Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 415 Another Chinese land

"This is Mars... Well, Mars from another world!" Zhao Xu replied.

The Holy Spirit flew up suddenly, and looked at Chu Xin with a smile: "Hey, sister, welcome to a one-day trip to Mars in another world. Next, I will show you the scenery of the earth in another world. You just have to follow my footsteps. can……"

"Shut up, I just found out today that you are still a chatterbox!"

Zhao Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He consciously checked the primordial energy spar, and suddenly, with the help of the connection between the primordial energy and the Holy Spirit, he felt some changes in the Holy Spirit: "Strange, why do I feel that you seem to have evolved again?"

"That's right, the space turbulence absorbed this time is no less than ten times more than the last time, so I have evolved again, and I also have a special ability!" The Holy Spirit raised his head triumphantly.

Zhao Xu immediately asked curiously, "Oh, what kind of ability?"

"Hey, I found out that some things happened on Mars. These things left some information fragments and images in the space turbulence, and I can restore these information and images!"

As the holy spirit said, his body suddenly stretched and turned into a light screen, and some images appeared inside.

Zhao Xu took a closer look, and suddenly found that there was a scene of two armies confronting each other, and the location shown in the video was the gate of Guanjiangkou Manor, which was where Zhao Xu and the others were currently occupying:

One of them is tens of thousands of Huiyan clansmen, and the leader is Yang Jian;

On the other side, there are thousands of them, and the leader is countless huge tree roots protruding from one of them.

There was a fierce battle between the two sides. Originally, the rock giant had an absolute advantage, but when Yang Jian took out a black instrument from Guanjiangkou Manor, the situation changed fundamentally.

This black instrument should be there. I saw Yang Jian activated the instrument, and a huge antimatter was produced, annihilating with the positive matter on Mars.

The huge explosion power directly killed tens of thousands of Huiyan clansmen and thousands of rock giants. Of course, Yang Jian himself was also killed, and even the countless tree roots disappeared in an instant.

The huge explosion power even caused spatial fluctuations, and then the infinite spatial turbulence wrapped Guanjiangkou Manor in it.

The voice of the Holy Spirit came suddenly: "According to my deduction, the injuries suffered by the Titan God King at that time are very likely to have died directly, that is to say,

In this universe, the Wisdom Eye Clan and the Holy Land died together, and the course of history deviated from our world from that point on, so this parallel universe was born! "

According to the scientific theory of parallel universes, different outcomes of each event will lead to different parallel universes. And the development process of each parallel universe after splitting will be different.

Extinct species in a certain universe are likely to be continuously multiplying and evolving in another parallel universe;

For example, more than two billion years ago, in the battle between the Huiyan tribe and the Holy Land, in Zhao Xu's universe, Yang Jian did not use an antimatter generator, and died with the Holy Land, so the following happened.

In this universe, both sides died together, that is to say, there was no Yang Jian in this world, nor was there any rock giant and Titan god king, so the course of history must be different from Zhao Xu's universe.

Maybe in this world, because the Holy Land has died together with the Huiyan tribe, those prehistoric civilizations like the Sun God tribe are still alive and well, multiplying on the earth.

It is also possible that those prehistoric races never appeared at all, and the ones ruling the earth at this moment may be races that have never appeared in Zhao Xu's universe.

Simply put, anything is possible here.

Looking at the manor surrounded by turbulent space in the image, Zhao Xu's heart suddenly moved. He guessed that the antimatter explosion was so powerful that it even caused the space of the parallel universe to shatter, and then communicated with the universe of another world, so Only then did Yang Jian from another world be brought closer to this parallel universe.

In addition, as a bridge between the two worlds, the manor was surrounded by space turbulence, so it could see the scene of another universe, but Zhao Xu was out of the manor now, so he couldn't see the other universe.

The words of the two made Chu Xin dazzled and exclaimed: "I didn't expect that there is really another universe in this world, Zhao Xu, why don't we go to the earth right away, I want to see the earth in this world, What is it like?"

"Okay, let's go now, hehe, I'm actually quite curious!" Zhao Xu said, and suddenly waved his hand and shot out a beam of original energy, and a spaceship was copied immediately.

Then he took Chu Xin onto the spaceship, and with the thrusters turned on, he flew directly to the earth.

Days later, the spacecraft finally came to the sky above the earth.

Zhao Xu asked the holy spirit to lock the position of Huaxia land, and then landed. After all, they are all Chinese. Of course, the most interesting thing is the difference between the two worlds, Huaxia land. As for other places, you can take a look at it later.

Soon, a city appeared below. From the spaceship, it can be seen that the city is well planned, and the houses look orderly. At this moment, countless residents are busy in the city.

These people were all dressed in coarse linen robes, and they could tell at a glance that they were still at a low productivity social level. Zhao Xu even saw that there was a huge trading square in the city.

However, what is traded in the square is not ordinary goods, but living people. If you guess correctly, these people should be slaves who are about to be sold, so this place is probably still in a slavery society.

"Those people are so pitiful!" Chu Xin sighed quietly.

Zhao Xu shook his head: "I can't help it, this is the evil old society, kid, congratulations, you live in an enlightened era!"

"Who are you calling?" Chu Xin rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" Zhao Xu grinned, and suddenly waved his hand, turning the clothes on himself and Chu Xin into coarse sackcloth.

"What are you doing?" Chu Xin asked in surprise.

"What else can you do? Of course it's a disguise. Do you want to wear a shirt and jeans and go shopping here? Those people must treat you like a monster!" Zhao Xu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly stretched out his arms, hugging Chu Xin into his arms. into his arms.

Then he waved his hand again, and the entire spaceship was directly turned into energy, which was absorbed by the manufacturing energy again.

"I hate it, I'm still taking advantage of others at this time!" Chu Xin blushed pretty.

Zhao Xu grinned softly, "Hey, let's go down!" As he said that, a strange wave emanated from his body, hiding the two of them, and then they fell silently into a corner of the city.

Seeing that there was no one around, he dispersed to hide himself, and walked down the same street with Chu Xin.

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