Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 478 Sophistry

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one thought that Carlos would come suddenly.

"Everyone, why don't you speak, is it because you don't welcome me?" Carlos said pretending to be resentful, his face full of embarrassment.

Jim frowned, walked up and said: "Carlos, what are you doing here, you are not welcome here, and you are trespassing on private territory, wait for the court summons!"

"Hahahaha, Chief Ford is really majestic, what he said is really scary, but even if you want to sue me, you have to have a chance!"

Carlos sneered and looked over everyone: "Everyone, it seems that you have all been persuaded by the Ford family and are going to deal with me together, aren't you?"

"That's right, Carlos, you have gone too far this time, letting someone like you occupy a high position completely violates the purpose of freedom and democracy!" A man said angrily.

"Hehe, someone like me? I really want to know who I am?"

A sharp light flashed in Carlos' eyes, and he suddenly shouted: "Everyone, I didn't want to come today, but I really can't bear to watch you being pushed into the fire pit by the Ford family!"

"Carlos, what are you talking about, don't talk nonsense!" Jim said angrily.

"I'm talking nonsense?" Carlos sneered coldly: "Jim, when you lobbied everyone, did you tell everyone why I wanted to investigate your Ford family?"

Jim's face changed slightly, this is the question he has been deliberately avoiding: "Hmph, what else can be the reason, isn't it that you want dictatorship and control of the entire North American region? Humph, if you can persecute our Ford family today, tomorrow you will You can persecute others, so we will never let you go!"

"Hahahaha, Jim, don't evade the important ones. I'm asking you, did you tell everyone why I investigated your Ford family? What are you talking about?"

Carlos looked at the crowd, raised his voice and shouted: "Everyone, you don't seem to know that, in fact, what happened to the Ford family today is because of their own consequences. What they have done has violated the highest interests of mankind, so I will Investigate them!"

An old man said in a deep voice: "Carlos, please speak clearly, what does it mean to violate the highest interests of mankind?"

"Okay, it's inevitable that everyone has been fooled by the Ford family, so I'll make it clear today!"

Carlos's face was righteous and awe-inspiring: "Everyone should know that some time ago, the President of the Earth Federation Government, Mr. Kilo, ordered an investigation into the sale of enhanced potions on the black market, right?"

"You don't mean to say,

The Ford family has something to do with this matter? "Everyone was shocked.

"That's right. A few days ago, we investigated and dealt with several black market trading places, which were selling enhanced potions, and the suspects we caught confessed that they were instructed by the Ford family!" Carlos nodded seriously.

"Hahahaha, you really spitting blood!"

Jim laughed coldly: "Carlos, let me ask you, do you really have evidence to prove that my Ford family has something to do with those black markets? I'm afraid the suspects you caught are just guesses?"

"It seems that Patriarch Jim is really sure that we didn't get any solid evidence from those suspects, right?"

Carlos said with a meaningful smile: "But it's not surprising, on the day of the incident, you have already sent people to silence all the middlemen and destroy the evidence, so you are so confident!"

Jim curled his lips calmly: "Carlos, I would like to advise you, if there is no evidence, it's better not to spout blood, otherwise I will sue you!"

"Hey, Patriarch Jim, don't be too happy, how can you be sure that all the killers you sent to silence have succeeded?"

"What do you mean?" Jim's face changed slightly.

Carlos laughed: "Hahahaha, I'm really sorry, your killer skills are not professional enough, and I have taken precautions in advance, so the death of your middlemen is just a disguise. Now, those middlemen have already If you confess all of them, it can be proved that it is your Ford family who colluded with the manufacturers of enhanced medicines and smuggled some of the enhanced medicines to the black market for sale, how about it, Patriarch Jim, what do you have to say now?"

Everyone looked at Jim in surprise. They didn't expect that the Ford family was really selling strengthening potions privately. This has violated the laws of the Earth Federation Government, and even violated the highest interests of mankind.

"Hey, it seems that I really can't hide it anymore!"

Jim took a deep breath, raised his head suddenly, and looked at everyone with sad eyes: "Yes, there are indeed a few prodigals in our Ford family who participated in the black market of strengthening potions. This is a disgrace to our family, so for these prodigals, Severe punishment has already been carried out within our family, I didn't tell everyone before, just because this is not a matter of glory after all, I just want to save a little face of the Ford family!"

He sighed deeply, and suddenly raised his voice: "But as I said, this incident was only done by a few scumbags within the Ford family. They just acted privately. Most of the family members , don’t even know about it, otherwise we would have stopped them long ago!”

"But Carlos, you are domineering. These things are just the private actions of a few scumbags, and have nothing to do with other clansmen, but you are targeting our entire Ford family, and those black markets are fine. After all, we deserve what we deserve. The branches in various places have also been investigated and destroyed by you, why is this, do you really want to be a dictator in North America?"

The more Jim spoke, the more excited he became, and he yelled at everyone: "Everyone, among our families, which one doesn't have some scumbags? Will our whole family be suppressed just because of the personal behavior of some scumbags? God! Well, is this still a modern society that has always pursued freedom and democracy? No, this is an old feudal society at all, what is the difference between this and Zhulian Jiuzu?"

"That's right!" A man shouted loudly: "Chief Jim is right. Anyone who makes a mistake should be arrested. Why should those prodigal behaviors implicate the entire family? Wouldn't we all be slaughtered in the future? So, from now on, as long as individual prodigals do some bad things, must our whole family be buried with them?"

"That's right, the whole family cannot be implicated because of the behavior of a single person, we must not allow such a thing to happen!" Everyone agreed.

For a while, the situation that was originally at a disadvantage was reversed by Jim's few words. This old guy is really powerful.

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