Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 49 The Expert Has Retreated

Facing Meng Yugui's question, Zhao Xu shook his head firmly: "There is no other way, you can think about it, even if those businesses are sold, the money is yours, and if you invest in serious businesses, you can still make money , not to mention that those businesses that harm others and themselves are not alarmist, if you let the ghosts entangle you, I'm afraid... Sigh!"

"This guy is sighing again!" Meng Yugui was terrified, but he couldn't bear to let him sell the business!

Zhao Xu knew that the heat was almost ready, and it would be counterproductive to force it any further, so he stood up and put the whisk on the sofa: "This whisk can suppress ghosts for three days, and the poor will come again after three days. You can think about it for three days!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out the door directly.

Meng Yugui's face was uncertain, and he suddenly ordered: "Two people follow, and see where this Taoist priest is!" Immediately, two of his subordinates followed.

On the street, the two men quietly followed the Taoist priest. After walking for a while, they saw the Taoist priest suddenly enter a public toilet. The two had no choice but to stand not far away and wait.

In less than two minutes, an old beggar in ragged clothes came out of the toilet and wobbled up to the two of them: "You two kind fellows, the old man hasn't eaten for three days, please take pity on me, please give me some money." !"

"Get away, you dead beggar, don't bother me!" The two cursed in disgust. If they didn't see the old beggar's dirty hands for fear of getting his hands dirty, they really wanted to slap the old beggar twice on the face.

The old beggar had no choice but to leave slowly with a sigh.

The two waited for a while, and seeing that the Taoist priest hadn't come out, they felt that something was wrong, so they immediately ran into the toilet to check, only to find that the Taoist priest had disappeared.

The two were inexplicably horrified: "Damn, did we really meet a fairy?"

They didn't know that after the old beggar walked to a hidden corner just now, suddenly the orange light flashed, and the beggar's clothes all over his body changed into a clean casual clothes. Then he pulled his hair down and pulled Yi The hood was pulled off.

"Hey, you want to follow me, in your next life!" Zhao Xu smiled triumphantly, turned the mask of disguise into ashes, and walked away...

"Did you really not see that Taoist priest coming out of the toilet?" Meng Yugui asked in surprise.

The two subordinates nodded quickly: "Yes, Boss, we have been staring at the toilet and didn't see him come out at all, but when we went in to look for it, he disappeared!"

"It disappeared?" Meng Yugui wondered, could this Taoist priest really be a god?

He looked at the fly whisk in his hand, and suddenly he was full of confidence in the Taoist priest.

That night, Meng Yugui went to bed with Fuchen in his arms. Sure enough, the night was uneventful, he slept until dawn, and the next two days were also peaceful.

Everyone has luck in their hearts, and Meng Yugui is the same. He thinks that Taoist priests may have exaggerated, and maybe there is no need to sell their properties. As long as there is Fuchen, he will not have to be afraid of ghosts in the future.

But the Taoist said that Fuchen could only suppress the ghosts for three days. Meng Yugui wanted to see what happened on the fourth day. If he still couldn't see the ghost, then he decided to keep Fuchen by his side, and he would not return the Taoist if he was killed.

As you can imagine, on the fourth night, Meng Yugui was frightened to death again, and he finally believed the Taoist's words completely: "Woooo... Actually, what the Taoist priest said is right, anyway, even if you sell the property, the money is still there." In your own hands, you can’t make money by just investing in anything at that time? The most important thing is,

Woo...I don't want to see hell again! "

After dawn, Zhao Xu arrived as scheduled: "Benefactor Meng, what are you thinking?"

"Master Dao, everything is up to you. I'll send someone to find a buyer immediately and sell all the properties!" Meng Yugui categorically assured, as if he would fight desperately if anyone refused to let him sell. .

"That's great!" Zhao Xu smiled with satisfaction.

For the next few days, Zhao Xu came to accompany Meng Yugui every night, in the euphemistic name, to help Meng Yugui suppress evil spirits, so that Meng Yugui could handle the property with peace of mind.

Of course Meng Yugui was overwhelmed with gratitude, so he worked harder to find a buyer.

Things went very smoothly, because when he just announced that he was going to sell the property, many buyers came to them immediately, and each of these buyers was fully prepared, as if they knew his plan a long time ago.

Meng Yugui was naturally a little puzzled, but firstly, he just wanted to get rid of the ghost as soon as possible, and didn't want to think about anything else; The industry has been dealt with cleanly.

How did he know that most of those buyers were actually sent by Yang Yuerong.

With Zhao Xu, the "superior" in the mix, most of Meng Yugui's property fell into Yang Yuerong's hands in the end, and Yang Yuerong knew that Meng Yugui was eager to sell, so she lowered the price by 20 to 30%.

But even so, Meng Yugui recovered 300 million yuan, plus the 100 million yuan already in his account, and now he has 400 million yuan in liquidity.

Zhao Xu couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Sure enough, there are still a lot of rich people these days! But now, even if the third step of the plan is completed, buddies should withdraw!"

So, when Meng Yugui sold all his properties and was about to ask the "skilled man" to ask if Li Gui was still there, he suddenly discovered that the "skilled man" had disappeared, and he mobilized his subordinates to overturn Fuyun City. Over and over again, but never found it.

But fortunately, since that day, Meng Yugui has never encountered a ghost when he went to bed at night. He took it for granted that the "expert" must retire after his accomplishments and leave without saying goodbye.

In addition to sighing in his heart that the "superior" is indeed a fairy, Meng Yugui is of course extremely happy. Without the entanglement of the ghost, he thinks that he should once again make great achievements and start a world-shattering career.

But at this moment, an even more "earth-shattering" news sent him to hell, and his bank account was empty.

Meng Yugui asked the bank angrily, where did all his money go?

The bank clerk asked in surprise: "Boss Meng, didn't you come to us in person a few days ago and transfer all your deposits to the Swiss bank?"

Meng Yugui almost didn't come up in one breath, and cursed: "Fart, when did I come to the bank?"

"How can we talk nonsense about this kind of thing? Look, this is the document you signed at that time!"

The bank clerk said aggrievedly, and then took out the transfer slip, and saw Meng Yugui's clear signature and even fingerprints on it.

" is this possible?" Meng Yugui felt dizzy for a while.

Seeing that he still didn't believe it, the bank staff simply took out the surveillance video of the day, which clearly showed that Meng Yugui had indeed been to the bank.

Looking at the self in the video, Meng Yugui's face was full of bewilderment. He couldn't remember in any case, when did he come to the bank?

"But that person is obviously me!" Meng Yugui suddenly had a thought in his heart: "Could it be... Could it be that the ghost has changed, and I still haven't gotten rid of that ghost, God, master, come back and save me Bar!"

It's a pity that the expert is sprinting under the covers at this moment, how can he have the time to pay attention to him!

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