Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 428: 100,000 clones

"Bold, where did Xiaoxiao come from, and dare to be arrogant at this time, let me meet you first!"

A strong man more than two meters tall suddenly stepped out of the crowd, and rushed towards Zhao Xu like a tank with heavy steps.

"Haha, if this mad cow makes a move, he's sure to die!" A person gloated and laughed, and the others also echoed. They knew the strength of this strong man very well. Among all the people, this strong man can definitely rank first within the tenth place.

"Boom boom boom..."

With a sound of footsteps like a war drum, the strong man rushed over in the blink of an eye. His face was grim, and his huge fist slammed into Zhao Xu.

Amidst the sneers of the crowd, Zhao Xu curled his lips, and suddenly waved his hand lightly, flinging the back of his hand lightly on the strong man's fist.

Hearing a loud "boom", the tank-like burly man was blown out as if he had no weight, and fell hard to the ground.


Like ducks being choked, the discussion stopped abruptly, and they looked at Zhao Xu in horror: " is this possible, how can that mad cow not be able to catch a single move?"

Di Xin's complexion also changed drastically, his eyes were gloomy, and suddenly he said loudly: "What are you afraid of, dear friends? We have so many people, can he still be against us?"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces turned ferocious, and then they all gathered around Zhao Xu.

"Hmph, how many people are there? It's just a bunch of trash!" Zhao Xu sneered, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, you guys also take my trick!"

Suddenly, a terrifying aura shot up from him, and everyone changed color suddenly, and at the same time, a feeling of being invincible in the face of the power of heaven and earth rose in their hearts.

At this moment, Zhao Xu stomped his feet lightly, and a layer of blue light instantly radiated in all directions.

Wherever the blue light passed, the originally hard ground actually became as soft as liquid, and then waves rolled up layer by layer.

When these waves came to everyone's feet, those who were strong could barely dodge, and those who were not strong enough were directly thrown into the air, and for a while, the entire palace resounded with continuous screams.

Those who were stronger and managed to avoid the attack no longer looked at Zhao Xu, but looked at Zhao Xu in horror, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Hahahaha, Di Xin, it seems that your ministers have been scared out of their wits, why don't you do it yourself, otherwise it will be boring!" Zhao Xu grinned and laughed loudly.

"Damn it, a bunch of trash, so many people can't beat him alone, what use do you want?" Di Xin was furious, and suddenly his figure flashed, and he flew directly out of the window, roaring into the sky.

Zhao Xu followed closely, stepped on the void, and stood with his hands behind his back: "Let me see what you are capable of?"

"Hmph, you are proud enough to let the widow do it yourself, and today I will show you the wit's unique skill - incarnation of tens of thousands!" Di Xin was full of anger, and he yelled violently, and the mother seed on his forehead suddenly burst out. white light.

The next moment, a clone walked out of him, followed by the second, the first, the fourth...

At the same time, these clones themselves are constantly splitting up. Under everyone's gaze, in an instant, more than 100,000 clones have filled the sky.

These clones look exactly like Di Xin, the only difference is that there is no female species on the forehead of the clones.

"This is the avatar ability. It's really powerful. The strength of each of these avatars is probably not lower than that of an elder-level supernatural being. Adding a hundred thousand together, the power is absolutely terrifying!"

Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and admired in his heart: "I heard that the most powerful split-species can split into tens of thousands, or even tens of millions of clones at the same time. No wonder they almost died out. This ability is indeed terrifying!"

"Hahahaha, what is the ability of the widow, this kind of ability with countless clones, even the emperors of the past dynasties can't do it, only the widow has this ability like a god!"

"The emperors of all dynasties couldn't do it because they haven't become split-seed people yet!" Zhao Xu curled his lips and said coldly, "What nonsense, do it, let me see how capable you are?"

"As you wish, kids, kill him!" Di Xin shouted, and a hundred thousand clones rushed towards Zhao Xu like a tide.

The surrounding courtiers changed their colors in horror, and hurriedly fled to the distance. Although they knew that Di Xin had the ability to clone, to be honest, it was the first time they saw it today, but they never expected that it would be so terrifying.

With 100,000 clones, this is equivalent to carrying a large army with you, and every soldier is a master. It can be said that Di Xin alone is comparable to the Wan Xiongshi of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Some people looked at Zhao Xu. Although they had seen how powerful Zhao Xu was just now, at this moment, they still believed that Zhao Xu was dead.

Because the ability that Di Xin showed at this moment is really too terrifying.

But suddenly, sharp-eyed people saw that the corners of Zhao Xu's mouth curled up slightly:

"He... is he laughing?"

"How can he still laugh at this time?"

"Isn't it scary?"

"Could it be... Could it be that he has a way to deal with the king?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, no one in the world can deal with 100,000 clones at the same time!"

Just when everyone was in doubt, the avatars rushed around Zhao Xu one by one, and they were about to strike when they saw the fierce expressions on their faces.


Suddenly, a trembling sound resounded from the sky and the earth. The sound was obviously not loud, but everyone felt that their eardrums were about to be shattered.

The next moment, a bright blue light suddenly shot out from Zhao Xu's body, and then quickly spread in all directions.

When the blue light passed over the clones, those aggressive clones were instantly reduced to ashes.

In just a moment, all the avatars that rushed towards Zhao Xu were turned into ashes. This was the terrifying ability of blue to create primordial energy and biological transformation.

If there is no such thing as dark energy and antimatter, etc., that can resist the creation of original energy, anyone who faces the blue original energy will only have one result, and that is death.

"This... How is this possible?" Everyone was stunned, their eyes glazed over, looking at Zhao Xu in disbelief.

And Di Xin was also terrified, his hands and feet were cold, and he was at a loss. He never thought that the avatar ability he was so proud of would one day be cracked so easily by others.

"No, it's impossible. How could there be such a terrifying person in the world?" The horror in his heart was beyond words.

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