Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 484 Transforming the Atmosphere

"Hahahaha, Holy Spirit, tell me the distribution location of the emulators you calculated, we are going to start the installation!"

Zhao Xu laughed loudly, and came to a black ball. Using his arms, he suddenly lifted up the huge ball, which was no less than a meter in diameter. Then, a wave of manufacturing energy covered it, and a huge, incomparably huge ball suddenly appeared on the ground. The cracks look like an endless abyss.

"Let's go!" He shouted, and immediately held the black ball and rushed into the crack.

Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Zhao Xu drilled deep into the ground, and finally arrived at the calculated position after a long while, where he placed the black ball.

In the design of the Holy Spirit, it is made of Super God alloy, that is, the kind of special alloy that can be invented. This alloy is not only strong, but also has strong stability and corrosion resistance, so even if it is placed Hundreds of thousands of years underground, it will not be damaged.

Next, Zhao Xu followed the same pattern and placed other gravity simulators in various places on Mars. When everything was arranged properly, he returned to Guanjiangkou Manor.

At this time, on a piece of grass in the manor, Qin Yinxue was wearing sunglasses, lying on a rocking chair, basking in the sun comfortably, and not far away, there was a home theater playing beautiful music

Of course, Zhao Xu made these things in the past two days for his wife to enjoy.

"Haha, Yinxue, I'm back!" Zhao Xu and the Holy Spirit descended from the sky and landed on the ground.

Qin Yinxue stood up, took off her sunglasses and asked joyfully, "How is everything done?"

"Well, it's all over, now as long as all the gravity simulators are activated, the gravity of the entire Mars will change immediately!"

"Hee hee, well, let's start quickly, I can't wait to witness this magical scene!"

"Holy Spirit, I'll leave the rest to you!" Zhao Xu said.

"Okay!" The holy spirit flew into the air, and the small body flickered with white light again. Suddenly, an invisible wave of information quickly spread in all directions.

These information fluctuations are invisible and qualityless, easily penetrate the formation, extend to the depths, and finally connect to sixty gravity simulators.

Suddenly, all the gravity simulators vibrated and emitted yellow light one after another, and then sixty gravitational forces began to rapidly extend around.

When these sixty force fields spanned several kilometers and met in the formation, they immediately merged and intertwined with each other,

Then it was connected into an incomparably huge force field, and this force field exploded, directly covering the entire Mars inside.

In Guanjiangkou Manor, Zhao Xu and Qin Yinxue stood side by side. When the huge force field radiated towards them, they both felt their bodies sink at the same time, and the feeling of lightness disappeared instantly.

"It really worked?"

Qin Yinxue exclaimed in surprise, she could keenly feel that the power needed to walk on the ground at this moment is exactly the same as that on the earth, which means that the gravity on Mars at this time is no different from that on the earth.

"Honey, you're really amazing!" Qin Yinxue jumped up excitedly, and hung on Zhao Xu's neck, and then kissed Zhao Xu with her rosy lips.

The two kissed until the sky was dark, and they didn't stop until they were almost out of breath.

Qin Yinxue blushed and asked: "Honey, you are really amazing, what should you do next?"

"Sleep with my wife!"

"I hate it, she is pregnant, can I not do this kind of thing, just in case!"

Zhao Xu blinked, coughed and said, "My wife, you misunderstood me. I just want to take a rest. After all, using the original energy for two consecutive days consumes a lot of energy. I need to sleep well tonight. Spirit, continue to work tomorrow!"

Qin Yinxue was immediately ashamed when she heard the words, damn it, I misunderstood, how can I keep thinking about that kind of thing, it's embarrassing.

Zhao Xu smiled wickedly: "Hey, it's okay wife, even if you want it again, just bear with it. When your daughter is born, my husband promises to keep you in bed!"

"Oh, I hate it. Who would want it? You damn ghost, you'll just get it wrong. Do you need to be so persistent!" Qin Yinxue was very dissatisfied, and hit Zhao Xu's chest with her small fist.

"Hahahaha, it's an old couple's business, why are you ashamed, let's go to sleep!" Zhao Xu laughed and hugged Qin Yinxue horizontally, turned around and walked into the house.

After a night of nothing, Zhao Xu left the manor again early the next morning, ready to start the next step of the plan, increasing the thickness of the atmosphere and generating a vast ocean.

In fact, the atmosphere and the ocean are equivalent to the air conditioner of the planet, or the thermostat.

The temperature difference between day and night on Mars is large, and it can even reach above, which is because there is not enough thick atmosphere and ocean.

The ocean has a huge and incomparable heat capacity. It can hold more heat than the land and the atmosphere. When the environment of the planet becomes colder, the ocean can release heat outward to ensure that the temperature of the planet will not drop.

And when the environment of the planet becomes hotter, the ocean can absorb heat to ensure that the temperature of the planet will not rise, which plays a role in maintaining the temperature of the planet.

Although the atmosphere is far inferior to the ocean in terms of heat capacity, the greenhouse gases in it can absorb the solar radiation reflected by the ground, and then reflect the absorbed radiation back to the ground.

This is like a greenhouse, it can trap the heat that was supposed to be emitted inside, and of course it will increase the internal temperature.

Over the years, the temperature of the earth has continued to rise, which is the result of a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. At present, this has become a major problem in environmental governance on the earth.

However, although on Earth, greenhouse gases have become a major scourge, on Mars today, greenhouse gases can only bring benefits. After all, only enough greenhouse gases can increase the temperature of Mars, and finally reach a level that can make The process in which life normally exists.

On Earth, the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide, but on Mars, Zhao Xu did not choose carbon dioxide when he built the atmosphere in the early stage, because relatively speaking, the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide is not the strongest.

In the Mars transformation plan, scientists provided Zhao Xu with a better greenhouse gas, carbon tetrafluoride.

Carbon tetrafluoride is very stable and can stay in the atmosphere for a long time. Its greenhouse effect coefficient is 6,500 times that of carbon dioxide, which is a considerable number.

Only the strong greenhouse effect of carbon tetrafluoride could help Zhao Xu raise the temperature of Mars in the shortest time.

Of course, carbon tetrafluoride is harmful to life, so after completing the construction of the atmosphere and raising the temperature of Mars, Zhao Xu will find a way to replace the carbon tetrafluoride in the atmosphere with oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc., but that is Things for the future.

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