Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 501 I'm afraid of hurting you

"It doesn't matter, I have a sense of proportion and I promise not to hurt him, and you know our rules, every newcomer comes, you have to give him a warning, so as not to be difficult to manage in the future, this kid will be a thorn in the face at first sight, if I If you don’t teach him a lesson today, how will you manage him in the future?”

Galileo said a lot in a logical manner, but in fact it was translated into one sentence, I want to avenge my personal revenge!

Who is Qin Yinxue, an elite agent of the General Staff, who has been on the verge of life and death countless times, and has accomplished many tasks brilliantly.

Her brain is quite clever, and she figured out Galileo's thoughts almost instantly, so she said with a playful smile: "Galileo, since you must fight this Zhou Tao, you must do your best and teach him a good lesson. In fact, I also feel that he is too arrogant!"

The goddess' words immediately made Galileo's heart surge, and he secretly made up his mind to perform well and leave a heroic impression on the goddess.

At this time, the second round of assessment was finally over. After comparing the results, only the top 20 people were left to pass the assessment.

Everyone lined up again, and Galileo came up and said with a sneer: "Congratulations, everyone, for passing the assessment. From today onwards, you will be the employees of the Security Department of the Earth Federation Government Headquarters, but I must remind you that passing the assessment does not represent you. You are the best, and through the battle just now, you can also see that compared with our old staff, you are still far behind, so you must accept more rigorous training in the future!"

"In addition, I can also see from the assessment just now that some of you have stronger power than others, and you didn't use your full strength when fighting. I think it should be very uncomfortable to fight with your hands tied. So now I will give you a chance to play to your heart's content, fight with me, I think I have this ability, let you let go!"

As he spoke, his eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and suddenly he pointed at Zhao Xu: "You, come out!"

"It's really nothing to look for!" Zhao Xu curled his lips. He actually heard what Qin Yinxue and Galileo said just now, and suddenly found that his wife really has the potential of a witch, and he is simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

He gave Qin Yinxue a vague look: "You woman, can't you let your husband calm down for a while, didn't he 'teach' you enough yesterday morning?"

Qin Yinxue also gave back a look: "Huh, this guy hit your wife's attention, shouldn't a husband teach him a lesson? And of course there was no 'lesson' enough yesterday morning. My wife is very dissatisfied with this, so there is Time hopes that you will 'teach me' again!"

Zhao Xu instantly understood the meaning in his eyes, and immediately shivered, thinking that he is really a little goblin, with hooked eyes, hum,

We'll see tonight.

He stepped out of the queue and stood in front of Galileo.

Galileo looked up and down, and asked, "You didn't seem to use your full strength in the battle just now?"

"Yes, sir!" Zhao Xu stood upright and replied with a serious expression.


"Because I'm afraid of hurting him!" Zhao Xu's expression was still serious.

The face of his opponent in the crowd turned black instantly, hey hey hey, even if it's the truth, don't speak so confidently, can you save some face?

Galileo moved his wrist: "Well, now that I'm fighting with you, it's also a chance for you to give your best. Let me see how capable you are?"

"Do your best?" Zhao Xu waved his hands innocently, "No, absolutely not, you are my boss, if I hurt you, how can I stay here?"

"It's okay, just try your best, don't worry, you won't hurt me!" Galileo waved his hand pretending to be magnanimous.

"No!" Zhao Xu shook his head firmly.

"Don't worry, it's okay!"


"I'm your boss, you must listen to me, act now!"



The two of them talked back and forth for more than a dozen sentences, but Zhao Xu always said two words - no, and his expression was still quite pure, as if he decided that he would hurt Galileo.

This grumbling attitude made the people around him quite unhappy, and they wished they could rush up and beat him up.

But Galileo was the most depressing one. He wanted to perform well in front of the goddess, but he didn't expect this guy to be so uncooperative.

And this guy can't do it one bite at a time, making it seem like he will be hurt, how can he bear it?

So Galileo finally broke out, and he yelled: "Shut up, do you still want to do it here? If you say one more thing, I will fire you immediately, bastard, a big man, how do you procrastinate?" , I told you to do your best, you really thought you could hurt me!"

At this time, Qin Yinxue feared that the world would not be chaotic and said: "That's right, Zhou Tao, don't worry about it, this is just a discussion between colleagues, even if you really hurt Galileo, I believe he will not blame you! "

Galileo was depressed. He didn't expect women to have such low confidence in him. It was all caused by this guy in front of him. He must give him a good lesson later.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhao Xu finally didn't refuse this time. He scratched his head and said, "That's what you said. If you hurt him, you can't argue with me, just avenge yourself!"

Galileo's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot: "Don't worry, the big man means what he says. We're just competing for a while. Even if we really get hurt, I won't bother with you!"

"That's what you said, so you do it!" Zhao Xu stood unevenly, his whole body was loose, as if he had no muscles.

Everyone's expressions were strange, and they thought that this kid was too conceited, and he was still fooling around with Galileo.

Among them, there are many well-informed people who know that Galileo's fighting strength is quite powerful, and he is the number one expert in the security department. Few people can defeat him.

So in their view, Zhao Xu was so lax that he was looking for abuse.

Seeing this, Galileo sneered in his heart: "Hmph, boy, how dare you despise me so much, well, I'll show you the strength of a real master!"

Thinking of this, he yelled, his figure disappeared instantly, and appeared on Zhao Xu's left side in the next moment. His left foot was firmly planted on the ground, while his right leg was whipped like a whip. To Zhao Xu's waist.

This leg is fierce and domineering!

This leg, the situation changes color!

This leg shakes the ground!

Everyone watched with all their eyes, a master is a master, as soon as a move is made, the outcome is decided, quack, let that kid not take it seriously, is it over now?

No one thought that Zhao Xu would be able to dodge in this situation, and Liu Xu who was next to him even called out, "Galileo, don't..."

Among the crowd, only Qin Yinxue showed sympathy. Of course, no one thought she was sympathizing with Galileo.

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