Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 452 Impossible Clue

"What is this?" Zhong Zheng asked in surprise.

Zhao Xu pursed his lips: "If I'm not wrong, this should be a fragment of the battery used in the bomb's detonation device!"

Whether it is a time bomb or a control bomb, the starting device needs a battery to support its operation, and when the battery is installed, it is easy to leave fingerprints.

However, once the bomb explodes, all the components will be destroyed, fingerprints are no exception, so even professional killers generally don't care about this.

Sure enough, Zhong Zheng frowned slightly and said, "Do you want to find fingerprints on this fragment? I'm afraid it will be difficult. The entire battery has been blown into such fragments, and the high temperature may make it difficult for fingerprints to be preserved!"

Zhao Xu smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily the case. According to the law of 'Locard's Principle of Material Exchange', any objects that come into contact with each other will exchange material information with each other. This is a law that does not depend on human will!"

Edmond Locard was a famous French investigator in the early 20th century. He edited a book called "Crime Investigation Course", in which he put forward a law called "Locard's Principle of Material Exchange".

According to the description of this principle, when a criminal commits a crime, he must exchange material information with the object he touches, leaving behind traces, such as fingerprints, footprints, and traces caused by criminal tools. Or bruises, scratches, etc. from fighting.

In addition to these, criminals may also have hair and dander shedding, secretions such as sweat and body surface oil, or clothing fibers and dust sticking, or even odor exchange from the human body or objects, such as perfume or furniture. special smell etc.

All of these are the clues to trace criminals, and the fingerprints on this battery fragment seem to have been destroyed on the surface, but in fact there are still traces left on it. These traces serve as lines for investigation.

What are fingerprints?

In fact, a fingerprint is a raised stripe on the skin of the finger, and the fingerprint itself will not be printed on the object.

The human body secretes sweat, oil, etc.

These things are wrapped on the fingerprint, and will stay on the surface of the object when it touches the object.

It's like a seal. A dry seal can't print anything even if it is killed. Only after it is contaminated with ink pad can the pattern on the seal be printed on paper.

So fingerprints are equivalent to seals, and sweat, grease, etc. are equivalent to ink pads.

Sweat and grease are actually substances, and they are also composed of components. Although the fingerprints have been destroyed, Zhao Xu believes that there must be residues of sweat and grease on the battery fragments.

These things may not be useful to other people, but Zhao Xu can use the original energy to extract these residuals, and then use the locations of these residuals as space nodes to let the holy spirit calculate the most likely combination of fingerprints Come.

Zhao Xu took a deep breath and created the original energy to cover the battery fragments. His consciousness followed and quickly opened the microscopic state. Suddenly, the entire battery fragments continued to enlarge, and soon there was a scene of accumulation one by one.

He carefully extracted the parts that belonged to sweat and oil, and remembered the spatial arrangement of these parts, and finally formed a chaotic pattern model composed of countless parts in the original energy spar.

"Holy Spirit, it's your turn!" Zhao Xu said in his heart.

"Okay, wait a minute!" The Holy Spirit replied, and immediately began to deduce the messy pattern model, only to see a striped line, which began to connect continuously between the divisions.

After a while, fingerprint models appeared in the original energy spar one by one. These are the most likely combination of fingerprints calculated by the Holy Spirit.

In the monitoring room, Zhao Xu closed his eyes and remained silent, while Zhong Zheng waited anxiously.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Xu suddenly opened his eyes.

"How is it, is there a cable?" Zhong Zheng asked immediately.

"Yes, just wait!" Zhao Xu nodded, put down the table immediately, and spread his hands.

With the surge of manufacturing energy, a piece of white paper appeared in his hands immediately, and then seven clear fingerprints appeared on the white paper.

Zhao Xu handed the white paper to Zhong Zhengdao: "Old Zhong, let someone check these seven fingerprints, one of them must belong to the killer!"

"Really?" Zhong Zheng asked suspiciously. There was no way. Everything Zhao Xu had done was incredible, and it was hard not to arouse suspicion.

But although he was skeptical, Zhong Zheng still took out his mobile phone, scanned all seven fingerprints, and then used the software to search for the criminal's fingerprint records inside.

While waiting, Zhong Zheng asked with a strange expression: "Is this going to work? I said Zhao Xu, you are not fooling me, are you? How mysterious are you to get seven fingerprints casually?"

"Hey, old Zhong, you'll find out after a while!" Zhao Xu grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Playing tricks!" Zhong Zheng muttered.


Suddenly, the mobile phone rang for a message alert, Zhong Zheng immediately looked down, and said in surprise: "There really are? You are really amazing, let me see who the fingerprints belong to? Hey, it's actually this guy... "

"Who is it?" Zhao Xu frowned slightly.

Zhong Zheng handed over the phone: "This guy's codename is Viper, and no one knows his real name. He is one of the top killers in the world today. He is known for his cruel methods and secretive actions. Stealth and one-hit kills are the main focus, that's why he got this code name, his mission success rate has reached more than 95 per cent, he is quite a terrifying killer!"

Zhao Xu took his phone and looked at the photo above, and found that the poisonous snake was an ordinary-looking Caucasian man in his forties, with a rather kind demeanor.

At first glance, this person looks like a kind uncle next door, and it is difficult to associate him with the world's top killers.

It's scary to think about it. Once such a person gets close to the target, who will really take precautions against him?

"How are you going to check?" Zhao Xu asked.

"Now that we have a clear target, it's easy to handle. Although he can blow up the monitoring room of the police station, he can't eliminate the surveillance videos in all places!"

Zhong Zheng sneered, and immediately said to a subordinate next to him: "Xiao Liu, immediately call the traffic command and control center and ask them to call out the surveillance video of all the streets near the Qiaoxi branch office today, and we will rush there immediately! "

Zhao Xu nodded in agreement. There are cameras all over the streets these days. A poisonous snake can destroy the surveillance room of the police station, but it is impossible to destroy all the surveillance cameras around the police station.

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