Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 45 Pretend to be a ghost

The dark room was quiet. On the bed in the bedroom, Meng Yugui was sleeping soundly with his arms around a woman. Neither of them noticed that an orange light came in from the wall, and then created seven or eight wireless lights in various hidden corners of the furniture. Camera……

"Tick tock!"

Suddenly, a drop of water fell from the roof and landed on Meng Yugui's face.

Meng Yugui wiped his face in his sleep, and turned over with a whimper.

"Tick tock!"

Another drop of water fell, Meng Yugui opened his eyes in a daze, and cursed angrily: "Damn it, where did you get the water?"

He looked up to the roof, his eyes suddenly widened.

On the originally white roof, there was a picture of a woman. The woman had a resentful expression, as if she was pouring out her suffering. In those beautiful eyes, there were actually tears dripping down.

Suddenly, the woman's face twisted, and she instantly turned into a fox!

Meng Yugui was dumbfounded, his whole body was stiff, a chill ran down his spine and went straight to his head, he shivered, opened his mouth and yelled in horror: "Ghost..."

Outside, Zhao Xu was sitting on the spider web, holding his laptop and watching happily: "Haha, I'm scaring you into a schizophrenic!"

Even being able to do such things as pretending to be a ghost with super powers, this guy is simply too wretched and wicked!

The woman next to her was woken up by Meng Yugui's cry, and angrily scolded: "You don't sleep well, what are you calling?"

"Ghost, there are ghosts on the roof!" Meng Yugui looked at the woman in horror and said with his tongue tied.

The woman looked up and said suspiciously: "You are dazzled, there is nothing on the roof?"

"Well, how is it possible..." Meng Yugui looked up again, and saw that the roof was completely white, and there was nothing at all. He yelled in disbelief: "Impossible, I just saw a woman on the roof, and that woman Still crying, tears are falling on my face, if you don’t believe me, look!”

As he spoke, he wiped his face with his hands, but at the moment his face was very dry, where was the water?

"Suspicious, I think you play with too many women, and you have a guilty conscience, so you have ghosts in your heart?" The woman cursed dissatisfiedly, and lay down and continued to sleep.

"Is it really my eyesight?" Meng Yugui muttered, puzzled.

He shook his head and pulled off the quilt to get out of bed. He was so nervous just now that he felt a little urgent to urinate, so he had to go to the toilet to solve it.

In the toilet, Meng Yugui opened the toilet seat and whistled "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)), because he's old and has kidney deficiency, so he has to whistling (whistling) for fun."

"Oh... so cool!"

Finally peeing out, Meng Yugui hummed happily, suddenly he felt a bit itchy on his left buttock, so he scratched it with his hand, and then his right buttock also started to itch, but his right hand was busy with work, so he couldn't scratch it!

Just when he was itching and distracted, suddenly a third hand was placed on his buttocks and scratched him.


Meng Yugui only felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and his eyes widened instantly: "Who... who? Xiumei, is it you? Don't make such jokes with me!"

He hoped that the extra hand belonged to the woman on the bed, but unfortunately no one answered in the toilet, even the sound of breathing was only his.

He turned his head tremblingly,

I saw an arm protruding from the wall, scratching his ass!


Meng Yugui screamed in horror, and sat down on the ground. Looking at it now, the hand had disappeared.

But this time, he definitely didn't think it was because he was dazzled, so he jumped up and ran out of the toilet. As a result, he hit a transparent wall at the door with a "bang".

"Ghost... ghost hit the wall?" Meng Yugui's five legs trembled at the same time, and he almost had a heart attack.

A wireless camera transmitted the picture to the outside, and Zhao Xu looked at it "humming" and sneered: "The transparent thing may not necessarily be a ghost hitting the wall, it may also be tempered glass!"

Meng Yugui was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he slid to the ground against the wall, unable to stand up no matter what.

At this time, the woman in the bedroom was awakened by his screams just now, and she walked into the toilet cursingly: "I said you are not finished, you don't sleep well in the middle of the night, why are you yelling... Hey, why are you sitting on the ground? You have old arms and legs, aren't you afraid of catching a cold and feeling uncomfortable tomorrow?"

Meng Yugui seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, hugged the woman's thigh, and cried loudly: "Xiumei, you finally came, you scared me to death, you don't know, just now you have a hand From that wall..."

The woman's face became weirder the more she heard it. She touched Meng Yugui's forehead with her hand, and then touched her own: "It's strange, you don't have a fever, why are you talking crazy?"

Meng Yugui didn't care what the woman was muttering, he only cared about the tears streaming down his face, and said in a miserable voice: "Xiumei, remember, you must invite Master Sun here tomorrow, I... I've hit a ghost!"


The next day, an old man in a robe and a goatee was invited by the woman.

Meng Yugui sat on the bed covering the quilt, and asked with a pale face, "Master Sun, did Xiumei tell you? Take a quick look, have I provoked something unclean?"

Master Sun took out a compass from his bag with a sense of immortality, and looked around in a serious manner. After a long while, he sighed: "Boss Meng, you have indeed provoked something unclean!"

"Ah!" Meng Yugui almost jumped up in shock: "Master Sun, you must save me, I... I didn't have a reason, how could I provoke those things?"

Master Sun stroked his goatee: "I told you before that a woman is the source of yin energy, one is enough, too many will only hurt the spirit, you see you don't listen to me, now you are weak and weak Will it attract dirty things?"

"Master, I will definitely listen to you in the future, you must save me!" Meng Yugui begged bitterly with tears running down his nose.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you!" Master Sun took out a yellow magic talisman and a white pill: "This is an exorcism talisman. Any ghosts that approach you will be dissipated. It can also nourish your body, so you won’t see ghosts again in the future!”

"Master, does this work?" Meng Yugui put a question mark on his head.

"Hmph, if you believe it, it will work, if you don't believe it, it will not work. You have been dealing with me for so long, don't you know this at all?"

Master Sun scolded majestically, but secretly laughed in his heart: "There are no ghosts in this world, hehe, feudal superstition is a bad thing, but without a superstitious guy like you, how can I have a chance to make money?"

He thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, Boss Meng, you have to pay attention to one thing. Since you have been made weak by a woman, there must be no women in the room tonight. You might as well find some men to sleep with you." , men are the source of yang energy, you can use their yang energy to resist resentful ghosts!"

Meng Yugui nodded fiercely: "Okay, I'll listen to Master, I'll call some of my men to accompany me tonight!"

"Hehe, don't be too nervous, as long as you take my Jingxin Pill, you can sleep soundly!"

Master Sun waved his hands confidently, hey, I put sleeping pills in the Meditation Pill to ensure that you will sleep like a dead pig!

That night, Meng Yugui called five of his subordinates and ordered them not to sleep all night. They watched TV and played poker in the living room, while he himself returned to the bedroom.

Listening to the voices of his subordinates in the living room, Meng Yugui nodded in satisfaction: "If you are a little popular, you will feel safe."

He took out the Jingxin Pill and swallowed it, then pressed the exorcism talisman under the pillow, and then covered the quilt happily, and after a while, there was a snoring sound.

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