Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 461 The People Behind

Jennifer was full of doubts, and she had a very bad premonition in her heart. She didn't think she was dazzled, but the black shadow just now made her realize that the thing she was afraid of might finally happen. ⊙

"What should I do? If they are really chasing me, I'm afraid I won't be able to run away!" Jennifer was so anxious that she stepped on the gas pedal, hoping that the speed of the car would be faster than those people, but...

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the car.

It was a young man with brown hair. Facing the oncoming car, not only was the young man not afraid, but a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it, it's really the brother of the Ford family who is here, strengthening people, damn strengthening people!"

Jennifer was terrified, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the car suddenly hit the young man in front like an arrow from the string.

The movement here has already alarmed the people around. Seeing that the car was about to hit the young man, everyone screamed in horror. Many people closed their eyes, unable to bear to see this tragic scene.

But at this moment, the young man bowed his body in a lunge and stretched his hands forward, trying to block the car.

Is he stupid?

Dare to resist the impact of the car?

Everyone stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and there was no blood flying as imagined, and the young man actually resisted the car.

I saw that his hands seemed to be cast iron, and at the moment of the impact, they sank deeply into the front of the car, and the whole person was hit by the powerful impact, and he kept retreating, and his feet drew two lines on the ground. There were long black marks, and black smoke even came out of the shoes under his feet.

Terrible physical fitness and powerful physical strength left everyone dumbfounded, and also made Jennifer in the car terrified.

One person and one car kept sliding like this, and finally stopped after drawing 20 meters.

The young man stood up slowly, drops of sweat oozing from his face. Obviously, although he was blocking the car, he consumed a lot of energy, but his expression was extremely excited. After all, he never thought that one day, he would actually be able to With your own strength, block a crazy driving car.

"Strengthened man, he is a strengthened man!" Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd of onlookers, and everyone immediately cast curious glances at the young man.

Although it is not new to strengthen people in the upper class nowadays, it is still rare for ordinary people, let alone such a fierce scene of colliding with cars on the street.

At this moment, another series of afterimages flashed, and another young man appeared in the field. One of the young men rushed up with a sneer, and tore the car door apart with a "stab". Jennifer pulled out of the car.


The young man threw Jennifer on the ground: "She really is a beauty, no wonder that idiot Cass is fascinated by your obsession!"

Another bald young man came over and grinned coldly: "Hahaha, beautiful Miss Jennifer, you should know what to do now, right? Hand over our family's things, or...heh!"

Jennifer sat on the ground, backed away in horror, behind her was an open-air cold drink shop, and there were customers sitting on the table eating ice cream.

"You still want to run? Do you think you can still run?" the bald young man said teasingly like a cat catching a mouse, and the other young men burst out laughing when they heard this.

"What are you doing talking to her so much? Just grab her and you'll be sick. I don't believe that after stripping her naked, we still can't find our things!" A very burly young man said impatiently.

"Don't come here!"

Jennifer screamed sharply when she heard the words: "I tell you, I have hidden things. If something happens to me, you will never find it!"

"Hahahaha, this kind of threat really has no confidence. As long as I catch you, I will naturally have ten thousand ways to let you tell me where the things are hidden!"

The bald-headed young man smiled ferociously and strode up, followed by the other young men with grim faces.

Jennifer kept backing away in fear, and finally retreated to the middle of the table in the cold drink shop.

At this time, the customers in the cold drink shop had already run away, and some bold ones were still standing around the cold drink shop and watching.


Suddenly, everyone noticed that there was actually one customer left in the cold drink shop, who was still sitting there, eating a glass of ice cream in a leisurely manner.

This is a handsome young man, as if he didn't see the situation around him, ignoring the four young people of the Ford family, and regardless of the fact that the other guests had already fled, he just scooped up the ice cream with a spoon and ate it slowly , looking at his expression of enjoyment, it seems that the ice cream is some rare delicacy.

At this time, because Jennifer's back was facing, she couldn't see the existence of the young people, and her attention was all on the four young people from the Ford family. The strong emotion and fear made her unable to care about other things.

Under the coercion of the four Ford family brothers, Jennifer kept retreating, and the despair in her heart became more and more intense.

"Is it really impossible to escape?"

Jennifer felt that she was already standing on the edge of an abyss, only one step away, and she was about to fall into a place of eternal doom. The tragedy in her heart made her face turn pale, and her body felt powerless.

She saw the eyes of the people around her. Those people seemed to be looking behind her, as if there was a monster there, but she had no intention of paying attention to it.

What about monsters?

Could it be more terrifying than the four Ford family members in front of them?

Compared with the four members of the Ford family, she would rather be bitten to death by the monster, which would at least make her feel better. If it fell into the hands of the Ford family, she might really do it.

Jennifer kept backing away, and suddenly, she heard exclamations:

"I hit it, is that guy stupid? Why doesn't he know how to avoid it?"

"At this time, playing hero to save the beauty, are you looking for death?"

"Hmph, some people are so overconfident. Facing four enhanced people, they still think they have a chance of winning. Who does he think he is?"

Jennifer didn't understand what everyone was talking about, a hero saving the beauty? Hehe, is there anyone else who dares to come forward at this time?

Taking two steps back again, suddenly, Jennifer felt that she had bumped into something, and then her legs softened, and she fell into someone's arms.

When her plump buttocks sat on the opponent's lap, for some reason, Jennifer suddenly felt unprecedented peace of mind, as if as long as she was hugged by this person, no one in the world would be able to threaten her again.

Immediately afterwards, she heard a teasing voice: "Beautiful lady, you are so eager to throw yourself into your arms, are you already conquered by my charm?"

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