those jewelry? By the way, when will the exhibition be held?"

"A week later!" Yang Yuerong said with a strange expression, "I said, why are you laughing so cheaply? What are you planning?"

"There is more than enough time, remember to give me the photos and information, don't worry, I guarantee that you will get all the benefits you want, just wait for Meng Yugui's bad luck!"

Zhao Xu rubbed his hands proudly, and suddenly showed his white teeth: "Hey, that, beautiful sister... Where are you going tonight, your home or mine?"

Looking at the wretched smiling face in front of her, Yang Yuerong was inexplicably angry, and suddenly kicked out with her silver teeth clenched: "Get away, you bastard, I'm not interested tonight!"

"do not,

How lonely it is to be alone, look..." Zhao Xu still wanted to strive for happiness, but when he saw the growing anger in Yang Yuerong's eyes, he immediately shut his mouth, and then rushed into the car with a sharp sound: "It's okay. What's wrong with you, it's inexplicable..."

A week passed by in a hurry.

In the Phoenix Nightclub, Meng Yugui was sitting on the sofa in the office, frowning as if he was worried about something?

"It's strange, that kid's background is cleaner than blank paper, he doesn't look like a desperado, but..."

Meng Yugui rubbed his temples with both hands, feeling very headache. He had already asked his subordinates to check Zhao Xu's details, but he found that this kid was as innocent as a saint, not to mention murder and arson, not even petty theft. Absolutely He is a good example of a good student.

But it was such an extremely "kind" person who took out a pistol and grenade casually, and the murderous look in his eyes at that time was simply terrifying, which really made Meng Yugui puzzled.

"Forget it, let's put aside the matter of this kid for now, the exhibition of Shengshi Auction House will start soon!"

Meng Yugui got up and came to a bookshelf, pulled the bookshelf lightly, and saw that there was actually a combination lock on the wall behind him. He skillfully entered a series of passwords, and suddenly the whole wall "clicked" slowly. Open.

The inside of the wall was obviously a vault, and there were mahogany shelves filled with antique jewelry. Meng Yugui walked to the innermost shelf, and on this shelf were the jewels he had stolen from Yang Yuerong.

Meng Yugui picked up a string of diamond necklaces, admired them carefully, and immediately laughed triumphantly: "Haha, Yang Yuerong, without these jewels, how would your exhibition end? Hmph, want to fight with me? Women are always woman!"

Thinking of Yang Yuerong, who exuded mature and charming every move, Meng Yugui felt his heart suddenly heat up. He seemed to have seen Yang Yuerong wearing tulle pajamas obediently posing provocatively on the bed.

This was his dream all along. He knew very well that it was a woman like a black widow. Any man who wanted to occupy her would end up with nothing but bones, but he just couldn't suppress his obsession with that woman.

Of course, apart from being obsessed with beauty, there is actually another reason why Meng Yugui tried so hard to get Yang Yuerong.

He once asked a fortune-teller about Yang Yuerong's fate, and the master said that Yang Yuerong was the fate of Ke Fu, so the three men she had been with all ended up miserable, either died or went to prison.

But there are only three things. When Yang Yuerong followed the fourth man, her fate was reversed and changed to Wangfu's fate.

Meng Yugui's obsession with feng shui is almost crazy, and he is extremely firm in his judgment on that master. He believes that as long as he can get Yang Yuerong, he will definitely be able to use the other party's "Wang Fu Ming" to make himself rich in future wealth and improve his career to a higher level.

If Zhao Xu knew about this kind of thinking, he would roll his eyes and sigh, feudal superstition kills people!

Just as Meng Yugui was still fantasizing about it, there was a knock on the door outside. He immediately closed the safe, and then went to open the door to the office.

A young man with freckles came in and said anxiously: "Boss is not good, the exhibition of Shengshi Auction House will be held as usual, and all the jewelry has been displayed, and there is nothing missing!"

"Impossible, where did Yang Yuerong get the jewelry?" Meng Yugui yelled in disbelief.

The freckled youth said with a sullen face, "Boss, it's true. The brothers have already sneaked in and looked at it. There is really not a single piece of jewelry missing!"

Meng Yugui frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly sneered and said: "Hmph, the jewelry in the exhibition is displayed through glass windows, Yang Yuerong must have got some fake jewelry, and wanted to get away with it, let's go, let's take a look, don't tear it apart Her father will be busy in vain!"

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