Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 481 Hikijaide Cave

Zhao Xu waved his hand: "It's ridiculous, the other party even gave you the formula, why would they care about your little brother, unless the medicine has side effects, they were afraid that you would find out, so they took that brother back, I think you will never forget it in your life." Don't even think about seeing him again!"

"You can't say that. Although the other party gave us the formula, it is in the form of a password. Without the password key, no one in this world can understand the meaning!" Jim still couldn't believe it.

"No one understands?" Zhao Xu pointed to his nose: "Then where do you think I know the formula exists?"

Jim shook his head again and said, "This is different. After all, there is only one Zhao Xu in this world. If you can understand it, it doesn't mean that others can too!"

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded, and was completely overwhelmed by this powerful reason.

"To a certain extent, this can be regarded as flattery to me, but why do I always feel dumbfounded?"

He shook his head helplessly, and for the first time on his lips, he was speechless: "Forget it, since you don't believe me, then I don't have to explain it clearly to you, and now I'll ask you another question." , as far as I know, you seem to be hiring killers to assassinate Federation President Kilo, right? Is this your own idea, or the person behind it?"

What, assassinate Federal President Kilo?

Everyone opened their mouths in shock, the Ford family must be bold, they really dare to do anything!

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from you!"

Jim said with a wry smile: "The assassination of Kilo was the attention of that person. Of course, we don't know what his purpose is. Maybe, he is a high-level executive of the Earth Federation Government who wants to kill Kilo and replace him." ?”

Zhao Xu thought to himself, Jim's guess is not completely unreasonable. After all, everything that is happening now must have enough power to be able to do it, and those high-level officials in the current federal government fully have this ability.

But unfortunately, the Ford family does not know the identity of the person behind it, and it seems that this matter will continue to be investigated.

"But I'm afraid I don't have time right now, so I have to take care of it!" Zhao Xu rubbed his brows. There was news from Shengtang Scientific Research Base that the design of the Mars transformation plan was finally completed.

Investigating the manipulators behind the Ford family is important, but it's not nearly as important as terraforming Mars.

After all, the former is just an internal contradiction of human beings. With Zhao Xu's ability, he is absolutely sure to control the overall situation and will not cause great harm to the human world.

But the transformation of Mars is different. This is related to the future life and death of the entire human race. Once Mars cannot be successfully transformed in time and humans cannot immigrate in, it will really be a disaster for them to face an extremely powerful planet.

"It seems that this matter must be handed over to others to investigate!" Zhao Xu thought to himself.

At this moment, Carlos' cell phone rang. He put it on and listened to it by his ear, then suddenly walked towards Zhao Xu.

"What's the matter, who's calling?" Zhao Xu asked strangely.

"Federal President, Kilo, he said he has something to look for you!"

"What does he want from me?" Zhao Xu took the phone in surprise: "Hello, is this President Kilo? Hehe, this should be our first call, right?"

"Mr. Zhao Xu, hello, it's an honor to talk to you!" A calm and thick male voice came from the phone.

"Hehe, President Kilo is being polite. I wonder what you want from me?" Zhao Xu asked.

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then Kilo said in a deep voice: "Mr. Zhao Xu, I heard that you have already caught the person who sold enhanced potions on the black market in North America?"

"Is President Kilo well-informed?"

Zhao Xu smiled lightly and said, "Yes, I did catch someone. You should know the Ford family. They did it, but they were just pawns, and there was a big man behind them. It's a pity that I haven't checked yet. arrive!"

"The forces involved in this matter are not limited to North America. As far as I know, there are now black markets all over the world selling enhanced potions, so I would like to ask Mr. Zhao Xu to hand over all the Ford family members and case information to him." Give it to me, and I will arrange people to investigate, after all, the Earth Federation Government has jurisdiction over all countries, and it is very convenient to investigate!"

"In addition, the enhanced potion was sold privately. This is due to our federal government's ineffective supervision and our negligence. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Zhao Xu to give us a chance to make up for this mistake!"

After Kilo finished speaking, he fell silent, waiting for Zhao Xu's response.

Zhao Xu pursed his lips and said in his heart, "Holy Spirit, what do you think of this matter?"

"I think it's appropriate to hand it over to the federal government. As Kilo said, they have jurisdiction over all countries in the world, which is very suitable for investigating this large-scale transnational case. Besides, aren't you going to transform Mars? This is not the right way to turn the case over." Leave it to someone else!"

Holy Spirit thought for a while, and continued: "In addition, I think that with your current status and strength, if you handle this case yourself, some people may be too scared to show up, but if you leave it to others, those Only those who are in the dark dare to jump out and act, whether they want to destroy the evidence or gain greater benefits, as long as you send someone to observe in the dark, you will definitely gain something!"

"That's right, but only by letting those people move will they reveal their flaws!"

Zhao Xu agreed with this very much, so he said, "President Kilo, I agree to your request. It just so happens that I have important matters to deal with recently, so I will leave this case to you!"

"Then thank you Mr. Zhao Xu!" Kilo pondered for a while, and asked: "By the way, Mr. Zhao Xu, you said there is something important, is it to transform Mars? finished?"

Zhao Xu said with a smile: "Hehe, yes, it is to transform Mars. After all, no one else can do this kind of thing. I have to go there myself!"

"Oh, it's really hard work, Mr. Zhao Xu. Without you, I'm afraid we human beings are really finished!" Kilo sighed and said, "But this time you go to Mars, I'm afraid it will take a few months or even a year?"

Zhao Xu's heart moved, and he suddenly smiled and said, "Not only that, I'm afraid I will have to go for two years. After all, transforming Mars is not about building a house on the earth. Even with my ability, it can't be done in a short time!"

When he spoke, he deliberately raised his voice so that everyone could hear him clearly. I believe that after today, these words will spread to the whole world.

The purpose of doing this is actually to tell those who are hiding in the dark: "During this time, you can just jump out and make trouble as you want. Anyway, within two years, I won't be able to control you."

This is to paralyze the enemy. Once these words are spread, someone will inevitably jump out.

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