Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 486 Transforming the Ocean

More importantly, 15 million tons is only the raw materials needed in one hour, and these equipments need to run continuously 24 hours a day, so the raw materials needed are even more An astronomical number, even if Zhao Xu was exhausted, he couldn't make it.

Zhao Xu had already thought of a way to solve the huge amount of raw materials needed.

He is going to build a large number of engineering robots. Except for a small part, these engineering robots will be used to maintain the equipment system, and most of the others will be used to mine ore around Mars.

The equipment system designed by Holy Spirit also has raw material production equipment. As long as the engineering robot mines the ore, it can use these equipment to process it into raw materials, and then use it to produce carbon tetrafluoride. In this way, Zhao Xuke will be much less worried. .

So next, Zhao Xu began to manufacture the engineering robots that matched the equipment system. After another five hours, engineering robots and intelligent engineering vehicles went to various places on Mars to mine ore. Some of the robots are specially used for prospecting, and they are completely capable of finding mineral deposits by themselves.

After 15 hours of hard work, Zhao Xu finally completed the first production line of carbon tetrafluoride. Next, he needs to duplicate this production line, including engineering robots, and place it on Mars on average. various places.

Copying is much easier than manufacturing, but it takes five hours to copy one set, so one set takes five hours, which is equivalent to about twenty days.

If the time for eating and sleeping is added, it would take Zhao Xu a month to complete the manufacture of a set of production equipment.

"It's so long and so far away!" Zhao Xu looked up to the sky and sighed, and then started manufacturing equipment without stopping.

For the next month, Zhao Xu was busy. He spent most of his time on equipment manufacturing, and he ate and slept with Qin Yinxue, of course.

Fortunately, with Qin Yinxue's company, he didn't feel lonely. If he really wanted to be here alone, he would probably be driven crazy.

A month later, all the equipment was finally manufactured.

At this time, a set of equipment systems has begun to work in various parts of Mars, and a steady stream of carbon tetrafluoride has begun to be discharged into the sky and the earth.

With Zhao Xu's sensitive perception, he could easily feel that the atmosphere on Mars was getting thicker every day, and I believed that in a few months, it would catch up with the earth.

After solving the problem of the atmosphere, Zhao Xu finally started to think about the ocean.

North and South of Mars,

There is a large amount of solid ice. According to the calculations of scientists, if all the ice sheets in the north and south melt, the huge amount of water can cover the entire Mars to a depth of eleven meters, which means covering the highest peak of Mars.

The way Zhao Xu created the ocean was to find ways to melt the ice between the north and the south.

Of course, he doesn't need to melt all the ice, after all, he still needs to leave enough land for humans to live and survive.

In fact, when the atmosphere thickens and produces enough greenhouse effect to increase the temperature of the entire Mars, the ice layers on both sides will slowly melt and form an ocean. However, the time required for that is really long, and Zhao Xu has no time at all. wait.

So he had to go to the north and south in person to find a way to speed up the melting of the ice.

In the early morning of this day, after leaving Guanjiangkou Manor, Zhao Xu flew to Martian South at lightning speed.

The south of Mars is also covered by a large amount of ice, and it is a vast expanse of whiteness at a glance, and the surrounding temperature is even more icy cold.

In fact, here is not only solid water ice, but also a part of solid carbon dioxide, which is commonly known as dry ice, but the amount of dry ice is far less than that of water ice.

Proportionally speaking, the amount of dry ice only accounts for about fifteen percent of the ice layer. Even so, the amount is already quite large.

Moreover, carbon dioxide is a gas at normal temperature, and the solid dry ice it forms has a much lower boiling point than solid water ice, so once Zhao Xu starts to melt the two layers of ice, the dry ice should be the first to react.

If all these dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide, a huge amount can also accelerate the formation of the atmosphere and expand the greenhouse effect, so that the average temperature of Mars will rise, and the time required will be even shorter.

But the so-called frozen ruler is not a day's cold, and it is not as simple as talking about it to speed up the melting of the north and south ice sheets.

The process of melting ice into water is actually absorbing heat, so in theory, as long as Zhao Xu can provide enough heat, the north and south ice layers can be melted as soon as possible.

If this matter happened to other people, I'm afraid they would have been helpless, but Zhao Xu had already thought of what to do?

His method is actually to manufacture a large number of large nuclear reactors to provide a large amount of heat energy for the ice layer, allowing the ice layer to absorb and melt.

However, many issues are involved, such as the safety of nuclear reactors.

The radiation leakage of nuclear reactions is very harmful, let alone a large number of nuclear reactors. Once all of them leak out, it will be a disaster. Even if Zhao Xu is really on Mars and successfully creates the atmosphere and ocean, the nuclear radiation contained in it may not be able to Let humans live.

Therefore, nuclear leakage must be prevented. In this way, the nuclear reactor cannot be buried inside the ice layer, because once the heat absorbs and melts, the ice layer will change. It is like the movement of the continental plate, which can easily cause vibrations and damage the nuclear reactor. .

In response to this problem, Zhao Xu plans to install an anti-gravity system for the nuclear reactor, so that the nuclear reactor can always float no more than one meter above the ice layer.

In this way, as the ice melts and decreases, the nuclear reactor can also descend, and will never be more than one meter away from the ice, providing heat for the ice at close range without being damaged by the vibration of the ice. Avoid a nuclear leak.

Of course, these nuclear reactors needed the avatar of the holy spirit to operate them. Otherwise, if they were left unattended, no one could guarantee that there would be no accidents. Zhao Xu did not dare to take things like nuclear radiation lightly.

Since it was upgraded to blue to create the original energy, and then continuously strengthened after this period of time, the number of clones that the holy spirit can control has reached tens of thousands.

That is to say, now, Zhao Xu can build tens of thousands of large nuclear reactors, which are placed in the north and south respectively, to melt the ice.

Tens of thousands of nuclear reactors seem like a lot, but compared to the tens of thousands of meters of ice north and south, it seems to be stretched.

But there is no way. After all, building more nuclear reactors without the Holy Spirit’s avatar to manipulate them would be dangerous. Nuclear leaks may occur at any time, and the most important thing is to ensure the future ecological environment of Mars.

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